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Good morning, friends and teacher.

How are
you today?
First of all, Id like to introduce myself. My
name is
Today, I want to present you about

The objective of this presentation is to inform you
about water facts.
I will be using the projector and this laptop and this
presentation will last for 10 minutes. If you have any
questions, Id be glad to take them at the end of this
Ladies and gentlemen.
I have divided this presentation into several points.
Firstly, I will talk about water elements.
Secondly, I will tell you about water states.
Next, I will inform you about the earth surface
coverage by water.
Following that, I will tell you about the largest oceans.
Then I will tell you about some other facts of water.
Alright, lets move on to the first point.
Ladies and gentlemen. The first fact of water is
1. Water Elements
Water consists of two elements. They are ....
a.hydrogen (H)
b.Oxygen (O)

The chemical formula is H2O. It means in water

there are
2 hydrogen atoms (H2) bonded to a single oxygen
atom (O).
Thats all about the first fact. Now we move on to
The second fact is
2. Water States. There are three states of water, they
are, and.

Liquid is when water is in room temperature.
Solid is when it is frozen. Gas is when it is
boiling. Thats all about water states. Let us now
go on to the third fact.
The third fact of water is about
3. Earth surface coverage by water.
Ladies and gentlemen.
70% of the earth surface is
covered by water. Only 30%
Land. Look at the ocean
map of the world.
Water covers most of the
OK. Now let me move on to
the fourth fact.
The fact 4 of water is
4. The Largest Oceans.
There are three largest oceans
in the world. They are
a.the Pacific Ocean (largest),
b.the Atlantic Ocean (second
largest) and
c.the Indian Ocean (third
See the ocean map.
Alright. Now lets move on to
another fact.
Another nice fact of water is
5. Ocean Tides. There are three main reasons of ocean tides.
They are , . and.

sun acting on the oceans Earth rotation

thegravitationalpull of the Moon
My next fact of water is..
6. Water types. On the earth, there are three types of water.
They are, . and..

seawater fresh water groundwater

Another fact is water as
7. Solvent. Water dissolves three things. They
are.., and

sugar acid
The other fact of water is the
8. Longest River. The longest is The second longest
is The longest in the US is

Amazon River Missouri River

Nile River
(6400 km/4000 (2,340miles/3,770
miles). km)
Other nice fact is
9. Water Cycle. It begins with, next., after
that., then and finally
a. Evaporating (turning into a
b. Rising to the sky,
c. Cooling & condensing into
tiny drops of water/ice crystals
seen as clouds,
c. Falling back toEarth as rain,
d. Snow or hail before
evaporating again and
continuing the cycle.
One important fact you should know is about
10. Pure Water. Water is considered pure when it has
and of
a.no smell
b.no taste,
c.pH level around 7.
11. Boiling temperature is another fact to know about
water. Water boils when the temperature is .and
when it reaches.

a. 100C (212F) at the

normal conditions of sea
b. 68C (154F) on the top
of Mount Everest
One unique fact of water is its.
11. Movement. Water and

Moves up narrow tubes

against the force of gravity
Flows down the rivers (capillary action)
12. Drinking water (human)
13. water industry to homes
a. purification,
b. sewage treatment,
c. filtering,
d. distillation
e. plumbing.
14. Water sports
ice skating,
ice hockey,
15. Energy
water turbines connected to generators.
hydroelectric power stations.
Ladies and gentlemen. Now we come to the conclusion.
To conclude this presentation, here are the main points.
There are 16 facts of water. They are water elements,
water states, earth surface coverage by water, the
largest oceans, ocean tides, types of water, water as a
dissolvent, the longest rivers,.

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