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Department Of Mining Engineering

University Of Palangka raya
PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara is a copper and gold ore mine located in Su
mbawa Regency of West Nusa Tenggara province with a system of surface m
ining (surface mining) with the Open Pit method.
Mining (mining) can be done with profitable if it clearly known how big
the mineral reserves (mineral reserves) were found. These mineral deposits a
re a result of the study of the feasibility of mineral resources (mineral resourc
es) based on a number of factors, namely the economy, technology, environm
ent, legislation, etc. Feasibility studies can be started against the mineral reso
urces that are already known quantities or quantities and quality class (catego
ry) in particular that based on exploration has a high level of confidence, or h
ad errors low when mined.
Location map of the regional accomplished
Then to achieve research area can be reached by the following means.
Departing from Palangka Raya towards Surabaya, airplane takes
approximately 45 minutes. From the city of Surabaya (Juanda
International Airport) and the anticipated time of approximately 1 hour
10 minutes, then resumed flights to Mataram city it takes 50 minutes.
So the total time it takes about 2 hours, not including the length of time
the transit at Juanda international airport, where depending on the time
of departure changes by the existence of the problem of domestic flight
Of Indonesia. Interface of the East Lombok takes about 2 hours drive.
Then forwarded by using the sea using speedboats heading Benete Port
Maluk which took about 1 hour 40 minutes. After that continued with
the four-wheeled journey to mining PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara.
formulation of the problem

1. What is the actualization of calculation of esti

mation in the tonnage of material (Au, Ag, Cu) in
PT. Newmont Nusa Tenggara?.
2. Is there a difference between the plan (planni
ng) and actual (real) field in calculating the tonn
age of material (Au, Ag, Cu) in PT. Newmont Nus
a Tenggara?
3. What are the Factors that affect the degree of
congruence between the plan (planning) and ac
tual (real) in calculating the tonnage of material
(Au, Ag, Cu) in PT. Newmont Nusa Tenggara?
Limitation of the problem

1. The compilers only evaluates the estimated

calculation of tonnage materials (Cu, Au, Ag)
from the Department of mining, MMA (Maini
ng Maintenance Area)
2. The compilers did not discuss on the calcul
ation of tonnage of waste
Appraising Reserve
Below indicated several reasons why the valuation of the reserves is very
important in the mining industry:
a calculation result) gives the quantity as well as quality (rate) deposits.
b) gives an estimate of 3-dimensional geometry of the sediment as well as the
distribution of space (spatial) from its value. It is important to determine the
sequence/phases of mining, which in turn will affect the selection of the
equipment and the NPV (Net Present Value) from the mine.
c) total reserves determine the age of the mines, it is important in relation to
the design of the processing plant and other infrastructure needs.
d) boundaries of mining activities (pit limit) based on estimated reserves.
These factors must be considered in determining the location of the disposal
of the soil/rock cover and tailings (waste dumps and tailings impoundment),
processing factories, workshops and other facilities. Because of all of the
above technical decision really depends on him, the valuation of the reserves
is one of the most important task and heavy responsibility in evaluating a
mining project. It should also be remembered that the valuation of the
reserves generate an estimate. The backup model is made of a realistic
approach, based on the data or information owned, and still contains
Valuation Methods

1. Valuation of the Backup manually (cross-sec

2. The method of Polygon
3. The method of Triangle
4. Inverse distance method
Block Models Of Geology

The definition of block model of geology is a de

sign on the software of the mine containing abo
ut a picture on the pit and contains blocks that
are deliberately made to determine the volume
of material in the pit with the size of the specifi
ed company and created by geological teams
The Examples of Type Block Model in Genera

1. Model Blok Teratur (Regular Block Model)

2. Gridded Seam Model
3. Model Blok Tak Teratur (Irregular Block Mod
Diagram Alir Penelitian


Studi Pustaka :

Studi pustaka
- Referensi
- Referensi
. Refere nsi

- .
Penelitian terdahulu
Penelitian Terdahulu

Pengambilan Data

DataData primer:
Primer Data Sekeunder Data
: Sekunder

- - Tonase oleh departemen

Data geologi mining
( block model ) . -Peta Topografi
Peta Topografi
- Data survey (volume material)
- - Tonase
Ore oleh departemen proses
control -. Peta Lokasi Penelitian
- Peta

. Sumberdaya . Peta Geologi

. Peta sumberdaya dan Cadangan

Pengolahan Data

Hasil dan pembahasan


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