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Why I chose Kanchan for my case study?

While working on this project we touched the lives of many students for better undoubtedly . However out of the large class
size I chose Kanchan because given her challenges I had to use multiple strategies to address them. I really loved the
challenge where I had to make Kanchan believe in herself. I also admire her efforts which helped me bring a positive change
in her. Kanchan is all charged up now to put in her best in everything .One can see the spark in her eyes.
I strongly feel that motivation is the best gift which a teacher can give to the students because it helps them put in their best
efforts even in absence of the teacher.
However Motivation is not permanent! I will ensure I keep all my students motivated on a regular basis.


Dundahera Senior Secondary
Kanchan is the eldest daughter of her Family .Her
father is a security guard and the only earning member
of the family .Kanchan is no different than other girls
of my class in terms of physical appearance , common
sense and behavior. She is obedient in the classroom.
Very responsible and sensitive person(always submits
her fee on time ,never forgets to carry her textbook to
school).She is a very quiet girl who was always seen
in the last row when the session began . She never
Kanchan of class 9th B is
creates any nuisance in class . It would have been very practicing cursive writing to
improve handwriting
difficult for me to find out in absence of weekly
assessment that she is not responding and absorbing
what is being taught in class . However after the
diagnosis the journey for improvement began and is
still going on....

Flash card activity Forming

simple sentences

Learning Level and Behavior of Kanchan at the beginning of session

1. She was a quiet girl who hardly participated in class interaction and did not reply when I asked questions
from text
2. She had a poor attendance in the beginning of the session
3. She was not motivated to learn and she remained very passive in classroom
4. She did not score well in weekly assessments

Classroom Intervention
My interventions targeted 3 major areas:
1. Home work
2. Academic class room performance.
3. Social skills


1. Remarkable change noticed in terms of classroom participation
2. Visible improvement in weekly test score
3. Started responding in class
4. Improved Handwriting
5. Completes her notebook/Homework on time and Looks motivated to learn
After a short informal interaction with Kanchan I realized that Kanchan is motivated to learn now, which
makes me feel that half of the battle is won. As it is much more easier to work with a motivated child . As
a language teacher I understand that Language learning is a gradual process . But constant efforts will
surely make her better in coming years.

Interactive Activities :Teaching Techniques and Programs used with Kanchan Kumari
Apart from the regular teaching & leaning in classroom I used below techniques with Kanchan

Encouraged her for Making and maintaining her own Dictionary where all the new words leant during a lesson are jotted down on
everyday on a daily basis
Cursive Writing notebook was introduced which was dutifully completed by her and helped her improve her hand writing
Lots of repetition in classroom to ensure learning becomes more concrete
Small Steps: Breaking down Chapter /Poem in small units
Involved her in class by asking comprehensive questions after finishing a stanza/ a paragraph
Quiz sessions were organized more frequently to stimulate brain . Oral questions(easy ones) were put to her so that she gives up
hesitation and starts responding
Some easy multiple answer type questions ,Fill in the blanks (easy to recall) were included in the test which specifically helped to
boost her confidence and pulled up her score in weekly and monthly assessments
If she scored bad in a test ,a retest was conducted and she was encouraged to do better, which she did . In fact my experience says in
Re-Test of same topic most of the children do better

Feedback from Parents and Teachers


Good feedback from Parents saying that she has started giving more hours to her
Very good response from all the subject teachers .Overall improvement is noticed .
Nikhil Maam who is her Maths teacher was very glad that I chose her for my case
study because she is now very happy with the way Kanchan has started performing in

Inspiring and Motivating Factors


Class Room Lessons simplified as per the level of student

Individual Attention in classroom
Motivation and Applause after every visible improvement
Beyond Classroom interaction with students to discuss why education is important for them
Use of technology

Kanchans Family


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