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Acoustics: Science of Sound
Handling of wanted sound
Handling of unwanted sound; noise
Sound; Sensation caused by a
vibrating medium acting on the ear
Transmitted through a conveying
Wavelength, frequency, amplitude,
velocity of sound; the relationship.

Power: Output of a source measured as

rate of energy flow; Unit is Watt (W)
In a carrying medium, strength of sound is
measured as intensity; Density of energy
flow through unit area; W/ sq. m.
Inverse Square Law: When a point source
emits sound uniformly in all directions in aa
free field, it is spreading over the surface of
a sphere. Intensity of sound decreases as
the distance from the source increases.
Av person can hear from 20 16000 Hz.
Lowest Intensity perceived as sound is Threshold of
Audibility (1 pico watt per sq m)
Upper limit is Threshold of Pain.
Rest is audible range.
Ears sensitivity decreases for higher intensity sounds.
Its response is proportionate to the log of intensity.
Log of of the ratio of measured sound intensity to
intensity of threshold of audibility gives Sound Level
Scale or Decibel Scale.
N= 10 log I/Io

Sensitivity of the ear varies with frequency of

sound. Levels of sounds of various frequencies
can be perceived as same loudness expressed in
Equal Loudness Contours.
Loudness or Phon Scale. (dB and phone values
coincide at 1000 Hz.
Loudness cannot be measured directly by
instruments. Various electronic weighting circuits
are constructed to modify readings of sound
level meter. A weighting gives phon value.
1.05 X dBA +10 = phon 80 dBA = 94 phon
Noise may produce psychological or
physiological effects:
65 dBA: Unwanted; creates annoyance.
90 dBA: years of exposure; permanent
hearing loss.
120 dBA: pain
150 dBA: causes instant loss of hearing.
Also subjective to state of mindor
expectation or culture.
Sound is partly reflected (r), partly absorbed (a) and
partly transmitted (t).
Absorption Coefficient: used to indicate sound that is
not reflected; denoted by a; is decimal fraction.
Absorption coefficient a = a + t or 1 - r
r +a +t = 1
Transmission Coefficient t = t
Absorption is product of Absorption Coefgficient and
area of given surface
A = aXs It is measured by open window unit which is
absorption of 1 m2 opening having absorption
coefficient of 1 (r= 0)
Direct and Reverberant
At any point in enclosed room, total sound
received consists of two parts.:
A. Direct Sound
B. Reverberant Sound.
Transmission: Reverberant component
depends on absorption qualities of room
surfaces. More absorption, less reverberation.
If all surfaces have perfect absorption then
conditions same as free field so zero
reverberant component.
When airborne sound impinges on solid
body, some energy of vibration moliecules
is transmitted to solid material and induce a
vibration of molecules. This vibration
spreads in the body as Structure borne
Sound. This may be re-emitted to air.
Structure borne sound can be generated by
mechanical means; machinery or physical
impact; referred as Impact Sound.

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