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Applied Programming

Lesson 1
C++ Revision

The objective of this lecture is to provide students with a

reminder of where they are at with C++.

It will look at aspects of the language such as;

Types (basic and complex).

Functions & Functional decomposition.
Control Structures in C++

There are a number of different control structures in


Control structures fall into two generic groups;

The If Control Structure

The syntax for such a structure in C++ and most other

languages is;

if (condition)


Diagrammatically it looks like this.

The if-else control structure

The if-else condition is effectively a binary choice

dependent upon the result of the condition;

if (condition)

Diagrammatically it looks like this.

The while loop

The while loop allows you to repeat statements till a

condition is meet.

while (condition)


Above is an illustration of a while loop.

The do-while loop.

The do-while loop is the converse of the while loop.

It can be written as;

} while (condition);


Diagrammatically it looks like this.

The for loop.

The for loop is a loop that should be used when the

exact number of iterations is known, it has the
following syntax;

for (init; cond; post)




It has the above form.

Data types and Structure in C++.

C++ has a number of basic data types. These types are;

Data types and Structure in C++.

There are variations of these basic data types which effect

precision/ maximum value.

For example;
long; // a long integer
short; // a short integer
double; // a large floating point
Data types and Structure in C++.

It is also common to see variable declaration prefixed with

the keyword unsigned. This means to create a variable
that can only store positive numbers.

This is used to influence the precision/maximum value of

the variable.
Data types and Structure in C++.
Each type consumes a portion of the computers memory.
We can use the sizeof() function to tell us how many
bytes are associated with a declarations. For example;
int main()
int myint;
char mychar;
float myfloat;

cout << myint consumes << sizeof(myint) <<

bytes << endl;
cout << mychar consumes << sizeof(mychar) <<
bytes << endl;
cout << myfloat consumes << sizeof(myfloat) <<
bytes << endl;
return 0;
Data types and Structure in C++.

On different computers you will get different output. But

normally a integer is 4 bytes, a char is 1 bytes and a float
is 4 bytes.

Again it will differ upon the architecture.

Data types and Structure in C++.
Sometimes though you will have data which can be grouped
together like marks for an assignment.
Would it make sense to have each student mark occupy a
unique variable in a program?

int main()
int student1_mark;
int student2_mark;

Probably not because there would be a number of

difficulties in referencing the data.
Data types and Structure in C++.

The word const also has special meaning depending on

its usage - remember this.
Type Casting

Sometimes we want to convert a data type to another.

C++ supports implicit conversion on a number of types:

short a=1000;
int b = 0;
b = a;

Here the value a has been promoted to type int.

Type Casting

A more common way to do this is:

short a=1000;
int b = 0;
b = (int) a;

These are explicit conversions with the above being the

c-like casting notation.
Type Casting

ANSI C++ has got several casting operators these being -

static_cast and reinterpret_cast.

For the most part in this class you should use static_cast
- the reason will be clearer later when we talk about
classes. It is safer then the other.
Type Casting
Here is a simple example;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
float a = 2000.0;
int b = static_cast<int>(a);
cout << b << endl;
return 0;

Arrays are a construct in most programming languages

which allow programmers to group variables into one
large variable called an array.

The array consists of elements. Each element of the array

is of the same type.

Each element of the array is treated as if it were a single


The elements of the array are accessed using an index.

In C++ the convention for accessing elements in an array

is from index 0 to n - 1, where n is the number of
elements in the array.

array0 array[0]
array1 array[1]
array2 array[2]
array3 array[3]
array4 array[4]
array5 array[5]

As you can see the left hand diagram illustrates arrays and indices. It
right hand side demonstrates how these indices relate to index number
Each element can house its own data of a particular type.
Each element is as if it were a single variable.

The diagram above illustrates subscripts and indices/

elements in an array.
In C++ we declare an array using the following syntax;

type array_name[size];

The type of the array could be any C++ basic type or user
defined type (struct, class, enum, typedef).

The name of the array can be anything so long as it meets

the rules for identifiers in C++.

The size of the array defines how many elements of that

particular type make up the array.

For example;

int marks[5];

Creates an array of 5 integers called marks. The

elements of the array are not initialised.

mark[0] mark[1] marks[2] marks[3] marks[4]


The statement;

marks[0] = 0;

Will set the 0th element to the value 0.

0 ? ? ? ?
mark[0] mark[1] marks[2] marks[3] marks[4]

Please note the other elements were not initalised and

hence would have any value in them.
The following fragment sets each element of the
array to 0;

for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)

marks[i] = 0;

Diagrammatically it looks like this.

0 0 0 0 0
mark[0] mark[1] marks[2] marks[3] marks[4]
Outputting an element of an array is the same as
outputting a normal variable;

cout << marks[0];


for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)

cout << marks[i] << endl;

The difference in the above fragment is one only outputs

the first element and the other output all.
As a matter of style, when you declare an array you should
define its size as a constant.

const int MAX = 5;

int marks[MAX];

This therefore means loops can be rewritten using the


for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++)

cout << marks[i] << endl;

This is important because if the size of the array needs to

change then it needs to change in one place.

As you saw one of the easiest ways to initalise an array is

by using a counter and a loop.
Here is a declaration of an array except this time
we are going to initialise the elements upon

int marks[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

The element will have the following data;

1 2 3 4 5

marks[0] marks[1] marks[2] marks[3] marks[4]


If we did this;

int marks[5] = { 4, 5 };

We would get an array with five elements. The first two

would be initialised to the values 4 and 5. The remainder
would be 0.

4 5 0 0 0
mark[0] mark[1] marks[2] marks[3] marks[4]

If we omit the size and did the following;

int marks[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

In memory our array would look like this;

1 2 3 4 5

mark[0] mark[1] marks[2] marks[3] marks[4]


When it comes to functions arrays are always passed by


When you pass an array to a function the parameter list

need not have an &.

Remember an array can be of any type.

Here is an example; Possibly makes more
sense to make this
#include <iostream> variable global.
using namespace std;

void squares(int[], const int);

int main()
const int MAX=5;
int numbers[MAX] = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10};
squares(numbers, MAX);
for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
cout << squares[i] << endl;
return 0;

void squares(int square[], const int MAX)

for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
square[i] = square[i] * square[i];

This piece of code defines an array and initialises it to a set

of values.

The array is then passed to a function and the function

computes the square of each element. The result is placed
in the same element.

If you do not want the function to be able to change the

contents of the array then you would prefix the parameter
with the modifier const.

You can also have multi-dimensional arrays.

That is an array which has rows and columns.

A multi dimensional array is declared using this syntax;

type name[no of rows][no of columns]

So the declaration;

int table[4][5];

Would create an multidimensional array with 20

elements. The array would comprise of 4 rows with 5
integer elements per row.


table[0][0] = 100;

Would access the first element of the first row to 100;


Where as;

table[3][4] = 10000;

Would set the fifth element of the fourth row to 10000.


Again multidimensional arrays are passed by reference.

You should think of such array as a table.


1 2 3 4 5
table[0][0] table[0][1] table[0][2] table[0][3] table[0][4]

1 2 3 4 5
table[1][0] table[1][1] table[1][2] table[1][3] table[1][4]

1 2 3 4 5
table[2][0] table[2][1] table[2][2] table[2][3] table[2][4]

1 2 3 4 5
table[3][0] table[3][1] table[3][2] table[3][3] table[3][4]

table[4][5] array
Above diagram illustrates this concept of multidimensional

The problem with arrays is they are fixed sizes, so how

can we create arrays where the size can change or we do
not know the size?
C String

C++ uses C strings to store string however this is

becoming less and less common with the STRING class
being made part of the standard.

A C string is an array of characters terminated by a null

character (null byte)- often denoted by \0.
C String

A C string is just like a normal array except it is of type


char name[100];

Can hold 100 characters. A C string actually means it can

hold 99 characters plus the NULL terminating character.

The NULL character is necessary because it indicates the

end of the string.
C String

Just like arrays, C strings can be multidimensional and

initialised at creation.

They are also always passed by reference.

C String

There are also a number of routines in the string header

which are part of the standard library.

To use these routines to manipulate C strings we #include

<cstring> assuming we are using the standard namespace.

Such functions include strcpy(), strcmp(), strstr() etc.

There are also character manipulation routines found in

the header <ctype>.

Sometimes however a programmer may want to group the

basic data types together to form a complex data type.

Such an occasion may be the modeling of a record, whether

it be a student or a patient. Such a record would have a
number of fields.

C and C++ both have the concept of structures which are

identified by the keyword struct.

A struct defines a collection of data which for all intents

and purposes is treated as one.

Here are two examples of where structures may be used:

To store the components of a student record;

The student number

The students name
The students age

To store the components of a fraction as one.

The numerator
The denominator

Notice how a structure allows us to group together data.


The syntax for defining a structure is as follows;

struct nameofstruct
member declarations;

The keyword struct instructs the C++ compiler that a

structure is about to be defined.

Remember that the rules pertaining to scope apply.

Inside the structure we can have declarations for

members. A member can be any basic of complex type.

That means we can embed structures within

Examples of this would include;

const int MAX = 256;

struct student{
int studentno;
char name[MAX];
int age;

struct fraction{
int numerator;
int denominator;

Now we have the definition of what a structure looks like,

we can now create instances of these structures using the
conventional syntax for creating a variable;

student mystudent;

Would create a variable mystudent of type student.

Because mystudent is of type student we can access the
members of student by using the . operator.
Here is an example;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct student{
int studentno;
char name[256]; // should be a CONST
int age;

int main()
student mystudent;
cout << Enter name of student: ;
cin >> mystudent.name;
cout << Enter student no of student: ;
cin >> mystudent.studentno;
cout << Enter age of student: ;
cin >> mystudent.age;
return 0;
Effectively the structure is placed in memory. The
structure is composed of the components specified
in the structures definition.

Student Structure
Integer for student
Integer for age

Array of characters for name

You can do sizeof(student) to tell you how much

space an instance of this structure will consume in
You can initialise a structure using the same syntax as an
array. Here is a piece of code that initialises a structure to
hold a fraction;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct fraction{
int numerator;
int denominator;

int main()
fraction myfraction = { 0 , 0 };
cout << member are: << endl;
cout << numerator: << myfraction.numerator
<< endl;
cout << denominator: << myfraction.denominator
<< endl;
return 0;
Arrays of structures can also be made:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct student{
int studentno;
char name[256]; // should be a const
int age;
int main()
const int MAX=10;
student mystudent[MAX];
int i = 0;
cout << -1 to terminate input << endl;
while (i < MAX)
cout << Enter student number: ;
cin >> mystudent[i].studentno;
if (mystudent[i].studentno == -1)
cout << Enter student name: ;
cin >> mystudent[i].name;
cout << Enter student age: ;
cin >> mystudent[i].age;

Continued from previous slide;

for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)

cout << Record << j << endl;
cout << mystudent[j].studentno << endl;
cout << mystudent[j].name << endl;
cout << mystudent[j].age << endl;

return 0;

That code is pretty awful, because it is one blob called

main, so lets make it a number of functions;

Firstly lets make the variables i and MAX global.

There are two functions in this program. One is the

function that gets the data and the other is the one that
outputs the data.

They would have the following prototypes;

void getdata(student[]);

void printdata(student[]);

The implementations would be as follows;

This is the getdata() function;
void getdata(student fmystudent[])
cout << -1 to terminate input << endl;
while (i < MAX)
cout << Enter student number: ;
cin >> fmystudent[i].studentno;
if (fmystudent[i].studentno == -1)
cout << Enter student name: ;
cin >> fmystudent[i].name;
cout << Enter student age: ;
cin >> fmystudent[i].age;

The printdata() functions looks like this;

void printdata(student fmystudent[])
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
cout << Record << j << endl;
cout << fmystudent[j].studentno << endl;
cout << fmystudent[j].name << endl;
cout << fmystudent[j].age << endl;
As a consequence of this our main function changes;

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct student{
int studentno;
char name[256];
int age;

void getdata(student[]);
void printdata(student[]);

const int MAX=10;

int i = 0;

int main()
student mystudent[MAX];
return 0;

The previous piece of code allows a user to enter a

number of student entries.

These entries are held in an array of structures.

The input is terminated using a sentinel (-1) value.


As you saw previously we can also pass structures to


Again they follow the same semantics as other types.

Here is a simple example where a structure is defined and
passed by reference to a function which populates it.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct fraction{
int numerator;
int denominator;

void getfraction(fraction& fmyfraction);

int main()
fraction myfraction = { 0 , 0 };
cout << member are: << endl;
cout << numerator: << myfraction.numerator
<< endl;
cout << denominator: << myfraction.denominator
<< endl;
return 0;
Here is the functions implementation;
void getfraction(fraction& fmyfraction)
cout << Enter the numerator: ;
cin >> fmyfraction.numerator;
cout << Enter the denominator: ;
cin >> myfraction.denominator;

As you can see the function takes the structure by

reference and populates it.

If it were passed by value a copy of the structure would be

given to the function. This incurs more overhead.

Arrays of structures are always passed by reference but

please be warned as to there usage - you will see why
Other types in C++.

In CSCI114 you were introduced to other types in C++,

specifically enum.

Enum allows you to associate symbolics with an actual

data type e.g.

enum radiation { ALPHA, BETA, GAMMA };

ALPHA etc, are what are known as enum constants - they

have value which starts from zero and goes upwards.
Other types in C++.

You can assign your own value;

enum size {SMALL = 10, MED=100,

Other types in C++.

To create an instance of said enumerated type we would


enum size {SMALL = 10, MED=100,

size y;

Once done, we can assign the constants to y.

Other types in C++.

It should be noted that there is an implicit conversion from

any enum type to int.

enum radiation { ALPHA, BETA, GAMMA };

int temp = BETA;

The value for temp would be 1.

Other types in C++.

You should note that it does not work in reverse.

radiation foobar;
foobar = 10;

This will not compile.

Typedef in C++

A typedef is a data type which is synomous with another.

Many great uses:

typedef char name[128];

name people[256];

Can you guess what this does? How would you be sure?

A function typically has the following form;

return-type function-name( parameter list )

// local declarations

// statements

The return type of the function denotes the return

value of the function.

The parameter list defines what parameters the

function will take from the caller.

It explains what the types of the parameters are, how

many there are and theyre locality.

A function normally has a return value.

Inside the body of the function there are

int getage() Statements

int age;
cout << Enter your age:;
cin >> age;
return age;

The above code fragment illustrates how inside a

function there can be an infinite number of

Within the body of a function a programmer can define


These variables are only visible within the function. This is

called scope.

Remember a variable can have either local scope or global

scope. This is dependent upon where it is declared.

A special keyword called static allows a variable declared

in a function to maintain values between calls.
Below is a function;

int counter()
int count = 0;
char a;
while (cin >> a)
return count;

When the function is called a variable count is created on

the stack. It is only visible within the function. An attempt
to access this variable outside will yield an error.

Sometimes you will need to give a function information.

Information can be given to function in the form of a
parameter list.

float rectarea(float width, float


Above is a simple function called rectarea. The function

requires two parameters of type float. The return value of
the function is of type float.

The function can access these parameters inside the body of

the function.
float rectarea(float width, float length)
if (width <= 0 || length <= 0)
return 0;
return (width * length);
width and length can be accessed
within the function as if they are locals.

The call to this function would be:

int main()
float width, length, area;
cout << Enter width:;
cin >> width;
cout << Enter length:;
cin >> length;
area = rectarea(width, length);
cout << Area is: << area << endl;
return 0;

The call to rectarea is passed the values of width and

length. The function performs its task and returns a value.

The previous function is not entirely correct. Infact it

would not compile.

Before a program can be compiled in C++ you need to

include the appropriate header and devise the appropriate
prototypes for your functions.
prototypes describe to the C++ compiler the look of

A prototype is necessary because it allows the compiler to

perform extensive checking on how a programmer uses a

A prototype normally describes the following;

the return type of a function.

the name of a function.
the type and even the name of arguments in the parameter list.
So our code would look like this
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
This is the prototype
float rectarea(float, float); for the function rectarea.

int main()
float width, length, area;
cout << Enter width:;
cin >> width;
cout << Enter length:;
cin >> length;
area = rectarea(width, length);
cout << Area is: << area << endl;
return 0;

Any function in C++ can only return one value.

If your function requires to return more then one value,

you need to consider putting the return value in a
structure of some kind or exploit the parameter list.

The return value is copied from the function because

once the function terminates the scoping rules normally
destroy the variable.
Here is an example;
struct point{
int x;
int y;

point getpoint()
point mypoint;
cout << Enter the x coordinate:;
cin >> mypoint.x;
cout << Enter the y coordinate:;
cin >> mypoint.y;
return mypoint;

When the function getpoint() is executed a structure of

type point is created locally within the function.

The function prompts the user to enter the point

coordinates and it places them in the appropriate
members of the structure.

The function now needs to return this data - so it returns

the structure.

The function returns a copy of the structure mypoint to

the caller. The reason for this is mypoint is a local and
hence is destroyed upon termination.
The complete code fragment looks like this;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std; Function is implemented else
struct point
{ where, this is the prototype.
int x;
int y;
Make a structure of type
point getpoint(); point.
int main()
point z;
z = getpoint();
cout << z.x << : << z.y << endl;
return 0;

The function returns a copy of the structure. Remember the

return value of the function is a structure of type point.
Variations of Parameters

As you just discovered one of the problems with functions

is return values. A function by definition can not return
more then one value.

As a consequence we can use the parameter list to help us

with this problem.
Variations of Parameters

C++ supports two kinds of parameter list augments;

Pass by value
The function can not change the value of a variable in the
parameter list.

Pass by reference
The function can change the value of a variable in a parameter
Variations of Parameters

A parameter list can have a mixture of pass by value or

pass by reference.

A variable is passed by reference if it is followed with a &

(ampersand) after the type.
Variations of Parameters
Assume we have the following prototypes of functions;

int foobar(int x);

Describe a function which takes as

an argument a variable of type int.
Inside the function the variable will
be referred to as x.

This is pass by value.

Variations of Parameters

In pass by value the function receives a copy of the

variable. Any alterations to the variable inside the
function (if the type permits this) are not visible outside.
Variations of Parameters
On the other hand the following prototype tells a
different tale;

int foobar(int& x);

This prototype describes a function which takes as an

argument an int. Inside the function this integer is
referred to as x.

However notice the & after the type definition?

This means pass by reference.

Variations of Parameters

In pass by reference the function receives a reference to

the variable.

A reference is effectively the address of the variable where

it resides in memory.

As a consequence the function can change the contents of

the variable and as such changes are visible outside the
Variations of Parameters
Example code;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void swap(int a, int b);

int main()
int val1, val2;
cin >> val1 >> val2;
swap(val1, val2);
cout << In main function << endl;
cout << val1 << << val2 << endl;
return 0;
void swap(int a, int b)
int temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;
cout << In swap function << endl;
cout << a << << b << endl;
Variations of Parameters
When the program is compiled and executed we get
the following if we enter the values 1 and 2 as input.

Inside swap function

Inside main function

Notice how inside the function the values change

however outside they do not.. It is because of pass by
Variations of Parameters
main function swap function
int main()
{ void swap(int a, int b)
int val1, val2; {
cin >> val1 >> val2; int temp = a;
swap(val1, val2); a = b;
cout << In main function << endl; b = temp;
cout << val1 << << val2 << endl; cout << In swap function << endl;
return 0; cout << a << << b << endl;
} }

val1 a

val2 b
function main makes When the function is called
two variables the two variables
are copied for the function

Above is an illustration of how pass by value works.

Variations of Parameters
Same code but now modified to use pass by reference.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void swap(int& a, int& b);

int main()
int val1, val2;
cin >> val1 >> val2;
swap(val1, val2);
cout << In main function << endl;
cout << val1 << << val2 << endl;
return 0;
void swap(int& a, int& b)
int temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;
cout << In swap function << endl;
cout << a << << b << endl;
Why functions?

When you program you should be aiming to write

modular code.

Modular code is code which has been broken down into

small tasks.

The process of writing modular code is called function

decomposition. This is the process of taking a problem
and breaking it down into smaller problems.
Why functions?

You will find functions can help reduce the amount of code
you write and maintain.
Inline functions in C++

In C++, a function which a programmer considers

simple enough can be made inline.

An inline function is where any call to the function is

actually replaced by code to perform the task.
Inline functions in C++
Because you are replacing the call of the function with
the code - you are avoiding the function call and the
overheads associated with it.

Consider this function:

double abs(double x)
if (x < 0)
return -x;
return x;
Inline functions in C++

The function we described could be rewritten as this:

double abs(double x){return (x<0)?-

Inline functions in C++

Now lets imagine we have this code;

y = abs(z);

Here we are making a call to the function. When this is

done, the function is called and then executed. In doing so
variables are passed into the function and returned.

This is very expensive considering it is a simple

Inline functions in C++
Now lets make our function inline:

inline double abs(double x){return


And now consider the call in our code:

y = abs(z);

Instead of calling the function and passing the variables,

the compiler does not make the call. Instead it substitutes
the call with the code of the function - hence avoiding a
function call.
I/O in C++

In CSCI114, you learnt about I/O in C++ using stream

extraction and stream insertion operations (<< and >>).

You learnt how to do I/O to standard device such as

Standard Input, Output and Error.
I/O in C++

In addition to this you learn about types such as fstream,

ifstream and ofstream - which allowed you to make
references to files.

Consider a text file that has the following data.

Daniel 65.9
Tom 80.2
Harry 76.3
Sandra 92.0
I/O in C++
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
ifstream ins;
const int MAX = 128;
char name[MAX];
float mark;
if (ins.good())
while (ins.good())
ins >> name >> mark;
cout << name << mark <<
return 0;

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