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At the end of this project the Ss will be able to:
1. Look for the real meaning of Christmas
2. Find the Christmas customs in Chile and U.S.A.
3. Read a story about Christmas and get the main idea
4. Learn words related to Christmas
Introduction Task Process Evaluation


Christmas is celebrated in many parts of the

world on 25 December. It´s the celebration of the
birth of Jesus Christ. Christians believe that Jesus is
'the son of God', the Messiah sent from Heaven to
save the world.
All around the world adults and children sing
songs, play games, decorate trees, eat foods and give
presents at Christmas time but each country has its
own way of celebrating.
What do you think it is the real meaning of
Christmas time?
Introduction Task Process Evaluation


1. Get together in groups of 3

2. Solve a Christmas Puzzle
3. Learn and investigate the different customs between Chilean and
American Christmas holiday.
4. Read a Christmas short story.
5. Make a survey about Chilean customs in Christmas time to 4
families. Use the questionnaire below to help you
6. Present the information learned to the class.
7. You must share your information as a ppt
8. After your research, comment to your classmates the real
meaning of Christmas.
Introduction Task Process Evaluation


These steps will help you to learn about Christmas traditions in two
countries and discover the real meaning of it.

Step 1:

In order to learn Christmas vocabulary, you´ll have to solve the

following criss-cross puzzle in your notebook and you will give the
correct answers orally in the presentation. For that, you ´ll have to read
each definition below and write down the corresponding concept on the
spaces provided. See some links to understand definitions better
Introduction Task Process Evaluation

Introduction Task Process Evaluation

3. device for illumination.
4. a light brief snowfall.
6. the celebration of Jesus´birth.
8. cake flavored with ginger.
9. a gremlin, a supernatural being.
10.stick of wax with a wick in the middle.

1. flower arrangement consisting of a
circular band of foliage.
2. a christian holiday.
5. arctic deer with large antlers in both
7. a hollow device made of metal that makes
a ringing sound when struck.
Introduction Task Process Evaluation

Step 2

-Form a group of 3.
-Each of you will find out information in internet about this fascinating
holiday in U.S.A. You will have to take these aspects into account. You will
have to include this information in your P.P.T.


Decorations Clothing
Food Superstitions
Greetings Customs
Songs/music Anything else?
What did I learn from this?
Introduction Task Process Evaluation

Step 3:
- Make a survey Research
- Interview 4 families and make them answer these questions about
Christmas Time. Report to your classmates all the answers gathered in your
1. On what day is Christmas celebrated in Chile?
2. What is the start of the Christmas season called?
3. Which two colours are the traditional colours of Christmas?
4. What are the songs sung at Christmas time called?
5.What traditionally happens at midnight on Christmas Day?
6. What is the traditional food at Christmas time?
Introduction Task Process Evaluation

Step 4:

Research the religious meaning of Christmas and make

comments on it. Present the result to the class.

Step 5:

Now I want to invite you to read a charming Christmas story

and after that you`ll have to answer the opened question that
appear at the end of this story. Comment your reasons to the
rest of the class.
Introduction Task Process Evaluation

Step 6:

After your deep reading, complete this Christmas map orally.

What Positive words represent the real meaning of Christmas?

Introduction Task Process Evaluation

Each group will be assessed for individual and team work.
The aspects to be considered are the following:

Excellent Good Regular Incomplete

Covers topic in- Includes essential Includes essential Content is minimal
Content depth with knowledge about information about OR there are several
details and the topic. Subject the topic but there factual errors.
examples. knowledge appears are 1-2 factual errors
Subject to be good.
knowledge is
Interesting, well- Relatively Interesting, well- Delivery not smooth
Oral rehearsed with interesting, rehearsed with and audience
Presentation smooth delivery
that holds
rehearsed with a
fairly smooth
smooth delivery that
holds audience
attention lost.

audience delivery that attention.

attention. usually holds
audience attention.
All requirements All requirements One requirement More than one
Requirement are met and are met. was not completely requirement was not
exceeded. met. completely met.
Content is well Uses headings or Content is logically There was no clear
Oraganization organized using bulleted lists to organized for the or logical
headings or organize, but the most part. organizational
bulleted lists to overall organization structure, just lots of
group related of topics appears facts.
material. flawed.
Introduction Task Process Evaluation

Excellent Good Regular Incomplete

No misspellings or Three or fewer Four misspellings More than 4 errors in

Grammar grammatical errors. misspelling and/or and/or grammatical spelling or grammar.
mechanical error errors

The report is well The report is well The report contains The report contains
Report Writing organized and organized and accurate quotations accurate quotations and
contains accurate contains accurate and facts taken from facts taken from the
quotations and facts facts taken from the the interview interview
taken from the interview
Successfully uses Usually able to use Occasionally able to Needs assistance or
Internet Use suggested internet suggested internet use suggested supervision to use
links to find links to find internet links to find suggested internet links
information and information and information and and/or to navigate within
navigates within navigates within navigates within these sites
these sites easily these sites easily these sites easily
without assistance. without assistance. without assistance.
Vocabulary related to Vocabulary related to Vocabulary related to Vocabulary related to the
Vocabulary the topic all (100%) the topic most (99- the topic some (89%- topic just reached a 50%
of the time 90%) of the time. 75% of the time) of the time
Introduction Task Process Evaluation


Myriam Rossana Carrillo Escalona

Claudia Lissette Vega Riffo

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