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Exercise in class Stage 1

Step 1 - List all the things about you and your

behavior that you should change to become more

effective in work and in a family.
Step 2 - List the feedback you have received from
others about things that you should change.
Step 3 - Add things you have heard people say
behind your back (things they laugh about or
complain about)
Step 4 - Define how you fee about the list.
Clues to define: deflated, elated, glad, sad,

happy, guilty, joyful, depressed, frustrated, anxious

or something else.

Exercise in class Stage 2

Step 5 List all the things that you do that people enjoy

and make you feel good about.

Step 6 - List the strengths that others have mentioned
to you or overhead.
Step 7 List the moments when you have been at your
best in work, at home, with friends, in professional
setting or leisure.
Step 8 For each of these above, add things that you
said or did that were most effective.
Step 9 - Define how you fee about the list.
Clues to define: deflated, elated, glad, sad, happy,

guilty, joyful, depressed, frustrated, anxious or

something else.

What was your feeling?

With the first list
With the second list
This is NEA v/s PEA method of coaching

What are the key challenges for

Attracting, retaining and motivating talent

What is Negative Emotional Attractor (NEA)and

PEA (positive emotional attractor) coaching?
NEA is negative emotional attractor.
Focus on weaknesses.
Is an organizational need.
Hardly a relationship is created
Intends to align real self to the ought self

(self as defined by others e.g. parents,

teachers, employer)
It fires the sympathetic nervous system or
Interferes with the perceived self
Lasting results may not come


It is a nice, sunny
day...you are
taking a nice by
the river side.
Suddenly a
crocodile appears
in your path. Do
you stay and fight
OR do you turn and
run away? These
are "Fight or Flight"
responses. In these
types of situations,
your sympathetic
nervous system is
called into action it uses energy your blood
pressure increases,
your heart beats

Para-sympathetic NS

It is a nice, sunny day

and you are taking a
nice walk along the
river. You sat on a
fallen tree and
listened to the
chirping birds.
This calls for "Rest
and Digest"
responses. Now is the
time for the
nervous to work to
save energy. This is
when blood pressure
can decrease, pulse

PEA implies positive emotional attractor
Perceived self is identified through personal

mission statement.
Real self is identified through strength discovery
self reflection, feedback etc. (what we did in the
beginning in a self coaching mode)
Relationship created between the coach and the
Gap between ideal self and real self defined.
IDP (or individual development plan is created)
Desired behavior practiced till it becomes second

What are the key differences between

NEA and PEA approach?
NEA is based on the sympathetic nervous

system response. This is defensive mode.

Neutral networks are shut to focus on the
defence. Hence openness is compromised.
PEA is based on parasympathetic nervous

system response. Neutral networks are not


What is intentional change theory ICT?

Discovery 1
Ideal self or IS

Discovery 4
Being a leader

Discovery 4
with being a

Discovery 5
support and
encourage each

Discovery 3 Learning
agenda (building on
strengths and
reducing weaknesses)

Discovery 2
Real self RS

Discovery 2
(where IS and
RS are similar)
Discovery 2 A
Gaps (where IS
and RS are

What are the stages of ICT?

Stages of ICT

PEA components

NEA components

Ideal self

PVS/PMS, efficiency,
hope, dreams, values

Ought self,
preoccupation with one

Real self




Things you are excited

about learning or are
eager to try

To-do list, performance

improvement plans


Trying new things,

exploring, getting
positive reinforcement
from others about new
behavior, thoughts and

Repetitive activities
such as skill building
seen as somewhat


Trusting support,
encouragement and
pursuit of dreams

Reminder of progress
on ones learning plan,
constructive or
negative feedback on

What is emotional contagion?

Humans are hard wired to mimic emotions of other

living beings due to neural properties.

In dyadic relationship this exposure is more intense.
Leading is a relationship and dyadic in nature.
Coaching is a dyadic relationship
Hence emotional contagion affect leadership and


What should one focus on while

creating L&D keeping TM in mind?
Analyze the talent existing and the gap
Know base line competency for each role and

then ways of using talent

Review current L&D opportunities
Create criteria for talent devp
Devise devp plan for growing talent
Identify opportunities for talent people
Create a template for succession planning so
that the talent developed is used

How do you make coaching more effective?

Imp HR staff job
Identify orgs readiness for coaching Talented

people have passion. Is the org ready? Can they

demonstrate their talent?
Identify coaches line manages, external, coaches

for remedial, coaches for development. based on

above + coach qualification and accreditations
Clarify the role of coach in relation to the

above. Support the coaching with resources and

information and linkages to career development

What are the key stages in coaching?

Create climate create intimacy, devp PVS/PMS, help define the

competencies required.
Build relationship interpersonal relations, EI, structuring
learning, being open and responsive by the coach, expressing
genuine interest, tuning in to learners (identify how they are
feeling, knowing when to check the response, ability to inspire.
Be open to experience dont cap ambition especially in remedial

Be a solution provider coach to know orgs goals, vision and
strategy. Should be able to help learner manager (need not have
same level of skills as the coached person).
Collaborating link people individually or in teams to share info.

Identify closure close when the task is achieved. Dont drag

on though people like to hang on.

Maintain relationship - maintain relationship or pass on to new

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