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‡ Computer Based Learning (CBL) and Web Based Training
(WBT) are key ways of learning in the information age

‡ E-learning comprises all forms of electronically supported

learning and teaching

‡ Online education involves the use of learning management

systems or Virtual Learning Environments such as oodle,
Sakai, WebCT, Blackboard

‡ Virtual School (Cyber School)
½ Ynstitutions which teach courses entirely or primarily
through online methods

½ Some schools design part time or full time learning

programs, and even lead to a degree

½ Less travel problems and some schools provide

interactive sessions with teachers and students online
‡ Virtual Universities
½ Provide higher education through electronic
media, typically Ynternet

½ Some virtual universities are part of physically

located universities. Other universities appear
only on the Ynternet without a physical location

½ Provide higher flexibility and independence

from distance
‡ Virtual Field Trips
½ Guided exploration through the Web that organizes a collection
of pre-screened, thematically based web pages into a structured
online learning experience

½ VFTs appeared in 1 (LEARNZ) but grew in popularity


½ Real-time Virtual field trips involve the use of

videoconferencing and audioconferencing technologies to
permit students in one location to virtually visit and learn
about people or places in another location
‡ Online examinations
½ A popular application of online learning

½ Examples:
Ł Java exams
Ł CCNA  CY A exams

½ Because of online examinations, students can gain

professional qualifications awarded from foreign

‡ Virtual Classroom
‡ Hypertext courses
‡ Video-based courses
‡ Audio-based courses
‡ Animated courses
‡ Web-supported textbook courses
‡ Peer-to-peer courses

‡ Yncreased emphasis on social learning and use of social
software such as blogs, wikis, podcasts and virtual
worlds such as Second Life
‡ Learning takes place through conversations about
content and grounded interaction about problems and
‡ Social networks foster online learning communities
‡ obile Assisted Language Learning

‡ Ymproved performance
‡ Yncreased access
‡ Convenience and flexibility to learners
‡ Skill development
‡ Reduced overall training time
‡ Access to public content such as webcasts or other course
‡ Cost reduction
‡ Adapting to new technology and environments
= Y §  

‡ Need for proper training and development of teachers in the

application of YT to enhance the effectiveness of learning and teaching
‡ Cues that are important to learners, e.g. facial expressions, body
movements and eye contact, mostly cannot be viewed online
‡ Reputation of online institutes
‡ Ynvigilating online examinations
‡ Validity and reliability of information found on the Ynternet
‡ Limited access to online resources and ³digital divide´, specially in
developing countries
‡ Language issues
‡ Distractions during online study time

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