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Nilai, Norma Sosial, Nilainilai Budaya di Masyarakat

- Group conceptions of the relative
desirability of things
- Culturally defined standards held by human
individuals or groups about what is
desirable, proper, beautiful, good or bad
that serve as broad guidelines for social life.
- Ideas about what is good, right, fair, and just
- Important and lasting beliefs or ideals
shared by the members of a culture about
what is good or bad and desirable or

Values have major influence

on a person's behavior and
attitude and serve as broad
guidelines in all situations.
Values represent beliefs and
ideals which form the basis
for choices and preferences,
both at an individual and
collective level

Aspects of the sociological

concept of value:
1.Conviction held
2.values exist at different levels
of generality or abstraction;
3.values tend to be hierarchically
4.values are explicit and implicit
in varying degrees
5.values often are in conflict with
one another

Basic types of value:

a.Values are considered as
absolute, existing in the
mind of God as eternal ideas
b.Values are considered as
being in object
c.Values are located in men
d.Values are equated in action

Social Norms
You cut into the middle of a line by
yourself and stayed in line for at
least 2 minutes?
You sang loudly on a public bus?
You positioned yourself 6 inches
from an acquaintances nose
during a conversation?
You laughed during a funeral?
How would other people behave?
How would you feel?

Social norms are the explicit
and implicit rules specifying
what behaviors are acceptable
within a society or group.
The rules that a group uses
for appropriate and
inappropriate values, beliefs,
attitudes, and behaviors.
It is a set of rules and
expectations by which a

Why do Norms exist?

Norms ensure the survival of the group.
Do you agree with this statement?
Are all norms useful?
Can you think of norms that
persist despite the fact that they
are dysfunctional?
Tautological reasoning: The norms
exist because they work and we
know they work or else they
wouldnt exist!

Social Norms can be enforced

formally (through sanction)
or informally (through body
language or nonverbal
communication cues)
Norms are often transmitted
by non-verbal behavior, for
example with 'dirty looks'
when people act outside the
norms. They may also be
transmitted through stories,

Failure to stick to the rules can

result in severe punishments,
the most feared of which is
exclusion from the group.
By ignoring or breaking social
norms, one risks becoming
unpopular or an outcast.
Social norms are learned
through social interaction.

Macam-macam Norma Sosial:

1. Tata Cara (Usage)
merupakan norma dengan sanksi yang
sangat ringan terhadap pelanggarnya.
Pelanggaran atas norma ini hanya
dinyatakan tidak sopan
2. Kebiasaan (folkways)
merupakan cara-cara bertindak yang
digemari oleh masyarakat sehingga
dilakukan berulang-ulang oleh banyak
orang. Misalnya mengucapkan salam
ketika bertemu, membungkukkan badan
sebagai tanda penghormatan kepada
orang yang lebih tua

3. Tata kelakuan (mores).

Tata kelakuan merupakan norma yang
bersumber kepada filsafat, ajaran agama atau
ideologi yang dianut oleh masyarakat.
Pelanggarnya disebut jahat.
4. Adat (customs).
Adat merupakan norma yang tidak tertulis
namun sangat kuat mengikat, apabila adat
menjadi tertulis ia menjadi hukum adat.
5. Hukum (law).
Hukum merupakan norma berupa aturan
tertulis, ketentuan sanksi terhadap siapa saja
yang melanggar dirumuskan secara tegas.
Berbeda dengan norma-norma yang lain,
pelaksanaan norma hukum didukung oleh
adanya aparat, sehingga memungkinkan
pelaksanaan yang tegas.

Social Norm functions:

a.Social norms make it possible for
the human organism to survive
b.Social norms are the means by
which society is maintained and
the needs of its members are
c.Social norms make it possible for
much of individual behavior to
become automatic, greatly
reducing the number of personal
decisions to be made

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