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The First Commandment

The First Commandment - In Modern

Secular Society
God has become a, relic of the past in modern society. Opening the
way for a more religious tolerant culture. People dont put as much
weight on God as they used to, so people care less about different
The reaction thats been seen in this more secular society is a trend in
multiple religions of a, surge of various sorts of fundamentalisms
The struggle today though is not religion vs. secularism but a choice
between three forms of faith

Three Forms of Faith

These forms of faith refer to various, centers of value around which
we organize our confidence and loyalties in a more secular society.
Thus Gods refers to value centers and objections of devotion
Henotheism - social faith in a group (tribe, nation, race). Whatever value is in relation to
this center of value is important (insiders vs. outsiders)
Polytheism - When disappointed social faith diversifies objects of confidence and
loyalty. (Sometimes they live for Jesus God, sometimes their country, and
sometimes for Yale)
Radical Monotheism - the principle of being is the principle of value. (No one reality
among the many but to One beyond all the many, whence all the many derive their

Secular Faith In Relation To The First

Original First Commandment (Deuteronomy 5:6-7)
I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other
gods before me.
Secularized Summary of First Commandment in Modern Society (Walter Harrelson)
Do not have more than a single ultimate allegiance

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