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Outcomes of mental activity

such as memorizing, reading

problem solving, analyzing,
synthesizing, and drawing

Blooms taxonomy of cognitive

domain is arranged according to
the lowest level to the highest
1. Knowledge


recognizes students
ability to use rote memorization and
recall certain facts. Test questions
focus on identification and recall
What happened after...?
How many...?
Describe what happened at...?
Can you name the...?

Sample verbs of stating specific

learning outcomes:
(cite, define, label, list, match, name,
recognize, name, reproduce, select,
2. Comprehension involves students

ability to read course content,

interpret important information and
put others ideas into words. Test
questions should focus on the use of
facts, rules and principles.

Who do you think...?

What was the main idea...?
Can you distinguish between...?

Sample verbs of stating specific

learning outcomes:
distinguish between, give examples,
interpret, summarize)
3. Application

students take new

concepts and apply them to new
situation. Test questions should

From the information given, can you

develop a set of instructions about...?

What factors would you change if...?
Would this information be useful if
you had a ...?
Sample verbs of stating specific
learning outcomes:
(apply, arrange, compute, construct,
operate, predict, relate, show, solve,

4. Analysis students have the ability to take

new information and break it down into

parts and differentiate between them. The
test questions focus on separation of whole
into component parts.
. How was this similar to...?
. Can you distinguish between...?
. What are some of the problems of...?
Sample verbs of stating specific learning
(analyze, associate, determine, diagram,
estimate, point out, infer, outline, separate)

5. Synthesis

students are able to take

various pieces of information and form a
whole creating a pattern where one did not
previously exist. Test questions focuses on
combining new ideas to form a new whole.
. Can you design a ... to ...?
. What would happen if...?
. How many ways can you...?
Sample verbs of stating specific learning
(combine, compile, compose, construct,
create, design, develop, devise, formulate,
integrate, modify, revise, rewrite, tell, write)

6. Evaluation involves students ability to

look at someone else ideas or principles

and the worth of the work and the value of
the conclusion.
. Is there a better solution to...
. Do you believe?
. How effective are...?
Sample verbs of stating specific learning
(appraise, assess, compare, conclude,
contrast, criticize, evaluate, judge, justify,

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