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Indri Septyaningrum

Repeated habitual actions, more purposeful than custom.
Highly organized and controlled, often meant to indicate or
announce membership in a group.
Performances that are repeated, patterned, and frequently include
ceremonial actions that incorporate symbols, action, repetition,
have a frame that indicates when the ritual begins and ends.
Ritual is a particular type of action-driven tradition, as described in
Barbara G. Myerhoffs definition of ritual:
Ritual defines a portion of reality
The act of ritual is often the act of convincing
Persuading the members of groups to believe that the values
portrayed or referred to during the ritual are indeed real, true
values that the group holds.
Myerhoff : The purpose of ritual is to persuade
Low-Context High-Context

Less formally designated Very stylized and occur at

and usually not announced set times for specific,

or planned in advance. announced purposes.
Doesnt involve elaborate, Particular dress codes
though-out performances or participant must follow.
verbal expression. Typically conducted by
Doesnt require a particular someone.
Invented ritual is more of a consciously constructed event that
may signify transition and/or change in membership or position.
Ritual mark and announce changes in state, status, or role.
Groups can invent rituals to acknowledge events or traditions that
their wider society or culture does not acknowledge.
Invented rituals may also define groups, in that group may come
together to perform particular ritual, then continue to exist as a
Belief is the most important fact and some say that those
who do not believe are just going through the motions or
are diminishing the power of the activity, making it just a
ritual without any sacred or deeper significance.

Limen on the threshold
When we experience a liminal state or are in a liminal space,
we are on the edge of something new, a transitional place
and time where what we were and what we will be after the
ritual ends are mixed and blended.
Some rituals surround experiences and events that are themselves
Example : Puberty
The purpose of ritual is to create an altered, in between space, so
that beliefs may become real and possible, and so that
transformation can more readily occur.
Ritual space is open, providing an opportunity for a transformation
to occur; one challenging cultural order and another reinforcing
cultural values by establishing a certain cultural order.
Rites of Passage

Initiation Rituals

Naming Rituals
Mark notable dates or stages in a persons life
Occur at times of change or transition: birth, puberty,
entering adulthood or coming-of-age, marriage and death.
Express a persons entrance into membership in a group.
May include:

Reciting promise or pledges

Performing humiliating acts

Being presented with ceremonial artifacts or clothing

Initiations are intended to strengthen the bond the initiates feel, to

make their membership, at least for a time, one of the most
significant features of their lives.
Giving a baby name maybe a crucial element in forming
Naming ritual such as this one tell the family and larger
community who a child is and where he or she belongs.
Rituals are important and are almost always spoken of as
being important; they mark events, values, beliefs and
experiences that are considered valuable enough to merit an
outward expression.
Whether rituals are entertaining, exciting and full of drama
and pageantry, or quiet, private ceremonies, they matter
they have meaning to those who participate in them.

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