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Hand Injuries
Colin Del Castilho
Dr Ian Rigby

Famous Hands

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Hand exam
Hand Infections
High Pressure Injection Injuries
Tendon injuries

Things Not Covered

Carpal fractures/ Wrist fractures
Thermal injuries and Frostbite
Nerve Blocks

6 Finger Hand Exam


Resting posture

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6 Finger Hand Exam,

B both hands
Compare to other hand

6 Finger Hand Exam



Allens test
Control lacerations- direct pressure,
dont clamp
Inflate BP cuff to 30>systolic pressure,
no more than 30 min

6 Finger Hand Exam

D Neurological assessment

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6 Finger Hand exam

D Neurological Assessment
Screening exam
Thumbs up (hitchhiker
Spread finger apart
Maneuver tips of each finger and thumb around
tip of pen

If deficit detected, proceed to more

thorough motor exam

6 Finger Hand Exam

E extension
Test all digits

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F Flexion
Assess all joints
FDP and FSP separately
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Hand Infections

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Herpes Whitlow
HSV 1 60%, HSV 2 40%
Common in children, health care
workers, immunocompromised
Inoculation occurs through breakage
in skin barrier
Incubation period 2- 20 days
Prodrome- fever, malaise, burning,
erythema, tingling in affected digit

Herpes Whitlow
1-3mm grouped vesicles on erythematous
base lasting 7-10 days
Crust over- no longer infective
May recur (remains dormant in nerve

Allow vesicles to rupture on own

Zovirax ointment
Oral acyclovir
Observe for bacterial superinfection- start keflex

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Acute infection of nail bed
Usually staph, may be oral anaerobes
Incision around nail bed to drain pus
Antibiotics usually not necessary
May need to remove nail if abscess
spreads under nail
Finger chewers- clinda


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Abscess of finger tip
S. aureus, oral anaerobes
I and D
Keflex for 7-10 days
Referral to hand surgeon if does not


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Finger tip necrosis

Neuroma (from I and D)
Admit to hospital----immunocompromised, systemic
symptoms, failure to respond to abx

Famous Hands

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Famous Hands

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Name this Infection

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Pyogenic Flexor
Direct inoculation- Staph
Rarely hematogenous spread- NG

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Pyogenic Tenosynovitis
Cardinal Symptoms

Pain on passive extension (most sens)

Pain on palpation of flexor tendon
Symmetric/fusiform swelling
Finger held in flexion

Pyogenic Tenosynovitis
Urgent plastics consult
Antibiotics: IV 3rd gen Cephalosporin,
then adjust based on C and S

Compartment syndrome
Loss of finger function

Clenched Fist
Injury/Human Bite
Most commonly caused by fight bite

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Clenched Fist
Injury/Human Bite
75% involve extensor tendon, joint,
bone or cartilage
Patzakis MJ, Wilkins J, Bassett RL. Surgical findings in clenched-fist
injuries. Clin Orthop 1987;220: 237-40.

May extend to joint capsule

May involve MCP or PIP fracture
50% infection rate -Staph, Strep,
Eikenella. On average- 5 organisms in
Examine in position of injury
Extend wound 3-5 mm either side

Clenched Fist Injury

Uncomplicated early wounds:
Antibiotics: Clavulin
Clinda + Cipro or Septra
Pen + Clox
Avoid first gen cephs- Eikenella resistance

Debridement, irrigation, close by secondary intention

Splint in position of safety if tendon injured
Must have follow up

Complicated wounds:
Referral to plastics
IV antibiotics - cefoxitin, tazocin

Deep Space Hand

Deep Space 5

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Staph, Strep, coliforms

Management: IV Ancef and refer

Famous Hands

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High Pressure Injections

Only requires 100psi to break skin
commonly involve 1000-10,000psi
Index finger most common, non
dominant hand
1000psi = 450 lbs
falling 25 cm

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High Pressure Injections

Damage determined by
Type of injection: Grease/oil, hydraulic
fluid, paint thinner, molding plastic,
paraffin, cement
Finger- 1st and 5th digit may lead to
compartment syndrome in wrist and arm

Direct tissue damage,

vasospasm/ischemia, inflammation

High Pressure Injections

IV analgesia only. Avoid digital nerve blocksincrease ischemia
Immediate Plastics Consult
Factors associate with Amputation- 70% of oil
100% if > 7000psi
Delayed presentation

Hand Fractures

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Distal Phalanx Fractures

Usually from crush injury
Rarely displaced, usually
May have associated subungal
Management of tuft #:
Short finger splint 1-2 weeks (dont
immobilize PIP

Distal Phalanx Fracture

Transverse or Longitudinal shaft #
Stack splint for 4 weeks

FDP avulsion

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Refer to plastics

Intra-articular #s- refer to plastics

Mallet finger will be discussed later

Subungal Hematoma
Previously recommended for nail removal
and formal nail bed for all > 25% of nail
Roser 1999
No difference in long term outcome between
nailbed repair, trephination, or observation only

Trephinate the nail for pain control
Nail bed repair for (i) displaced # fragment (ii)
disrupted nail (iii) consider for large hematoma

Middle and Proximal

Phalanx Fracture
Assess for neurovascular and
tendon/ligament stability
Stable shaft fractures: Buddy tape
with early ROM
Uni or Bicondylar Fractures:
unstable, require ORIF

Middle and Proximal

Phalanx Fractures
Unstable fractures: displaced, oblique or
spiral fractures, comminuted, scissoring
deformity/rotation, unable to reduce or
maintain reduction
Rotational deformity: nail not in line with
mcp, scissoring, finger does not point to
scaphoid tubercle when flexed
Treatment: requires plastics referral
Splint index/ middle in radial gutter splint
Ring/little finger in ulnar gutter splint

Unstable Phalanx
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Metacarpal Fractures


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Metacarpal Fractures
Hand Function can tolerate angulation equal to
CMC joint motion + 10o

5 degrees


5 degrees


20 degrees


30 degrees


Metacarpal Head Fracture

Variant of Boxers #
Will need ORIF:
>1mm step off
>25% intraarticular

Splint in position of
Look for fight bite

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Name the #

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Metacarpal Neck #
Attempt to reduce if:
Angulation > 40o -5th

30o - 4th
15o - 2, 3rd

Splint in position of safety

When to refer to plastics for k wire or ORIF
Any rotational deformity
Shortening > 3-4mm
Unable to maintain reduction

Splint Metacarpal neck #

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Position of safety to
prevent MCP
Hold in reduction
and mold splint until
Must include 4th MC
If MCPs arent
flexed 90 degrees
---> loss of reduction

Metacarpal Shaft Fracture

Accept same angulation as Neck #

No rotation
Shortening up to3-4mm
Reduction technique:
Jahss technique: flex both MCP and PIP
to 90o. Press up on Middle phalanx and
down just proximal to apex of#
Then splint in position of safety

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Metacarpal Shaft #
Unstable: spiral, oblique, rotation,
multiple #s, failed reduction- will
need to refer

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Bennetts Fracture
Axial load on
partially flexed
2 part intraarticular
# w/ CMC
Thumb spica
Refer for ORIF

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3 or more fragments, intraarticular
Thumb spica
Refer for ORIF

Reverse Bennetts
Intraarticular fracture
of 5th metacarpal
Unstable: extensor
carpi ulnaris
Management: plastics
referral for K wire
insertion or ORIF if
any displacement

Famous Hands

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DIP Dislocation
Less common- more stability due to
insertion of extensor/FDP tendons
Usually associated with skin
breakage- need antibiotics
Reduce similar to PIP dislocations
If not reducible or unstable - refer to

PIP Dislocation

Mostly dorsal-- hyperextension injury

Maybe ulnar
Need Xray to rule out fracture
May have associated avulsion

PIP Dislocation
Splint in 30o flexion or buddy tape for 3
weeks, refer to hand clinic
Early ROM
Refer if
Unable to reduce
Instability with active ROM
> 20o instability with passive ROM

Volar dislocation: attempt closed reduction

Reduction Technique

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PIP Subluxation +/- #

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PIP Subluxation +/-#

Xray in full extension
Wont be able to maintain reduction
in extension
Splint and refer for extension pin

MCP dislocation
PIP almost always
dorsally angulated
Associated with
volar plate injury
May be associated
with avulsion
fracture or sesmoid
bone in joint

MCP Dislocation
Flex wrist (relax flexor tendons) and press on
proximal phalange in volar direction
Do not hyperextend or place traction on finger as this
may pull volar plate into joint
Cant reduce if volar plate in joint- refer
If sesmoid bone in joint- refer

Volar dislocations require ORIF

Rupture (partial/complete) of ulnar
collateral ligament
Mechanism: valgus stress on MCP or
fall onto abducted thumb
Exam: >35o = complete tear
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Partial: thumb
spica for 4 weeks
then physio
Complete: refer

Stener lesion:
aponeurosis in
joint space- refer

Associated #

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Famous Hands

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Flexor Tendon Injuries

Test FDP and FSP separately
Closed wounds uncommonexception is jersey pull of fifth digit
Explore open wounds
If suspected: splint wrist in 30 of
flexion, MPs at 70 of flexion,
and PIPs at 30-45 of flexion and
refer for repair in OR

Extensor Tendon Injuries

















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Extensor Tendons

Examine in position of injury

>50% repair
May have normal function with >90%
Can be repaired in ED
If open- abx
Figure of 8 or horizontal mattress

Suturing Technique


Zone 1
Check Xray
Closed Incomplete- splint 6-8 weeks
Closed Complete (Mallet finger)splint 6-8 weeks

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Management of
Closed Mallet Finger
Tendon Rupture but
NO fracture
Splint X 6

Avulsion Fracture

Small frag

Large frag

Splint X 6wks

for pin

Open Mallet Finger

Open Incompleterepair
Open Complete Repair with Roll
Splint 6-8 weeks

Complication: Swan
neck deformity

Zone II
Treat like zone I

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Zone III
Mechanism: extended finger forced
into flexion ie jammed finger

Zone III
Extension splint for 6 weeks (leave DIP free)
Refer to physio at 6 weeks for ROM exercises

Splint and refer for

avulsion # at base of middle phalanx

unstable joint (associated collateral injury)
irreducible volar dislocation
Boutonniere deformity not correctable by
passive PIP extension

Zone III
Open: may attempt repair
Complication: Boutonniere deformity
(volar slip of lateral bands)

Zone IV
Bigger tendon,
easier to repair
Partial-splint 4
Complete and
Closed: Splint 6
weeks with physio
at 6 weeks
Complete and
Open: repair

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Zone V and Zone VI

May be repaired in ED
Zone V- if associated
with sagittal band and
dorsal hood injuryrepair or refer
Splint with wrist 30o
extension, MCP 20o
flexion, digits in

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Nerve Injuries
Median and Ulna- refer for immediate
or delayed repair (10days)
Radial nerve repairs may delayed up
to 3 months
Digital Nerve: repair depends on
Thumb, radial aspect index, middle =
grip , ulnar aspect of 5th
Only refer if proximal to DIP

Famous Hands

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Arterial Injuries
Radial/Ulnar artery injuries need
Digital arterial injuries: assess
clinically- if no ischemia, does not
need repair (collateral circulation)
Assess for associated nerve injury


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Amputations distal to DIP

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Amputated part--- clean, wrap in saline soaked
gauze, place in sealed bag, place in half ice/half
H20 (4oC)
Stump: clean, dont debride, wrap in saline
soaked gauze
Tissue bridge- leave intact, may contain
Complications post replantation: cold
intolerance, loss of ROM , pain,
anesthesia, paresthesias, poor 2 point
discrimination, malunions, and nonunions.

Local Hand Resources

Foothills hand clinic 944 1432
Lindsay Park: 221-8340
PLC: 291-8785
RVH: ph 943-3575, fax 943-3332
fill out form, refer from ED
OT/PT will contact pt based on priority

ACH: ph 229-7912, fax 541-7501

fill out form, refer from ED
OT/PT will contact pt w/i 48h

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