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An E-co mme rce Base d Ma rketin g C om pany with

Netw ork s In 12 8 C ountries A nd Grow ing !

Canad London- Iran Japan
a UK Q Dubai- Taiwan
Delaware -
atar UAE Hong Kong
USA India
Kenya Malaysia Thaila
Indonesi ndBrunei
South Sri Lanka
With offices in 9 countries

Regis ter ed In De laware, US A

Op erati ng fro m regio na l HQ In
Mr. Eric Banks

Eric, born in England a design engineer by profession, started his career joining a Swiss based
global company dealing in Wealth Management, with an open ended financial package. (Similar
to MLM).

He owned and managed a group of International Enterprises, dealing in Funds, Wealth & Asset
Management, International O/S Banking, Real Estate projects in Asia Pacific and Europe. He has
gained over the years an illustrious reputation in the world, as a leader in Global Financial and
Wealth Management.
Network Marketing
Internet / E-commerce

Health & Wellness

We are living
organisms, made up
of organs, tissues,
cells etc, which
breaks down to
elements to
molecules to atoms
to electrons, protons
to neutrons to muons
to pions.
• Lack of Energy
• Energy disruption in body
• Interferences from external frequencies
USA Today conducted a survey of
4567 readers and reported that EMF
pollution is the #1 environmental
concern in America today.

Research reports have identified

elevated risks of breast cancer among
women working in jobs with presumed
higher than average exposure to EMFs.

Acceptable EMF 2.5 mG - ELF only

Cell phone can do biological damage through heating effects >>>>
This causes: headaches, earaches, blurring of vision, short-term
memory loss, numbing, tingling, and burning sensations, bad
1))What Causes Cancer (brain
Mutations in tumor suppressor genes
are another common cause of
cancer. As you might expect, a tumor
suppressor gene is supposed to
prevent tumors. But when these
genes are damaged, they can allow
cancer to develop instead of
preventing it. One of these genes,
p53, normally prevents cells with
abnormal DNA from surviving. When
p53 is defective, these cells with
abnormal DNA survive and can
multiply, increasing the probability of
developing cancer (brain tumor).
Simple image on the left picture is
how brain tumor starts:
A resonance technology of the future!
AMizedTM Fusion Technology is a Zero-point
vibrational life force energy. It’s a healing energy
that we can access and use to balance the flow of
energy in the body and bring all aspects (mental,
emotional, physical and spiritual) into harmony. It
creates a long lasting natural AMizedTM
resonance that is in line with our body’s

The energy received is channeled to the points

where it is needed most and when administered
over a period of time, it aids cell rejuvenation and
enhances our inner vitality. It applies the
principle of quantum physics to produce
resonance that cleanses, charges and
rejuvenates our body cells.
AMizedTM Fusion Technology

Cell before use of AMizedTM Fusion

(Kirlian photograph)
AMizedTM Fusion Technology

Cell before and after use of Fractal

AMizedTM Technology
(Kirlian photograph)
Applies a 21 day
proprietary process
which magnifies the
original state of the
mineral to
perfection, which
resonates the life
force energy,
AMizedTM resonance
charges, cleanses and
unblocks the energy
flow in our body which
constitutes of trillion
of cells. Our body
accesses this quality
when you wear or use
our product to
resonate perfectly and
Wearing AMizedTM Fusion
Technology Product helps
•Eliminate electro-smog effects

•Increase the body’s vitality

•Improves body metabolism

•Brings mental clarity


In Photo One the client’s

blood is taken prior to any
exposure to AMized Fusion
Technology Product.
Clumping of the
erythrocytes can be seen.


Same person’s blood, taken 2

hours after use AMized Fusion
Technology Product. Already
improved, the erythrocytes are
singular and free in the plasma.

Photo Three is the same

blood as photo one. The
difference here is that eight
hours have elapsed and the
blood is dead! Only cell
fragments are


Photo Four is the

same blood as in photo two.
eight hours you can see the
blood is still alive and the cells
still have their cellular integrity.
The body systems
transform themselves
into a state of higher
performance thus
creating inner and
radiance strength.
•The nerves system gets electro-charged
•The respiratory system gas exchange
becomes more efficient
•The digestive system gets robust
•The urinary system gets proficient
•The muscular skeletal gets strengthened
•The endocrine system gets harmonized
•The reproductive system gets balanced
•The skin and integument system glows
•The cardiovascular system circulates well
Aging-Wrinkled-Before Young-Smooth-After

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