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Manufacturing Process

Palwasha Shah 177


Crochet is a process of creating

fabric by interlocking loops of
yarn, thread and strands using a
crochet hook.
Characteristics of yarn
Yarn in crochet is selected considering:
Absorbency (how much water does the fiber
Dye ability ( how the fiber absorbs and retains
Drape ( how the yarn moves soft, stiff and les
Elasticity ( how stretchy the fiber is)
Things needed
Crochet process usually involves two basic things
Yarn and needles and a few additional things like
scissors and a large eye needle.
Crochet hook is hold in the dominant hand.
In the first step a slip knot is created which is placed at the end of the hook
Sliding the hooked yarn to the slip knot on the hook that will create a chain
of stitches.
To move up the chain the first chain stitch is knotted on the hook. Then the
crochet hook is inserted into the hole of the next chain stitch and slide the
passing yarn through its center, so the process goes on until chains are formed
clockwise and counter clockwise.
Continuing this basic techniques until a swatch of fabric is
formed. Then it is removed from the yarn ball leaving 6 yarn at
the end. The swatch is then stitched using needle .
Further additions can be made
using different accessories
like buttons or other
Thus a final
product is


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