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English for Translation 1

2nd Class : February 28, 2016

Siti Marina (Irin)


Universitas Terbuka
Korea Selatan


Formative Test 1
Module 1 and 2

Weeds must be kept down so that they will not choke out the young

corn plants. The weeds must be chopped and the soil loosened
around the plants. This must be done three to five times during the
growing season.

Weeds must be kept down so that they will not choke out the young

corn plants. The weeds must be chopped and the soil loosened
around the plants. This must be done three to five times during the
growing season.

Gulma harus dibasmi supaya tidak mematikan tanaman-tanaman jagung

muda. Gulma ini harus dibabat dan tanah di sekitar tanaman tersebut harus digemburkan. Hal ini harus dilakukan tiga hingga lima kali selama musim tanam.

Most corn is ripe about 4 to 5 months after it is planted. The ears are

snapped off the shanks by hand or machine. Corn for livestock feed
must be husked and dried before storing. Snapping, husking, and
shelling the corn in the field can be done in one rapid operation by
machines. Such corn is still so damp that is must be dried under
artificial heat.

Most corn is ripe about 4 to 5 months after it is planted. The ears are

snapped off the shanks by hand or machine. Corn for livestock feed
must be husked and dried before storing. Snapping, husking, and
shelling the corn in the field can be done in one rapid operation by
machines. Such corn is still so damp that is must be dried under
artificial heat.

Kebanyakan jagung matang sekitar 4 hingga 5 bulan setelah ditanam.

Bonggol-bonggol jagung dipatahkan menggunakan tangan atau mesin.

Jagung untuk pakan ternak harus dipipil dan dijemur terlebih dahulu
sebe-lum disimpan. Pematahan, pemipilan, dan pengupasan kulit jagung
di lahan pertanian dapat dilakukan dalam satu pengerjaan kilat menggunakan
mesin. Jagung hasil pemrosesan tersebut masih dalam keadaan basah
sehingga harus dikeringkan dengan panas buatan.

Among the most important tools in the genetic engineers tool kit are

enzymes that perform specific functions on DNA. The image at left

(Voet, Donald 1995 Biochemistry) shows the structure of DNA as a
double helix with the phosphate backbone in yellow-green and the
bases in white or teal green.

Among the most important tools in the genetic engineers tool kit are

enzymes that perform specific functions on DNA. The image at left

(Voet, Donald 1995 Biochemistry) shows the structure of DNA as a
double helix with the phosphate backbone in yellow-green and the
bases in white or teal green.

Di antara perangkat terpenting dalam peralatan kerja insinyur genetik ada-

lah enzim-enzim yang menjalankan fungsi-fungsi khas pada DNA. Gambar

di sebelah kiri (Voet, Donald 1995 Biochemistry) menunjukkan struktur DNA
berupa spiral ganda dengan gugus fosfat dalam warna kuning-hijau dan pasangan-pasangan basanya dalam warna putih atau hijau kebiruan.

The blue and red figures repressent the 3D structure of a restriction

enzyme (EcoR1) which recognizes and cuts the DNA at a specific

region of the DNA. Other enzymes known as ligases join the ends of
two DNA fragments. These and other enzymes enable the manipulation
and amplification of DNA, essential components in joining the DNA of
two unrelated organisms.

The blue and red figures repressent the 3D structure of a restriction

enzyme (EcoR1) which recognizes and cuts the DNA at a specific

region of the DNA. Other enzymes known as ligases join the ends of
two DNA fragments. These and other enzymes enable the manipulation
and amplification of DNA, essential components in joining the DNA of
two unrelated organisms.

Figur berwarna merah dan berwarna biru menggambarkan struktur 3 dimen-

si dari sebuah enzim restriksi (EcoR1) yang mengenali dan memotong DNA
pada satu bagian khusus dari DNA tersebut. Enzim lain yang dikenal sebagai ligase menggabungkan ujung-ujung dari dua buah fragmen DNA. Kedua
enzim ini dan enzim-enzim lainnya memungkinkan manipulasi dan pembiakan DNA, sebagai komponen-komponen dasar dalam penggabungan DNA
dari dua organisme yang berbeda.



Module 5 Learning Activity 2

Finding Nemo


Finding Nemo

CORAL: Mmm-hmm.
CORAL: Yes, Marlin. No, I see it. Its beautiful.
MARLIN: So, Coral, when you said you wanted an ocean
view, you didnt think that were gonna get the whole ocean,
did you? Huh?
Oh yeah. A fish can breath out here.

See Task 2-20 on your Module 5,
Learning Activity 2
Petunjuk penerjemahan yang perlu digarisbawahi:

Teks film berupa percakapan sehingga perlu diketahui situasi percakapan.

Gunakan bahasa informal agar tampak wajar.
Jangan terlalu terikat bentuk dari bahasa sumber.


Formative Test
Learning Activity 2
Example: Task 4
Conversation 4

CORAL: Aww, look. Theyre dreaming. We still have to

name them.
MARLIN: You wanna name all of em, right now? All
right, well name this half Marlin Jr. An then this half
Coral Jr. Okay, were done.
CORAL: I like Nemo.
MARLIN: Nemo? Well, well name one Nemo but Id like
most of them to be Marlin Jr.

Module 6 Learning Activity 2

1. Bo Derek Honored by VA for Work with Veterans

WASHINGTON, Nov. 13 /PRNewswire/ -- Secretary of

Veterans Affairs Anthony J. Principi today presented
actress Bo Derek the highest award offered by the
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for her tireless
efforts on behalf of Americans veterans.


Formative Test
Learning Activity 2
Example: Task 7
Martin Scorseses The Aviator Starring Leonardi

DiCaprio Starts Shooting in Montreal for Initial

Entertainment Group
A Martin Scorsese film, The Aviator stars Leonardo
DiCaprio. It is produced by Michael Mann, Sandy
Climan, Graham King, and Charles Evans Jr. Mr.
Scorsese directs. Exterior sequences will be filmed on
locations in Los Angeles.


See Task 2-17 on your Module 6,
Learning Activity 1
Petunjuk penerjemahan yang perlu digarisbawahi:


Judul dan nama tempat tidak diterjemahkan.

Jangan menerjemahkan kata per kata karena dapat merusak makna
Pemilihan kata diperhatikan sesuai dengan konteks bidang
pembahasan dengan tidak menghilangkan makna dari bahasa
sumber dan tidak menjadi terjemahan bebas dalam bahasa
Perhatikan pola kolokasi yang lazim dipakai baik dalam bahasa
sumber dan bahasa sasaran.

Formative Test
Learning Activity 1
Paragraph 18

On November 7, 2003, the Guggenheim Hermitage Museum

opens A Century of Painting: From Renoir to Rothko, an
exhibition of approximately 47 works from the Guggenheims
extensive permanent collection of late 19th and 20th-century
masterworks. Highlighting the aesthetic vanguard from
Impressionism through Abstract Expressionism, the exhibition
features many of the Guggenheims most beloved works by some
of the eras most influential artists, including important paintings
by Paul Czanne, Marc Chagall, Paul Gauguin, Vasily Kandinsky,
Oskar Kokoschka, Henri Matisse, Amadeo Modigliani, Claude
Monet, Robert Motherwell, Pablo Picasso, Jackson Pollock,
Pierre Auguste Renoir, Mark Rothko, and Vincent van Gogh,
among others.


Please read Module 9 and 10

before the next class


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