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Business Ethics

Lord of the flies
Presented by:Rahat Sareen (278)
Rohit (279)
S. Madhu (280)
Raghavan (281)

Civilization is merely a thin faade,

a veneer which when removed
leads to chaos !!

Societal life is an artificial construct that binds us to rules and

regulations in our everyday life.
Without such rules binding us, our true nature comes to the
The movie is set in the backdrop of a group of young boys
abandoned to their devices an island.
Without any adult supervision, they soon exhibit all
characteristics of the inherent human nature.
This situation is representative of the real world. When man is
strong enough to disregard societal rules without any fear of
consequences, his darker side drives him.
In this presentation, we look at issues of ethics involved with a
focus on the corporate world.

A group of boys find themselves on a uninhabited island.
Without any adult supervision, they quickly loose all semblance
of social rules and descend into a very primitive form of living.
Ethical nature" is not inherent in mankind. There is a certain
capacity for evil that resides in man; his morality is simply
superficial. Nonetheless, it is this moral integrity that must
prevail in order for him to be ethical and thus for society to be
maintained. Without this suppression society caves in upon
itself, lawlessness reins and life becomes a free-for-all.

First, it must be understood that the boys' lives on the island
represent a world-wide society.
Although one cannot be sure of Golding's motives for choosing the
island setting, it was probably because it works best to have the
characters isolated, where the laws of their governments cannot
reach them.
Also, why did Golding choose children instead of adolescents, or
even adults? Most likely because children have not yet been fully
conditioned by society to understand right from wrong, and thus in
this ignorance, most of them are guided by their instinct and what is
inherent within them.

The Beast is the evil that resides within man. The children were
all aware that such a beast exists, but none of them realized
(except Simon) that it lies within them. Manifested in three forms
throughout the story, the Beast constantly plagues the littluns -the least conditioned by society.
Ralph represents law, order, organized society and moral
integrity. Throughout the movie he is constantly making common
sense rules for the boys to follow. As chief, he knows right from
wrong. At the end of the movie he too realizes that man is not a
kind creature by nature. Anarchy finally hunts down society in the
end, but Golding does not let us know which side would win
without intervention.

Jack (and his tribe) represent anarchy. Jack did not have the
integrity to keep the Beast at bay. He is the perpetrator of the
two deaths that occur on the island and wishes to spend his time
hunting (killing) instead of helping Ralph with rescue.
Piggy symbolizes knowledge and morality. Without Piggy to help
Ralph it is very possible that Ralph may have lost sight of things
and given in to the Beast. Jack, who, throughout the movie
systematically removes the forces opposing him, is scornfully
afraid of Piggy and eventually kills him to eliminate his moral
influence on the group, which conflicts with his plan to rule with a
tribalistic, survivalist morality.

The Conch is a symbol of the high hand of authority. Used to call

meetings, it is magical to the boys, who for the most part respect it. In
the end, when it is destroyed, authority on the island is gone and
Ralph is left to fend for himself.
The Signal Fire is a representation of common sense and rescue from
immorality. When the signal fire can no longer be lit, because Jack
stole Piggy's specs that light it, its beacon of hope and knowledge is no
longer present to guide Ralph who must then be constantly reminded
by Piggy about what is right.
Piggy's Specs although not a clear symbol in the movie, their being
first broken, then stolen by Jack, shows a slow and inescapable
descent into anarchy and evil.

Ethics Involved
Conflicts between living by rules, peacefully and in harmony and the
will to power.

Demonstrated by Jack, who was hungry for power and wanted to

make his own group of people, while Ralph, who wanted to live by the
code of ethics.

US has invaded several countries with impunity without any regard

for international norms and UN resolutions.

Dominican Republic

Nestle promoting its formula as substitute for mothers milk.

So now, is this going to have a big

effect on our business model? No,
because we did not develop this
product for the Indian market, let's be
honest. I mean, you know, we
developed this product for Western
patients who can afford this product,
quite honestly

In our case, the Indian government said "No, no, your patent is
valid, and this is a product for kidney and liver cancer. Your patent is
valid we just think you charge too much. And because you charge
too much you have to do a mandatory license to a generic company
in India that is now going to make this drug and sell it. And on that
low price that they will sell it for, you will get 6% royalty." And that
was a government decision. So we had a patent but somebody else
is allowed to make this product and because there is not enough
access to this product for poor Indians. I don't know if you've even
been to India, there are a lot of poor Indians obviously, and the
hospitals aren't that close by [laughs] to where they live, so we
found that this was extremely politically motivated and essentially, I
would say, theft."

The collapse of Swissair. The airline

was once so financially solvent it was
called the "Flying Bank." However,
they began to believe they were
invulnerable and as a result of failing
to question poor decisions and gross
mismanagement, the airline
eventually went bankrupt.
TheBay of Pigsinvasion. An invasion
was planned by the Eisenhower
administration, but accepted by the
Kennedy administration without
question when they took over. The
administration ignored questions and
accepted stereotypes about the
Cubans without questioning whether
the Central Intelligence Agency

The bombing ofPearl Harbour.

Many of the senior officers at Pearl
Harbour did not take warnings from
Washington DC about potential
invasion seriously despite the fact
that Japanese messages had been
intercepted. Those who didn't take
action believed that the Japanese
wouldn't dare to attempt an assault
against the U.S. because they would
recognize the futility of war with the
United States.

Reliance manipulating the license quota regime to beat the


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