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The Cage of Assumptions

Breaking the Cage like Abraham

Growing Up is Hard to Do…
• We miss the adventure
of chasing the wild
goose when we trust our
assumptions more than
what we trust God

• Left Brain ( memory)

Vs. Right Brain

Be Like Children
• Children do not know
limitations… who did you wanted
to be as a Child?
• Unfortunately, when we grow up
things that happen make us
replace our make-believing for
memory , that is how we start
making assumptions
• The older you get the more
assumptions you make, we lose
our sense of adventure
• This generally invades our faith

Out of sight out of mind
• Lets look at our old friend Abraham
• You know the story…right?
• Read carefully and try to find that detail that links into
stopping assumptions
• Lets read Genesis 15 :1-6

The Ceilings
• So why did God tell
Abraham to go outside
of the tent?
• That tent ceiling kept
the promises of God out
of sight for Abraham
• It was God’s way of
seeing, do not put
ceilings on what I can
Big G God
• Many of us end up in the cage of assumptions and miss the spiritual adventure
because we reduce God to the size of our biggest problem, fear or sin.
• When you do this you end up with a God with a small g = god
• A god looks like us and has the same limitations, almost very similar to what is
considered idolatry
• Lets read Isaiah 55:8-9

How different are we from God?
We are not even in the same comparison scale…
• Lets try to imagine how high the thoughts of God are
according to Isaiah… lets toss some numbers out there:
– Light travels at 186,000 miles per second
– So, our sun is 93 million miles away
– If I drive a car @ 65 m/hr. Non stop for 24 Hrs, 365 days
…it will take me 163 years to get to the sun
– Yet light every morning, when it hits your face is only 8
minutes old
– How about other galaxies?
According to God that is about the distance between your
thoughts and His thoughts… 7
Quit Assuming – Start Believing
• When you enter that
beautiful relationship with
God, he teaches you how
Great and magnificent He is
• He teaches you that there is
no ceiling to his power
• And that no Human being
can delimit His power

How to get out of the cage of assumptions
• By developing your Faith…
• Faith is not mindless
ignorance…it simply
refuses to limit God to the
constraints of your brain
• But be careful, we all like to
make excuses on WHY

Excuses, Excuses…Just Assumptions
• I am too old
– Lets read Joshua 14:11
– Caleb was 85 when he took the challenge of being a spy
– Jesus was 30 when He made the transition between
Carpentry and Ministry
– Moses was in his 80’s when he delivered Israel out of Egypt
– Noah was in his 500’s when he built the ark
• I am too Young
– Think of this:
– Mary was probably a teenager when she was appointed to be
the mother of God
– The disciples were probably a bunch of Guys in their 20’s
– David was a kid when he was anointed king of Israel
Remember our Verse: 1 of Timothy 4:12

• It has never been done that way before

– Watch this …
Challenging the Assumptions
• Progress depends on those who are
willing to challenge the assumptions
– AMAZON.com did not assume
you needed a bookstore to buy
– Wikipedia did not assume you
need a huge collection of books
to have an encyclopedia, or
experts on the topics they publish
– Fosbury decided you don’t need
to go forward, he tried backwards
with his jump
• Why did the Pharisees felt so
threatened by Jesus? BECAUSE HE
Take Out some food for your Soul
• Lets think of Abraham…
• As he got older he made less assumptions, he became more faithful.
Abraham was about 75 when God spoke to him, 25 years later, God
fulfilled his promise of a son.
• They felt so fulfilled and happy with God’s promise, that they named their
son “Laughter” = Isaac
• It was a way of God saying, I will have the last laugh…
• So why are you assuming that the Lord cannot make that miracle happen in
your life?


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