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Microsoft Excel

A workbook showing the types of data that can be







A formula allows you to calculate and analyze data in a spreadsheet. A formula must begin with an equal
sign (=) and can contain values, cell addresses/references and operators. The operators that can be used in a
formula fall into two categories, Arithmetic and Comparison.

NOTE: Arithmetic Comparison NOTE:

+ Addition = Equal to When using formulas always use cell
BODMAS Rule in - Subtraction > Greater than addresses/references where
Calculations * Multiplication < Lesser than possible instead of the value
/ Division >= Greater than or equal to contained in the cell. The value in
This is a <= Less than or equal to the cell may change, but the cell
mathematical < > Not equal to address/reference is always the
principle, which
means that where
a user inserts no
brackets in a
formula, the
calculation will be
performed with
preference to
Division first, then
Multiplication, then
Addition and
Subtraction last.
Examples of formula

Formula Explanation
= B4*C4 To multiply the value in B4 and C4
Enter the formula for the first cell in the range and press ENTER
Click on that cell to make it active
Position the cursor in the bottom right-hand corner of the cell (the fill
handle) until the mouse pointer changes to a hairline cross (this indicates
that the fill handle is selected)
Hold down the left mouse button and drag down/across to copy the

= D3/D10 To divide the value in D3 by the value in D10

= C20 D20 To subtract the value in D20 from the value
in C20
= F15 + E15 To add the values in F15 and E15 together
= Sum (range of cells) To calculate totals of a list of
numbers. For example: =sum(B2:B6)

=Average(range of cells) To return the average of its

arguments. For example: =average(B2:B6)

=Min(range of cells) To return the smallest number in

a set of values. For example: = min(B2:B6)

=Max(range of cells) To return the largest number in a

set of values. For example: = max(B2:B6)

=Count(range of cells) To count the number of entries

in a list (must be done on values). For example:
= count(B2:B6)

=Counta(range of cells) To count the number of cells

that are not empty (must be done on labels). For
example: = counta(B2:B6)
=if(condition, true, false)
To make decisions. This function tests for a
condition (can be true or false) and then
depending on the result of the test, it performs
on or two calculations. For example:
= if(C4 > 100, "Good", "Fair")
= if(C6 = "Good", B6 * 0.05, B6 * 0.03)
= if(F3 >= 30, G3 - 10, G3 + 20)
=Today( )To return the current date formatted as a date from your system
onto the spreadsheet

=Now( )To provide the current date and time formatted as a date and time

=Date(year,month,day) To return the number that represents the date in

Microsoft Excel. For example:
= date(2015, 09, 28)

=VLOOKUP(lookup value, table array, col index no) To search a column in a

table and return the value in the same row from another column you
specify. The table must be sorted in ascending order for the function to
work. Lookup value is the value you are searching for. Table array is the
range of the data in the table. Col index no is the number of the column
that will contain the value you want. For example:
=vlookup(10, A3:B7, 2),
=vlookup("Mango", A3:B7, 2)
=vlookup(A5, A3:B7, 2)
=rank(number, range, order)
To return the rank of a number in a list of numbers.
The rank of a number is its position in a list that
has been sorted. Number is the value whose
rank you want know. Range is the range of cells
containing the list. Order identifies whether you
want the number to be considered in ascending
(1) or descending (0) order. For example: =
rank(C5, C2:C7, 1), = rank(6, C2:C7, 1)

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