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Stres oksidatif pada sistem biologis

sering ditandai dengan beberapa

parameter meliputi:
(1) peningkatan formasi radikal bebas
dan oksidan lainnya,
(2) penurunan antioksidan,
(3) ketidakseimbangan reaksi redoks
pada sel, dan
(4) kerusakan oksidatif pada komponenkomponen sel seperti lemak, protein, dan
DNA (Powers dan Jackson, 2008: 1252).

Indikator Senyawa Stress

(1) golongan oksidan meliputi Superoxide
anions, Hydroxyl radical, Hydrogen peroxide,
dan Peroxynitrite,
(2) golongan antioksidan meliputi Glutathione,
Ascorbate, Alpha-tocopherol, dan Total
antioxidant capacity,
(3) golongan penyeimbang antioksidan/prooksidan meliputi GSH/GSSH ratio, Cysteine
redox state, dan Thiol/disulfide state, serta
(4) golongan produk oksidasi meliputi Protein
carbonyls, Isoprostanes, Nitrotyrosine, 8-OH-dG,
danMalondialdehyde (MDA).

Oxidative stress is characterized by a

decrease of endogenous antioxidant
enzymes and by an increase of oxidation
products of lipids, proteins, DNA and
I think at least you should measure the
enzymes SOD, GPx, GR and oxidation
products: MDA (lipid oxidation product), 8hydroxyguanosine (DNA oxidation product),
carbonyl groups (protein oxidation products).
And finally, total antioxidant capacity.

You could measure: lipid peroxidation,

reduced glutathione, vit A, C, E in plasma and
activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD),
catalase, glutathione peroxidase (GPx),
glutathione reductase (GRx) and glutathione
S transferase (GST) in red blood cells - That is
what has been done in this paper:
Good luck!

Protein carbonylation
(in plasma/serum)
Oxidized LDL
(in plasma/serum)
Uric acid
(in plasma/serum)
Vitamin E (-tocopherol)
(in plasma/serum)

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

(in plasma/serum)
Vitamin A (retinol)
(in plasma/serum)
(in plasma/serum)
(in plasma/serum)

Total antioxidant capacity

(in plasma/serum)

Superoxide dismutase
(in plasma/serum/erythrocytes)

Glutathione peroxidase
(in plasma/serum/erythrocytes)

(in plasma/serum)

Ceruloplasmin (Cp)
(in plasma/serum)

Cp oxidase activity
(in plasma/serum)

(in plasma/serum)
Glutathione reductase
(in erythrocytes)
(in erythrocytes)
(in lymphocytes)

Plasma SH groups and FRAP and,

surprisingly, TBAR's were
significantly lower in free-living
older subjects compared to
younger subjects (P<0.001,
P<0.001, P<0.01, respectively),
but there was no significant
differences in GSH levels.

Lipid and protein oxidation were

monitored by plasma define (TBAR's),
and plasma thiol (SH) group,
antioxidant defences assessed by
erythrocyte Cu/Zn-superoxide
dismutase (RBC Cu/Zn SOD) activity,
ferric reducing antioxidant plasma
(FRAP) assay and plasma total
glutathione (GSH).

we measured postprandial oxidative stress

biomarkers after a high-fat meal. We used several
markers as indicators of oxidative stress.
In plasma you can measure malondialdehyde
(MDA) as a marker of lipid peroxidation, H2O2
(using amplex red reagent methods), advanced
oxidation end products (AOPP).
You can also measure the antioxidant capacity of
the blood through fairly simple techniques such
as trolox equivalent antioxidant capactiy (TEAC).

I think you can get away with

measuring MDA, GSH, and protein
oxidation. If you are measuring an
acute oxidative stress you should see
a decline in GSH and an increase in
oxidized GSH (GSSG). If that's the
case I think it's clear that there was
an oxidative stress. I don't think
there is one right answer.

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