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* Conjugate

* Advatage over SSP due to the fact that
conjugate conditioning is more natural and less
* Conditioning should be run 2-3 times daily

*Key points
* The whole target interval is paired (e.g. if the
LTO specifies 1 min, the pupil will play
alongside the teacher for 1 entire minute
without losiong interest).
* The teacher must provide constant interaction
* No reinforcement for playing appropiately but
interaction with both the pupil and the

*Step 1
* An independent interval is incorporated i.e. LTO is for 1
minute- the pupil will pair for 50 seconds and complete the
final 10 seconds independently.
* If the pupil does not complete the full 50 seconds with paired
interaction, re-direct and start the timing again. Count as a
separate attempt.
* Graph all attempts
* All paired data go into probes
* Only attempt the independent if the pupil completes the first 50
seconds with teacher interaction correctly
* All independent data is counted as LU (e.g. 10 seconds
independent= 2 x 5 second intervals = 2 LU e.g. /2
* Try 3 times before moving onto another programme

*Step 2
* Gradually increase the independent interval
until the pupil is completing the entire LTO
target independently

*Step 3
* Final probes- we can say that an activity has
been sucessfully been conditioned when the
pupil scores 2/3 of the following trials.
* Selects the item when presented with other
items to play with
* Will play with the item for 5 mins is an isolated
* The item/activity will function as a reinforcer

*Stage 4
* The data are recorded as LUs (calculate after
the session)
* Each 5 second interval = 1 LU (same for LU and
* E.g. Target = 3 mins playing alongside teacher
would be a total of 36 possible LUs
* E.g. Target = 2 mins 50 seconds paired and 10
seconds indp would be a total of 2 possible learn
units and 34 trials (probes)

*Data collection
* 2 x 100% = crit
* 100% 1st time = probe
* 3 x under 100% indp level = VM decision

*Decision protocol
* Step 1:
* Use 2 timers, Start both and leave one (counting full
LTO interval), use the other to record attention.
* Attending -> not attending =
1. Stop timer
2. Record time
3. Bring pupil back to activity
4. Start timer again
* Step 2
* No breaks in paired (if paired not met do not

*How to run
* Put a break line in in the first STO and in independent
time intervals to show where student stopped attending
to activity
* When STO has paired and independent intervals fully
shade in paired and crosshatch independent intervals so
the difference can be seen.
* Put phase lines in as usual
* Tact at the top of graph per usual
* During the first stage only the seconds attended need
be recorded and graphed, usual procedure for weekly
sheets, LU, probes etc


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