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Audience Profiling

Socio economic status is an economic and sociological
combined total measure of a persons work experience and of
an individuals or familys economic and social position in
relation to others and it is all biased on income, education
and occupation.
Socio economic status is broken up into three different levels,
high, middle and low. These levels help divide the familys
and individuals into each section. When a family or an
individual is put into one of the sections they then can be
assessed by the three different variables income, education
and occupation.
Education in higher socio economic families are much more
important then poorer families with less higher qualities
because theyre children's education is less developed and
more time and money is spent on avoiding drug use and
unwanted pregnancies.
Psychographics is the study of opinions, attitudes, values, personalities,
interests ad lifestyles. This certain area of research focuses on opinions and
The psychographic factors are called IAO variables.
This is very useful in marketing and opinion research, since they are very
accurate and get good results from the data meaning it is an reliable source.
This can be often combined with demographics such as ae and gender, this is
to give more detailed view on the sample.
An example of this would be personalities characteristics, lifestyles and social
Geodemographic is a statistical technique for trying to
discover whether the individuals of a population fall into
different groups by making quantitative comparisons of
many different characteristics with the assumption that the
differences within the group should be less than the
audience expected.

Example that use Geodemographic are local retailers and

shops that try and aim for local community so they can
expand the amount of people going into their shop or
Age is critically important in an audience profiling, as it helps the
consumer to decide who to aim their content at based on their age no
their gender, sometimes depending on gender.
Age profiling is where you make generalizations about someone, of just
assume they are involved with illegal activity based on their age.
Age is always important to consider, as it determines the success of the
programme from the target audience and content.
An example is The Vampire Diaries which is roughly aged towards
teens and people aged just above teens such as around 20 years of age.
Gender can help determine the audience profiling since it tells you
whether someone is male of female but for audience profiling it is
taken seriously because some shows will be aimed to one gender
more than the other. It helps categorize certain characteristics.
It helps for when people are watching tv, such as a girl is much more
likely to be watching a girly show than something like the X-Men,
girls would watch Big Brother.
Another good example is Match of the Day which is aimed towards
the male gender because they are more into football than girls were,
so it is very important the gender of a person is noted so people
creating the audience profiling can see who is watching what and
what gender they are.
Sexual orientation refers to a persons preference for
certain types of behaviors.
Sexual identity is a very important component of a
consumers self-concept.
It helps the consumer to relate the content to what the
target audience would want which allows that consumer
to become more successful.
An excellent example of this is the shows that were on E4
which were all aimed towards the LGBT community.
or Ethnicity
Race and ethnicity can cause audience profiling to rise rapidly, so as many
people can like any programme they like that would suit them best.
Sometimes if the consumer knows that people watching the show are forren
and cant speak English, so they use tub text to explain what is happening,
when this happens there tends to be an a lot larger audience because the
consumer is allowing that to happen making the consumer more profitable.
If someone was from a specific area there was something on tv about or
around that specific area that person watching is more likely to watch it
since it relates to that person and they will find it more interesting than
people that dont live anywhere near that person.
Mainstream Niche Alternative
Mainstream is where the content is aimed towards a much bigger
audience, since they have bigger viewing figures, and are loads more
successful than other shows or other types of media.
Sometimes mainstream media can have a much larger target audience
range that is aimed at various ages such as children up to adults and
elder adults, so pretty much as big as it can be.
Nice is where there is a small audience which is the complete opposite
to mainstream. An example of Niche would be Fifth gear, since there
are only people that are interested and know lots about cars that watch

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