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What is Yoga?

The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root yuj meaning to bind, join, attach and
yoke, to direct and concentrate ones attention on, to use and apply.

In Yoga Sutra , Maharishi Pantajali called his system Yoga.

To block the patterns of consciousness is called Yoga.

In Bhagavad-Gita As It Is , three definitions of Yoga are mentioned:

;ksxLFk% dq: dekZf.k lax RO;Drok /kut; A

fl)fl);ks% leks HkwRok lERoa ;ksx mP;rs AA

Be steadfast in the performance of your duty, O Arjun, abandoning attachment to success

and failure. Such equanimity is called Yog.
What is Kundalini?
Kundalini is the name of a sleeping dormant potential
force in the human organism
It is situated at the root of the spinal column. In the
masculine body, it is the perineum , between the urinary
and excretory organs. In the female body ,its location is at
the root of the uterus, in the cervix.

This centre is known as mooldhara chakra and it is actually

a physical structure. It is a small gland which we can even
take out and press. However kundalini is a dormant energy
and even if we press it , it will not explode like a bomb.
To awaken kundalini,we must prepare ourself through
yogic techniques . We must practice asanas , pranayama,
kriya yoga and meditation.
How Kundalini was Discovered?
Some people are born with different powers.
Some can read the thoughts of others , some
could write the inspiring poems or compose
beutiful music.
Yogis investigated and concluded that there is
special form of energy within every individual.
In some people , it is dormant and while in
others it was evolving in very small minority.
They discovered prana and called it Prana Shakti
or Kundalini.
Who Can Awaken the Kundalini?
Everybody , whether householder or sannyasin
must remember that the awakening of kundalini
is the prime purpose of human incarnation.
Symbolic representation of kundalini

Kundalini is illustrated as a sleeping serpent coiled three and a half


Three coil represents past , present , future.

Three gunas: tamas , rajas, sattwa
Three states of consciousness: waking, sleeping and dreaming and
half coil represents the state of transcendence.
Methods of Awakening

By birth
Awakening through herbs
Raja Yoga(Astanga Yoga)
Kriya Yoga
Four Forms of Awakening

In the systematic process of awakening kunalini ,

the first step is to purify ida and pingla nadis

Next all the chakras have to be awakened

Then sushumana nadi is awakened

When there is clear pathway , kundalini can be

Disciplining Ida and Pingla
Ida and Pingla alternatively influence the temperature of
the body , digestive and hormonal secretions , the brain
waves and bodily system

Sometimes one nadi is predominates and other is

suppressed which leads to mental and physical
imbalances and generally results in disease.

Only when there is harmony between two nadis ,

sushumana can be awakened.

By practicing pranayama, hatha yoga , nadis can be

Awakening Chakra

There are many ways:

By concentration on eyebrow centre for ajna
By practicing uddiayana bandha for manipura
By chanting Beeja mantra for different
Awakening sushumana

Hatha yoga and pranayama(by breath retenstion)

are prescribed for the awakening of sushumana.

But Kriya yoga is the best , particularly maha mudra

and maha bheda mudra.
The Experience of Awakening
When actual awakening occurs there is an explosion
in the realm of experience.

The most common experience is the release of

energy like an electric shock from the bottom of
muladhara chakra and energy passing up and down
through sushumna.

Sometimes person hears drums, flutes, bells , birds

Evolution Through Chakras
Mooladhara is the most basic , fundamental chakra
from where we commence our evolution , and
sahasrara is where our evolution is completed.

Mooladhara is the first centre in human incarnation

but it is the highest chakra that animals have the
capacity to awaken.
Mooladhara Chakra
When mooladara awakens , a number of
phenomena occur.

Like the sensation of floating upward in space ,

leaving the physical body behind.

Besides , one sometimes experiences clairvoyance

or clairaudience.

In most cases , when the shakti reaches manipura

chakra , it begins to descend to mooladhara again.
Swadhisthana Chakra
It is the storehouse of mental impressions or samskaras.

Many psychic properties gained like loss of fear of water ,

dawning of intuitive knowledge , the ability to taste anything

When explosion takes place in swadhisthana , the aspirant is

often confused and disturbed by activation of unconscious

When kundalini stuck in swadhistana , we may be angry , afraid

of full of sexual fantasies and passion.

We may also experience lethargy , depression and all kinds of

tamsic characteristics.
Manipura Chakra
In the same way that the sun continually radiates
energy to the planets , manipura chakra radiates and
distributes pranic energy throughout the entire
human framework.

Meditation on manipura chakra leads to knowledge

of entire physical system.

The powers gained through the awakening of

maipura chakra are the ability to create and destroy ,
self defence , no fear of fire, knowledge of ones own
Anahata Chakra
In anahata chakra , the freedom to escape from a
preordained fate and to determine ones own destiny
becomes a reality.

When anahata chakra awakens , we must have very

good sangha , associations.

Anahata Chakra awakens refined emotion in the brain

and its awakening is characterized by a feeling of
universal , unlimited love for all beings.

With anahata awakening one develops non-

Vishuddhi Chakra
Vishuddhi is the centre responsible for receiving
thought vibrations from other peoples minds.

The powers attained through awakening vishuddhi

include imperishability , full knowledge of the
scriptures and also the knowledge of the past ,
present and future.

The sense of hearing becomes very sharp , but

through the mind and not the ears.
Ajna and the mind
When we develop ajna , we can have knowledge
without the aid of the senses.

For eg. If there is very cloudy day, we can know ,

through logic that it will rain.

But if there is no clouds in the sky and we can know

beyond a doubt that it will rain.

This means our institution and perception are very

acute and ajna chakra is functioning.
Sahasrara and Samadhi
When kundalini shakti reaches sahasrara , that is
known as union between Shiva and Shakti , as
Sahasrara is said to be the abode of higher
consciousness or Shiva.

Union between Shiva and Shakti marks the

beginning of a great experience.

When union takes place , the moment of self

realization or samadhi begins.
A chakra (Sanskrit cakra, "wheel")
is thought to be an energy point or
node in the subtle body.
Chakras are believed to be part of
the subtle body, not the physical
body, and as such, are the meeting
points of the subtle (non-physical)
energy channels called nadi .
Nadi are believed to be channels
in the subtle body through which
the life force (prana) (non-physical)
or vital energy (non-physical)
Energy Flow
Endocrine System
The endocrine system refers to the collection of glands that secrete
hormones directly into the circulatory system.
Types of Glands
Exocrine Glands

Endocrine Glands
Hormones are chemical signals that affect the behavior of
other glands or tissues.
Gland Hormone Functions Disorder
Thyroid Thyroxine (T4) Increases metabolic Hypothyroidism(def ->
reactions associated low in energy ,
with energy physically short ,
production, growth mentally retarded )
and development Hyperthyroidism

Calcitonin Lowers blood Calcium

Parathyroid Parathyroid Increases blood Hypocalcaemia(def)
Hormone(PTH) Calcium level Decalcification(excess)
Adrenal Gland Epinephrine Increases metabolic
Medulla (Adrenalin) rate,Heart
rate,Breathing and
blood flow to muscles
during excercise
Adrenal Cortex Mineralocorticoids Causes kedneys to
(aldosterone) ratain salt and water

Glucocorticoids Raises blood sugar

(cortisol) level
Gland Hormone Functions Disorder
Pancreas Insulin( cells) Lowers blood sugar Diabetes Mellitus

Glucagon( cells) Raises blood sugar


Testes Androgens Stimulate male sex

(testosterone) characteristics

Ovaries Estrogens Feminizing


Progesterone Increases
vascularization of
during pregnancy
Gland Hormone Function Disorder

Pituitary Antidiuretic (ADH) Causes kidneys to

Neurohypophysis retain water and
(posterior pituitary) excrete small amount
of urine

Oxytocin Stimulates uterine

muscle contraction,
release of milk by
mammary glands

Anterior pituitary Thyrotropin Stimulates Thyroid

Adrenohypophysis gland to secrete

Adrenocorticotropin Stimulates adrenal

Hormone(ACTH) cortex to secrete
Gland Hormone Function Disorder

Gonadoropins Follicile Stimulating Stimulates gonads to

hormones hormone(FSH) & secrete sex
Luteinzing hormones

Growth hormone Stimulates growth in Dwarfism (def)

(GH) the body(skeletal Gigantism(excess)

Prolactin Stimulates mammary

glands and produce

Melanocyte- function primarily in

stimulating hormone skin darkening
responsible for the direct control of endocrine system through
pituitary gland.

centre of emotions

affected by strong emotions, odour, powerful thoughts, taste,

stress, laughter etc.
Gland Hormone Functions
Anti-Diuretic (Produced by hypothalamus & stored in posterior pituitary )
Hormones(ADH) Causes kidneys to retain water(& excrete small amount of water)
regulate water levels including blood volume and blood pressure
Oxytocin (Produced by hypothalamus & stored in posterior pituitary )
Stimulates uterine muscle contraction,
release of milk by mammary glands
Corticotropin- Stimulates anterior pituitary which in turn secretes ACTH.
Releasing Hormone Controls the body's response to physical and emotional stress,
(CRH) and is responsible for suppressing the appetite and stimulating
Gonadotropin- Stimulates anterior pituitary which in turn secretes FSH/LH.
Releasing Hormone Stimulates the release of hormones connected to reproductive
function, puberty and sexual maturation.
Growth Hormone- Stimulates anterior pituitary which in turn secretes GH. Controls
Releasing Hormone growth and physical development in children as well as
metabolism in adults.
Thyrotropin- Stimulates anterior pituitary which in turn secretes TRH.
Releasing Hormone Stimulates production of the thyroid hormone, which in turn
controls the cardiovascular system, brain development, muscle
control, digestive health and metabolism.
PRH Stimulates anterior pituitary which in turn releases prolactin
causes mammary gland to release milk
Brian Waves
At the root of all our thoughts, emotions and
behaviours is the communication between
neurons within our brains.

Brainwaves are produced by synchronised electrical

pulses from masses of neurons communicating
with each other.

Brainwave speed is measured in Hertz (cycles per

second) and they are divided into bands
delineating slow, moderate, and fast waves.
Types of Brain Waves
Delta waves (.5 to 3 Hz)

Delta brainwaves are slow, loud brainwaves (low

frequency and deeply penetrating, like a drum beat).

They are generated in deepest meditation and

dreamless sleep. Delta waves suspend external
Theta waves (3 to 8 Hz)
Theta brainwaves occur most often in sleep but
are also dominant in deep meditation.

It acts as our gateway to learning and memory. In

theta, our senses are withdrawn from the external
world and focused on signals originating from
Alpha waves (8 to 12 Hz)
Alpha brainwaves are dominant during quietly
flowing thoughts, and in some meditative states.

Alpha is the power of now, being here, in the

present. Alpha is the resting state for the brain.

Alpha waves aid overall mental coordination,

calmness, alertness, mind/body integration and
Beta waves (12 to 38 Hz)
Beta brainwaves dominate our normal waking state
of consciousness when attention is directed towards
cognitive tasks and the outside world.

Beta is a fast activity, present when we are alert,

attentive, engaged in problem solving, judgment,
decision making, and engaged in focused mental
Gamma waves (38 to 42 Hz)
Gamma brainwaves are the fastest of brain waves
(high frequency, like a flute), and relate to
simultaneous processing of information from
different brain areas.

It passes information rapidly, and as the most subtle

of the brainwave frequencies, the mind has to be
quiet to access it.
Mudra is used to signify a gesture, a mystic position of the
hands, a seal, or even a symbol.

There are eye positions, body postures, and breathing

techniques that are called mudras. These symbolic finger,
eye, and body postures can vividly depict certain states or
processes of consciousness.

In Kundalini Yoga, the hand mudras are used during the

body postures to intensify their effect.

There are 25 mudras mentioned in Gheranda Samhita and

10 mudras in Hatha Yoga Pradipika.
Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes mellitus (or diabetes) is a chronic, lifelong condition that
affects body's ability to use the energy found in food.
Yogic management of Diabetes

Asana : Sun salutation , shoulder stand pose , plough pose, cobra

pose , half spinal twist
Pranayama : nadi sodhan pranayama, bhastrika, surya bhedi
Shatkarma: laghoo shankprchalana , kunjal
Relaxation : Yoga nidra
Diet : a low carbohydrate , sugar free , natural vegetarian diet
Avoid rice , potatoes and sugar products

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