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Characteristics of living organisms

B2. Cells
B3. Enzymes
B4. Nutrition
B5. Transportation
B6. Respiration
B7. Coordination and response
B8. Reproduction
B9. Energy flow in ecosystems
B10. Human influences on the ecosystem

Anucleusthat controls the activities of the cell

Cytoplasm,where most of the chemical

reactions take place. The reactions are controlled

Acell membranethat controls what enters and

leaves the cell

Mitochondriain the cytoplasm where respiration

takes place to release energy

Golgi body- produces the membranes that surround

the lysosomes. The Golgi body packages proteins and
carbohydrates into membrane-bound vesicles for
"export" from the cell.

lysosome- (also called cell vesicles) round organelles

surrounded by a membrane and containing digestive
enzymes. This is where the digestion of cell nutrients
takes place.

nucleolus- an organelle within the nucleus - it is where

ribosomal RNA is produced. Some cells have more than
one nucleolus

ribosome- small organelles composed of RNA-rich cytoplasmic

granules that are sites of protein synthesis.
rough endoplasmic reticulum- Rough ER is covered with
ribosomes that give it a rough appearance, transports materials
through the cell and produces proteins in sacks called cisternae
smooth endoplasmic reticulum-The space within the ER is
called the ER lumen, transports materials through the cell. It
contains enzymes and produces and digests lipids (fats) and
membrane proteins
vacuole- fluid-filled, membrane-surrounded cavities inside a
cell, fills with food being digested and waste material that is on
its way out of the cell.

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Plant cells have:

Acell wallmade ofcellulose, which
strengthens the cell and provides support
They often have:
Chloroplastswhich contain the green
pigmentchlorophyll. This absorbs light
energy forphotosynthesis
Apermanentvacuolefilled withcell sap,
which provides support

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Cells are to small to see with
naked eye
We use microscope to magnify
1. Light microscope
2. Electron microscope


has two lenses, the eyepiece lens and objective lens

how do you work out the total magnification

multiply the magnifying power of one lens by the
power of the other

Magnifying power
TOTAL MAGNIFICATION = of eyepiece lens

Light microscopes can magnify 1000 times

Magnifying power
of objective lens



things are to small to be seen with a light

microscope, instead we use an electron
use a beam of electrons instead of light rays
the image shows up on a fluorescent screen, can
be photographed
can magnify up to 500 000 times
help us to see the structure inside cells in detail

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