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3 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Chapter Outline

14.1 Fundamentals of the Stiffness Method

14.2 Member Stiffness Matrix
14.3 Displacement and Force Transformation Matrices
14.4 Member Global Stiffness Matrix
14.5 Truss Stiffness Matrix
14.6 Application of the Stiffness Method for Truss Analysis
14.7 Nodal Coordinates
14.8 Trusses Having Thermal Changes and Fabrication Errors
14.9 Space-Truss Analysis

4 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd

Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Fundamentals of the Stiffness Method

The stiffness method:

- is a displacement method of analysis
- can be used to analyze both statically determinate and indeterminate
- yields the displacement & forces directly
It is generally much easier to formulate the necessary matrices for the
computer operations using the stiffness method
Application of the stiffness method requires subdividing the structure into a
series of discrete finite elements & identifying their end points as nodes
For truss analysis, the finite elements are represented by each of the
members that compose the truss & the nodes represent the joints
The force-disp properties of each element are determined & then related to
one another using the force equilibrium eqn written at the nodes

6 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Fundamentals of the Stiffness Method

These relationships for the entire structure are then grouped together into
the structure stiffness matrix, K
The unknown displacement of the nodes can then be determined for any

given loading on the structure

When these displacement are known, the external & internal forces in the

structure can be calculated using the force-disp relations for each member

7 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd

Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Member Stiffness Matrix

To establish the stiffness matrix for a single truss member using local x and
y coordinates as shown
When a +ve disp dN is imposed on the near end of the member while the far

end is held pinned

The forces developed at the ends of the members are:

q' N d N ; q' F dN

9 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Member Stiffness Matrix

Likewise, a +ve disp dF at the far end, keeping the near end pinned and
results in member forces

q' ' N d F ; q' ' F dF
By superposition, the resultant forces caused by both
disp are
qN dN dF
qF dF dN

10 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Member Stiffness Matrix

These load-disp eqn may be written in matrix form as:

qN AE 1 1 dN
q d
F L 1 1 F
q k'd
AE 1 1
L 1 1

This matrix, k is called the member stiffness matrix

11 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Member Stiffness Matrix

+ =

12 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd

13 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Displacement and Force Transformation Matrices

Since a truss is composed of many members, we will develop a method for

transforming the member forces q and disp d defined in local coordinates to
global coordinates
Global coordinates convention: +ve x to the right and +ve y upward
x and y as shown

14 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Displacement and Force Transformation Matrices

The cosines of these angles will be used in the matrix analysis as follows
These will be identified as

x cos x ; y cos y
For e.g. consider member NF of the truss as shown
The coordinates of N & F are (xN, yN ) and (xF, yF )

15 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Displacement and Force Transformation Matrices

xF x N
x cos x
xF x N

( xF x N ) 2 ( y F y N ) 2

yF y N
y cos y
yF yN

( xF x N ) 2 ( y F y N ) 2

16 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Displacement and Force Transformation Matrices

Disp Transformation matrix

- In global coordinates each end of the member can have 2 degrees of
freedom or independent disp; namely joint N has DNx and DNy
- Joint F has DFx and DFy

17 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Displacement and Force Transformation Matrices

Disp Transformation matrix

- When the far end is held pinned & the near end is given a global disp, the
corresponding disp along member is DNxcosx
- A disp DNy will cause the member to be displaced DNycosy along the x axis

d N D N x cos x DN y cos y

d F DFx cos x DFy cos y

18 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Displacement and Force Transformation Matrices

Disp Transformation matrix

Let x cos x ; y cos y

d N DN x x DN y y ; d F DFx x DFy y
In matrix form,
DN x

d N x y 0 0 DN y
d 0 0 D
F x y Fx

d TD

19 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Displacement and Force Transformation Matrices

Force Transformation matrix

QN x q N cos x ; QN y q N cos y
- If qF is applied to the bar,
the global force components at F are:

QFx q F cos x ; QFy q F cos y

- Using x cos x ; y cos y

QN x q N x ; QN y q N y
QFx q F x ; QFy q F y

20 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Displacement and Force Transformation Matrices

Force Transformation matrix

- In matrix form

QN x x 0

QN y y 0 qN
Q 0 x qF
QF 0 y

21 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Displacement and Force Transformation Matrices

Force Transformation matrix

- In this case, TT transforms the 2 local forces q acting at the ends of the
member into 4 global force components Q
- This force transformation matrix is the transpose of the disp transformation

22 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd

23 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Member Global Stiffness Matrix

We can determine the members forces q in terms of the global disp D at its
end points
q k ' TD
Substitution yields the final result:

Q T k ' TD T

or Q kD
k T k'T T

24 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Member Global Stiffness Matrix

Performing the matrix operation yields:

25 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd

26 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Truss Stiffness Matrix

Once all the member stiffness matrices are formed in the global coordinates,
it becomes necessary to assemble them in the proper order so that the
stiffness matrix K for the entire truss can be found
This is done by designating the rows & columns of the matrix by the 4 code
numbers used to identify the 2 global degrees of freedom that can occur at
each end of the member
The structure stiffness matrix will then have an order that will be equal to
the highest code number assigned to the truss since this rep the total no. of
degrees of freedom for the structure
This method of assembling the member matrices to form the structure
stiffness matrix will now be demonstrated by numerical e.g.
This process is somewhat tedious when performed by hand but is rather easy
to program on computer

27 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Truss Stiffness Matrix

Example 14.1

Determine the structure stiffness matrix for the 2-member truss as shown. AE
is constant.

28 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Truss Stiffness Matrix

Example 14.1 (Solution)

By inspection, member 2 will have 2 unknown disp components whereas joint

1 & 3 are constrained from disp.
Consequently, the disp component at joint 2 are code numbered first, followed
by those at joints 3 & 1.
The origin of the global coordinate system can be located at any point.
The members are identified arbitrarily & arrows are written along 2 members
to identify the near & far ends of each member.
The direction cosines & the stiffness matrix for each member can now be

29 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Truss Stiffness Matrix

Example 14.1 (Solution)

Member 1
We have: 30 00
x 1; y 0
3 3
Using eqn 14.16, dividing each element by L = 3 m, we have:

30 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Truss Stiffness Matrix

Example 14.1 (Solution)

Member 2
Since 2 is the near end & 1 is the far end, we have:

30 40
x 0.6; y 0.8
5 5
Using eqn 14.16, dividing each element by L = 5 m, we have:

31 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Truss Stiffness Matrix

Example 14.1 (Solution)

This matrix has an order of 6x6 since there are 6 designated degrees of
freedom for the truss.
Corresponding elements of the above 2 matrices are added algebraically to
form the structure stiffness matrix.

32 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd

33 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Application of the Stiffness Method for Truss

The global force components Q acting on the truss can then be related to its
global displacements D using

This eqn is referred to as the structure stiffness eqn

Expanding yields
Q k K 11Du K 12 D k
Q u K 21Du K 22 D k
Often Dk = 0 since the supports are not displaced, thus
Q k K 11Du
34 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Application of the Stiffness Method for Truss

Since the elements in the partitioned matrix K11 represent the total
resistance at a truss joint to a unit disp in either the x or y direction, then
the above eqn symbolizes the collection of all the force equilibrium eqn
applied to the joints where the external loads are zero or have a known
value (Qk)
Du K 11 Q k
Solving for Du, we have:

With Dk =0, this yields Q u K 21Du

The member forces can be determined from

35 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Application of the Stiffness Method for Truss

Since qN = qF for equilibrium,

36 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Application of the Stiffness Method for Truss

Example 14.3

Determine the force in each member of the 2-member truss as shown. AE is


37 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Application of the Stiffness Method for Truss

Example 14.3 (Solution)

The origin of x, y and the numbering of the joints & members are shown.
By inspection, it is seen that the known external displacements are D3 = D4 =
D5 = D6 = 0
Also, the known external loads are Q1 = 0, Q2 = 2 kN.

0 3
4 0 1
Dk Qk 2
0 5 2

38 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Application of the Stiffness Method for Truss

Example 14.3 (Solution)

Using the same notation as used here, this matrix has been developed in
example 14.1.
Writing eqn 14.17, Q = KD for the truss we have

We can now identify K11 and thereby determine Du

By matrix multiplication, 0 D1
AE 0.405 0.096 0
2 0.096 0.128 D2 0
4.505 19.003
D1 ; D2
39 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Application of the Stiffness Method for Truss

Example 14.3 (Solution)

By inspection one would expect a rightward and downward disp to occur at

joint 2 as indicated by the +ve & -ve signs of the answers.
Using these results,

40 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Application of the Stiffness Method for Truss

Example 14.3 (Solution)

Expanding & solving for the reactions
Q3 1.5 kN
Q4 0 kN
Q5 1.5 kN
Q6 2.0 kN

The force in each member can be found. Using the data for x and y in
example 14.1, we have: For member 1,

x 1, y 0, L 3m q1 1.5 kN

For member 2,

x 0.6, y 0.8, L 5m q2 2.5 kN

41 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd

42 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Nodal Coordinates

A truss can be supported by a roller placed on an incline

When this occurs, the constraint of zero deflection at the support (node)

cannot be directly defined using a single horizontal & vertical global

coordinate system
Consider the truss shown
The condition of zero disp at node 1 is defined only along the y axis

43 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Nodal Coordinates

Because the roller can displace along the x axis this node will have disp
components along both global coordinates axes x & y
To solve this problem, so that it can easily be incorporated into a computer

analysis, we will use a set of nodal coordinates x, y located at the inclined

These axes are oriented such that the reactions & support disp are along

each of the coordinate axes

To determine the global stiffness eqn for the truss, it becomes necessary to

develop force & disp transformation matrices for each of the connecting
members at this support so that the results can be summed within the same
global x, y coordinate system

44 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Nodal Coordinates

Consider truss member 1 having a global coordinate system x, y at the near

node and a nodal coordinate system x, y at the far node

45 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Nodal Coordinates

When disp D occur so that they have components along each of these axes

46 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Nodal Coordinates

This disp d in the x direction can be written in matrix form as

DN x

d N x y 0 0 DN y
d 0 0 D
F x y Fx "


Likewise, force q have components

QN x q N cos x QN y q N cos y
QFx " q F cos x" QFy " qF cos y "

47 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Nodal Coordinates

This can be expressed as:

QN x x 0
QN 0 q
y N
Q 0 qF
x "

QFy " 0 y"
The disp & force transformation matrices in the above eqn are used to
develop the member stiffness matrix for this situation

48 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Nodal Coordinates

We have

k TT k ' T

49 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Nodal Coordinates

Performing the matrix operation yields:

This stiffness matrix is used for each member that is connected to an

inclined roller support
The process of assembling the matrices to form the structure stiffness matrix

follows the standard procedure

50 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Nodal Coordinates

Example 14.6

Determine the support reactions for the truss shown.

51 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Nodal Coordinates

Example 14.6 (Solution)

Since the roller support at 2 is on an incline, we must use nodal coordinates at

this node.

52 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Nodal Coordinates

Example 14.6 (Solution)

The stiffness matrices for members 1 and 2 must be developed.

Member 1,

x 1, y 0, x" 0.707, y " 0.707

53 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Nodal Coordinates

Example 14.6 (Solution)

Member 2,

x 0, y 1, x" 0.707, y " 0.707

54 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Nodal Coordinates

Example 14.6 (Solution)

Member 3,

x 0.8, y 0.6

55 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Nodal Coordinates

Example 14.6 (Solution)

Assembling these matrices to determine the structure stiffness matrix, we


56 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Nodal Coordinates

Example 14.6 (Solution)

Carrying out the matrix multiplication of the upper partitioned matrices, the
three unknown disp D are determined from solving the resulting simultaneous
352.5 157.5 127.3
D1 , D2 , D3

The unknown reactions Q are obtained from the multiplication of the lower
partitioned matrices.

Q4 31.8kN , Q5 7.5kN , Q6 22.5kN

57 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd

58 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Trusses Having Thermal Changes and Fabrication

If some of the members of the truss are subjected to an increase or

decrease in length due to thermal changes or fabrication errors, then it is
necessary to use the method of superposition to obtain the solution
This requires 3 steps
First, the fixed end forces necessary to prevent movement of the nodes as
caused by temperature or fabrication are calculated
Second, equal but opposite forces are placed on the truss at the nodes & the
disp of the nodes are calculated using the matrix analysis
Third, the actual forces in the members & the reactions on the truss are
determined by superposing these 2 results
This procedure is only necessary if the truss is statically indeterminate

59 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Trusses Having Thermal Changes and Fabrication

If a truss member of length L is subjected to a temperature increase T, the

member will undergo an increase in length of L = TL
A compressive force q0 applied to the member will cause a decrease in the

members length of L = q0L/AE

If we equate these 2 disp q0 = AET
This force will hold the nodes of the member fixed as shown in the figure

(q N ) 0 AET

(q F ) 0 AET

60 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Trusses Having Thermal Changes and Fabrication

If a temperature decrease occurs then T becomes negative & these forces

reverse direction to hold the member in eqm

61 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Trusses Having Thermal Changes and Fabrication

Fabrication Errors
- If a truss member is made too long by an amount L before it is fitted into
a truss, the force q0 needed to keep the member at its design length L is q0
= AEL /L
(q N ) 0
(q F ) 0

62 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Trusses Having Thermal Changes and Fabrication

Fabrication Errors
- If the member is originally too short, then L becomes negative & these
forces will reverse
- In global coordinates, these forces are:

63 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Trusses Having Thermal Changes and Fabrication

Matrix Analysis
- With the truss subjected to applied forces, temperature changes and
fabrication errors, the initial force-disp relationship for the truss then
Q KD Q 0
- Qo is the column matrix for the entire truss of the initial fixed-end forces
caused by temperature changes & fabrication errors

64 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Trusses Having Thermal Changes and Fabrication

Matrix Analysis
- Carrying out the multiplication on the RHS, we obtain:

Q k K 11Du K 12 D k (Q k ) 0
Q u K 21Du K 22 D k (Q u ) 0
- According to the superposition procedure described above, the unknown
disp are determined from the first eqn by subtracting K12Dk and (Qk)0 from
both sides & then solving for Du

65 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Trusses Having Thermal Changes and Fabrication

Matrix Analysis
- Once these nodal disp are obtained, the member forces are determined by

q k ' TD q 0
- If this eqn is expanded to determine the force at the far end of the
member, we obtain:

66 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Trusses Having Thermal Changes and Fabrication

Example 14.7

Determine the force in members 1 & 2 of the pin-connected assembly if

member 2 was made 0.01 m too short before it was fitted into place. Take AE
= 8(103) kN.

67 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Trusses Having Thermal Changes and Fabrication

Example 14.7 (Solution)

Since the member is short, then L = 0.01 m.

For member 2, we have

x 0.8 y 0.6

68 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Trusses Having Thermal Changes and Fabrication

Example 14.7 (Solution)

Assembling the stiffness matrix, we have

69 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Trusses Having Thermal Changes and Fabrication

Example 14.7 (Solution)

Partitioning the matrices as shown & carrying out the multiplication to obtain
the eqn for the unknown disp yields,

Solving simultaneous eqn gives:

D1 0.003704 m
D2 0.002084 m

70 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Trusses Having Thermal Changes and Fabrication

Example 14.7 (Solution)

Member 1

x 0, y 1, L 3 m, AE 8(103 ) kN
q1 5.56 kN
Member 2

x 0.8, y 0.6, L 5 m, AE 8(103 ) kN

q2 9.26 kN

71 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd

72 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Space-Truss Analysis

The analysis of both statically determinate and indeterminate space trusses

can be performed by using the same procedure discussed previously
To account for the 3-D aspects of the problem, additional elements must be

included in the transformation matrix T

Consider the truss member

73 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Space-Truss Analysis

By inspection the direction cosines bet the global & local coordinates can be
found using

xF x N
x cos x
xF x N

( xF x N ) 2 ( y F y N ) 2 ( z F z N ) 2

74 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Space-Truss Analysis

yF yN
y cos y

yF yN

( xF x N ) 2 ( y F y N ) 2 ( z F z N ) 2

zF zN
z cos z

zF zN

( xF x N ) 2 ( y F y N ) 2 ( z F z N ) 2

75 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Space-Truss Analysis

As a result of the third dimension, the transformation matrix becomes:

Substituting into k=TTkT, we have

76 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd
Space-Truss Analysis

Carrying out the matrix multiplication yields the symmetric matrix

This eqn rep the member stiffness matrix expressed in global coordinates

77 Structural Analysis Eighth Edition l 2012 Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd

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