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Just Got Retired ? Just Get Engaged !

The tragedy of old age is
not that one is old, but that
one is young.
- Oscar Wilde
Before we choose our tools and techniques we must choose our dreams
and values
- Anon
The excitement of learning
separates youth from old age. As
long as you are learning you're not
- Rosalyn Sussman Yalow
Information cannot replace education.
-Imparato and Itarari
Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one
- Malcolm S. Forbes
When one teaches, two learn
- Robert Half
Curious to know …

…Eager to share
Rejuvenation !

A portal for the Retired !

How it works …
Website for retired people
Encourages Membership
Details like Email ID, address,
availability to be given
Give various classifications /options
for branch of study / field of
experience etc.
Multiple Registration facility
Students can browse website for
the right person
Training can be sought in any
Infrastructure lying unused with
colleges / educational institutions
for a large group
More or less like a tuition facility
Extended learning option for slow
or intense learners
Old age is compulsory, wisdom is optional
- Anon
Advant AGE
For the curious to know… For the eager to share…
 Get in depth knowledge  Refresh knowledge
 Get skill training  Reinforce skills
 Get individual attention  Render assistance
 Get real life stories  Recall achievements
 Get prepared for a job  Revive income
 Get multiple views  Regain value
 Get a mentor  Reinvigorate life
Because ‘Life’ is
all about staying
connected …

…to everything
Source Credits -
Illustrations : Internet

Igniting Idea : S

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