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Geopolitics: the

Evolution of Modern
Robert O. Harmsen
roharmsen@itesm.mx, 4421093650
The Evolution of Modern

Napoleonic Legacy
The Industrialisation of War
Naval Warfare
Total War
Nuclear Weapons & Revolutionary
The Evolution of Modern

Modern warfare generally, the forms

of warfare shaped by and reflecting the
modern era of human history
Developed in terms of a nr. of broad
themes growing power of the state
through processes of centralisation,
bureaucratisation & even
The Evolution of Modern

Rise of ideologies nationalism etc.

Rapid technological progress &
Growing national populations &
growing insistence that the citizen
owed a duty to defend the state
The Evolution of Modern
The Evolution of Modern

All came together in a military

revolution focused on mass conscript
armies of ideologically motivated
citizens, armed with mass-produced,
long-range weapons of incredible
killing power, and logistically sustained
by industrialised economies that could
maintain armies on distant fronts
almost indefinitely
The Evolution of Modern

The Napoleonic legacy

Early 18th century characterised by
limited warfare; some factors:
Difficulties in both recruiting & retaining
soldiers military service not popular;
expensive to recruit & train soldiers
were too valuable to be thrown away;
Supply limitations & poorly developed
road networks
The Evolution of Modern

1792 creation of the French Republic

revolutionary regime embraced a new
approach to the conduct of war,
Creation of a citizen army (conscription);
Beginnings of economic regimentation &
large-scale war production, as well as
Ideological warfare & indoctrination
The Evolution of Modern

Unlike limited warfare the purpose

of ideological war complete
overthrow of the enemy
Rather than minor territorial gains
objective of war became massive
gains or even outright annexation
French Revolution allowed France
to raise mass armies
The Evolution of Modern

French revolution allowed France to

raise massive armies proved to be
decisive in the Napoleonic years
The Evolution of Modern
The Evolution of Modern

By 1812, Napoleon was able to invade

Russia with an army of almost 600,000
Huge armies new issues for
generals and strategists creation of
the corps system smaller groups of
armies, 50,000, own infantry, cavalry,
and artillery powerful enough to
defend against the enemy, small
enough to advance rapidly
The Evolution of Modern

So how can you feed & supply such a


Pre-18th Century practice of live off the

land to forage ruthlessly in the
territories through which it marched
Leads to offensive war why ?
The Evolution of Modern

Napoleon commanded armies that

could move rapidly enough to force
opponents to give battle
Deliberately sought battle to defeat an
enemy army would give pursuit and
destroy them
Strategy would allow him to occupy
and control the enemys resources &
leave them helpless to resist any
political demands
The Evolution of Modern

The Industrialisation of War

19th Century, two important points:
1) modern technology applied to the
production of more sophisticated
weaponry; and
2) essentially civilian technologies
proved immensely important for the
future conduct of war
The Evolution of Modern

Think of the possibility to store

tinned food easier to provide food
supplies for campaigning
One of the most important
technological developments at this
point in time railways
Supplies could be moved (relatively)
quickly in great quantities to the front
The Evolution of Modern

By 1846 Prussia was able to move

an army corps, with all its equipment,
250 miles in two days instead of a 2
weeks march
The Evolution of Modern

Not only rapid movement of troops

also remained fit & unexhausted
Able to move wounded troops
improving their chances of survival;
Easier replacements & reinforcements;
The Evolution of Modern

1870 Franco-Prussian War

Prussia moved an army twice the size
of Napoleons at its height (over
Much smaller French army (600,000),
which barely had time to mobilise,
simply overwhelmed,
Prussia is not a country with an army,
but an army with a country
The Evolution of Modern
The Evolution of Modern
The Evolution of Modern
The Evolution of Modern

Strategic value of railways soon

realised France moved 120,000
men to Italy in its 1859 war with Italy
The Evolution of Modern
The Evolution of Modern

Johnsons Valley Army rapid

movement to Manassas
Enabled the Confederacy to achieve
numerical parity with Union troops
Won the Battle of (First) Manassas,
A defeat might had led to an almost
immediate end of the Civil War
The Evolution of Modern

The Union created the Military

Railway Department important role
in the victory against the Confederates
The Evolution of Modern
Another civilian technology of military importance
The Evolution of Modern
The Evolution of Modern

Political leaderships & commanders to

maintain communication with army
leaders over distances that would
previously have meant delays of days
or weeks in communicating orders;
Also the development of weapons
technology rifles artillery etc.
transformed both strategy and
What about colonial warfare?
The Evolution of Modern
The Evolution of Modern
The Evolution of Modern

Also think of it in terms of cavalry vs.

infantry, cavalry vs. rifles etc.
The Evolution of Modern

Based on the Prussian wars, 1866

1870, European strategists became
convinced that:
Mass armies;
Rapidly transported to the military
theatre; and
Manoeuvring swiftly thereafter;
Would guarantee quick victory to the
side prepared to take the offensive
The Evolution of Modern

Due to amongst others

technological developments, Europe
was heading towards total war
American Civil War ideological
struggle to the death between two
incompatible nationalisms, involving
the use of mass conscription, rifled
weapons, steamships, barbed wire,
and observation balloons
The Evolution of Modern

General Sherman: we are not only

fighting hostile armies, but a hostile
people and must make old and young,
rich and poor, feel the hard hand of
The Evolution of Modern
The Evolution of Modern

Naval Warfare
Napoleonic wars warships made of
wood and powered by the wind
The Evolution of Modern

Changed during the next century,

warships increasingly equipped with:
Long-ranged rifled weapons (naval
artillery); and
(Steam) Engines that enabled them to
operate independently of the wind;
The application of armour plate soon
The Evolution of Modern

France led the creation &

modernisation of naval vessels
Great Britain reluctant to encourage
developments that might challenge its
naval supremacy
Many theorists held on to the concept
of naval power, however, many
theorists also started to see a shift
towards land power
The Evolution of Modern

Sir Julian Corbett: sea power a means

to a political end; however,
Sea power had its limits, and a major
naval power, like G-B, had always
needed continental allies with land
Far more to maritime strategy than
battles trade protection, commerce
raiding, amphibious warfare &
transport of people (armies)
The Evolution of Modern
The Evolution of Modern

Total War
By 1914, the political, economic,
social, technological & doctrinal trends
were a recipe for disaster
Armies (states) were convinced of the
virtues of the Napoleonic warfare
mass armies, seeking out the
adversaries army, enveloping &
destroying it and then pursuing it
The Evolution of Modern
The Evolution of Modern

Germany, 7,000 motor vehicles,

726,000 horses and 150,000
No enveloping of the enemy;
powerful defensive weapons; trenches
and barbed wire; and resources that
the railways could deliver from the
mobilised industrial economy
Enemy had to be worn down
The Evolution of Modern
The Evolution of Modern
The Evolution of Modern
The Evolution of Modern

Not just new technological

advancements that led to greater,
more powerful/dangerous wars and
The geography of war increased in
scale and scope as well no
manoeuvring room in the main theatre
of operations
Strategy open more battles to
increase the pressures
The Evolution of Modern
The Evolution of Modern
The Evolution of Modern

In addition, greater willingness to

deliberately target non-combatants
Unrestricted submarine warfare
(naval) blockade of Germany Long-
range bombing of (enemy) cities by air
Basically any object whose
destruction promised to weaken the
war effort of the enemy legitimate
The Evolution of Modern
The Evolution of Modern

Totality in warfare assessed by a nr.

of elements:
Type of weapons employed;
Strategy and tactics used;
Proportion of a States resources used;
The degree of legitimate targets;
The social & cultural pressures
towards unrestricted warfare
The Evolution of Modern

First world war elements of totality

even more prominent in World War II
mobilisation of the war effort to the
fullest extent

Conscription not only men, but also

women not just in the military
(generally non-combatant roles), but in
industries, agriculture etc.
The Evolution of Modern
The Evolution of Modern

(regular) industries & merchant navies

all under government control for the
war effort Rationing to conserve
vital (re)sources for the war effort
Germany slave labour Systematic
use of propaganda & censorship;
promotion of nationalism; restriction
or internment of groups deemed to
have suspect loyalties
The Evolution of Modern
The Evolution of Modern
The Evolution of Modern

Some final words on technological

Battle of Britain radar
Battle of the Atlantic Anti-Submarine
Detection Technology (ASDIC)
Nuclear weapons
German technological breakthroughs
became operational too late
The Evolution of Modern

Ultimately mass & industrial power

proved ultimately decisive;
Also the strategic problem of a two-
front war
The Evolution of Modern

In World War II bombing of civilians

was a primary war-fighting strategy;
Opponents cities & populations
targeted to break the will to resist
Also industries productive capacity
to undermine the ability to operate
Hiroshima & Nagasaki
The Evolution of Modern
The Evolution of Modern

Naval power all-out submarine

Great Britain & Japan, as islands
nations, depended on resources
imported by sea
The Battle of the Atlantic
The Battle of the Pacific
The Evolution of Modern

Early stages of the war German

land-based air power compensated for
its naval weakness
British naval losses to German air
attack in the Crete campaign
equivalent to a major fleet action;
However once Allied fleets obtained
anti-aircraft weapons
The Evolution of Modern

Early phases World War II

demonstrated that obtaining air
superiority both on land and at sea
had become an essential prerequisite
to successful military operations
Ultimately, World War II combined
arms or joint warfare key to
success in modern industrial war
The Evolution of Modern

Amphibious operations crucial in

the (later) phases of World War II
In the European Theatre of Operations
the invasions of North Africa, Sicily,
Italy and France
In the Pacific Theatre of Operations
the island-hopping campaign
outflanked & overcame Japanese
The Evolution of Modern

In both the antisubmarine &

amphibious campaign role of the
aircraft carrier of decisive importance
The Evolution of Modern
The Evolution of Modern
The Evolution of Modern

World War II five major aircraft

carrier battles in the Pacific war as
well as 22 other major naval
In Europe sea power crucial, but not
decisive in the Pacific, it was
The Evolution of Modern
The Evolution of Modern

Nuclear Weapons and Revolutionary

World War II total war at its peak;
Nuclear weapons limited war;
Soviet-Union & USA tens of
thousands of nuclear weapons during
the Cold War;
Full-scale war mutually suicidal
The Evolution of Modern
The Evolution of Modern
The Evolution of Modern

Policy of restraint
Not just between the USA & the Soviet
Union, but also
Between its allies not to be dragged
into a war by them;
To avoid taking any military actions
that risked escalating to a full-scale
conflict that might go nuclear
The Evolution of Modern

Full-scale nuclear war M.A.D.

mutually assured destruction
Still strategic doctrine of deterrence
Reluctance of the most powerful states
to employ techniques of total war
created opportunities for opponents to
employ asymmetrical tactics and
Think of Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan
The Evolution of Modern

Cold war period characterised by

smaller-scale conventional wars &
campaigns of (counter-)insurgency
Conventional wars limited in their
outcomes & duration;
Inter-state warfare/conflicts
More towards civil instead of
international conflicts
The Evolution of Modern

Food for thought

Has war between major powers
become obsolete? Why, or why not?

Postmodern war: how will the

transition to postmodernity be
expected to influence warfare in the
decades to come?

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