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Computer Programming

Computer programming (programmingorcoding)is the process of

designing, writing,testing,debugging, and maintaining thesource
codeofcomputer programs.
Acomputer program(alsosoftware, or just aprogram) is a
sequence ofinstructionswritten to perform a specified task with a
This source code is written in one or moreprogramming languages.
The purpose of programming is to create a set of instructions that
computers use to perform specific operations. These set of instructions
form a program
For each program to work properly, we need to develop the logic of the
computer program
The Program Logic will be converted into programming language
instruction later executed on computer

Program Logic
Program logic (also known as
outcome model, outcome logic, logic
model, or outcome hierarchy) sets
out what a program will do and how
it will do it.
Logical analysis and thinking is
needed to develop the program logic

Logical Models
Logical models are programming language
independent and logic writing concepts are
used across all programming languages
Step (1): Creating of logical models
Step (2): Program language statements

Since the logic is used to design the solution,

construction of logic is a key to good solution
Hence a logical model is similar to blue print to
a good solution
Example: Construction of House

Logical Analysis
Logical Analysis generally consists of
identifying the inputs, activities, outputs,
and outcomes (from immediate, to long

Why we need logical

Provides a common road map for programmers
to follow, or at least be guided by it.
By clearly identifying the immediate and
intermediate outcomes in program logic, you
are able to monitor whether you are on track,
and evaluate the likelihood of continued
success, or the need to take corrective action.
Strengthens the end project design by
clarifying what tasks need to be undertaken
and whether new tasks are required

Logical Thinking
Logical thinking is a skill
which is considered
important to develop from
elementary programs to live
With logical thinking skills,
learners solve the problem
by doing various mental
practices or reaches
principals or rules by doing
some abstraction and

The basis of all logical

Sequential Thought
This process involves taking the important ideas,
facts, and conclusions involved in a problem and
arranging them in a chain-like progression that takes
on a meaning in and of itself
To think logically is to think in steps
Logical thinking is the process in which one uses
reasoning consistently to come to a conclusion
To improve logical thinking skills, we need to have
higher level reasoning skills

Developing a Program
This Logical analysis and thinking helps
to develop program logic in the project
planning stage.
This allows you to clarify how a program
will achieve the desired change, and
what needs to be delivered to achieve
the change
A backcasting approach is used to
develop the program logic

Backcasting Approach
This involves identifying the long-term outcomes of the
project and subsequently working backwards to
identify the necessary steps required to achieve these

A backcasting approach to planning

To Summarize
Program logic is the plan for solving a
problem and the program is the
implementation of program logic with
programming language statements.


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