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Experiences Of Women Who Experience Sectio

Caesarea On Indications Pre Eclampsia Weight In

Hospitals Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto

Analysis Journal
Oleh :
Muhammad Taib
Nindya Faiqotun Nabilah
Noryanda Desky Ashari
Ririn Yuliantini
Siti Hapsah
Vera Yulia Damayanti
Wahyu Dian


Severe preeclampsia (SPE) is one of the main causes factor maternal
and perinatal death. Sectio caesarea (SC) is delivery process of the
embrio from abdomen intition. SC of indication SPE can cause many
impact whether it phisically and phsicology of the womens during the
pregnancy period. The purpose of this research is to know about many
kinds of womens experience that face SC of indications SPE.
This research is a qualitatif research with fenomenology approach of
women that face SC of SPE indication. The participants of this
research is chosen by purposes sampling methods. The data is taken by
an interview and field note. The analistic data use Collaizzis method.
This research result women that face SC of SPE indication has
perception about SPE that is, the progress of blood plessure and
perception about SC which surgery in stomach to deliver baby because
there is disparity in pregnancy the change that face after SC of
indication of SPE is like chilled, blurry view, confused, pain for the
mobilization, and chest felt congested, fear, change of mood, mounting
sensitivity, worry about next pregnancy.
The needed requirement is like treatment of partum post, treatmen
of newborn baby, drug type information. The expectation of health
officer attitudes is change of health energy when give treatment,
comfortable and information about difficulties of pregnancy and
home visiting. The support source from husband, helath energy and
family, and the support types is like instrumental support, emotional,
helath information and spiritual.
Labor and birth of an incident the hearts of
normal physiology of Life.
Demographic and Health Survey Indonesia :
maternal mortality rate in 2007 the sum of
228 / 100,000 live births . Figures initials down
compared to 2002 Amounting to 307 /
100,000 live births .
Medical factors is the direct cause of maternal
death that preeclampsia was 13 % .
Theoretical Basis
1. Experience
The experience is a learning process and
increase the development potential of good
behavior of formal and non formal education or
can be defined as a process that brings a person
to a pattern of behavior that is higher . One
study also includes the change in the relative
right of behavior that caused the experience ,
understanding and practice.
(Knoers & Haditono, 1999)
2. Sectio Caesarea
Sectio Caesaria is the mode of delivery of the
fetus using an incision in the abdomen and
uterus (Bobak , 2004)
Sectio Caesaria is surgery to give birth to the
fetus by opening the abdominal wall and the
wall of the uterus (Wiknjosastro , 2002)
3. Severe Preeklampsia
Severe preeclampsia is a condition in
pregnancy where the systolic blood pressure
greater than 160 mmHg or diastolic more than
110 mmHg at least twice examination within 6
hours with mother bedrest position
In the PEB arise various clinical manifestations and
complications that can lead to shock and death that
required hospitalization. The incidence sectio caesarea in
hospitals Prof. Dr Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto in 2009
as many as 517 cases. Given the wide variety of
individual experiences on labor issues, especially with
indications PEB SC indicates that the individual is unique.
Research on SC and PEB is largely a medical research.
However, research on the life experiences of women who
experienced the SC on indications PEB has not been done.
Therefore, researchers will learn in depth about the
experiences of women who experienced the SC on
indications PEB.

To identify the experiences of women who

experienced the SC on PEB indication as to
get clear information about health services,
support provided and expectations of health
care .
Women who
experience the
SC on
indications PEB
Qualitative research with
phenomenological approach,
technique purposive
sampling method
Research location Year of research

Hospital Prof. Dr. Margono

Soekarjo Purwokerto

Research Instruments: Analistic data use

Interview and field note Collaizzis method
There is a wide range of perceptions about the SC and PEB are
influenced by the level of education , the needs and
experiences of each after undergoing SC on indications PEB
The same perception about PEB sense that an increase in high
blood pressure during pregnancy , but do not know the exact
Perception nearly the same on the understanding that the SC is
surgery performed on the abdomen to remove the baby
because of abnormalities in pregnancy

Various physical changes experienced after the SC on

indications PEB
Sources of social support obtained from husbands , families and
health professionals

Needs necessary after SC among others postpartum care ,

newborn care , information about the type of drug
administered , and information about the next pregnancy

Hope participants of health workers such expectations will

change the attitude of health workers and their visits after
participants return home from the hospital
1. Perception of PEBAll participants have the same perception of the sense of PEB
as BP during pregnancy
2. Perception of SCAll participants had a similar statement that the SC is done in
the belly to remove the baby because of abnormalities in pregnancy .
3. Various changes experienced after the SC on indications PEB Physical changes
post SC on indications PEB namely chills, blurred vision , dizziness , pain for
mobilization .
4. Social SupportParticipants had the support of her husband , family and health
professionals .
5. She need after the SC on indications PEBThere is a wide range of needs , such as
: post fartum care , newborn care , and information about the type of drug .
6. Hope
All participants expressed the expectation of health workers .


1. The use of the word in the title of the women were considered less suitable

2. Years of research are not included in the title and in the journal

3. Researchers do not include an abstract form in Indonesian

4. The researcher did not mention the study sample , only mentions the case of
the SC on the indication PEB in the period from January to December , 2008.

5. In the research results are not explained on the distribution of respondents /


6. Do not described process / validation criteria on how far qualitative

researchers are ready to conduct research in the field

1. This study examines the experience felt by the mother who

suffered SC on indications PEB, where research is usually done
medical research

2. Able to provide motivation for nurses in order to provide optimal

service and better

3. The results can improve the knowledge of nurses about the needs
of mothers, especially after the SC on indications PEB
Nursing Implications
1. With this research is expected to provide
information to nurses about the experiences of
women who gave birth to the SC on the
indication of PEB to provide further
interventions such as coping
2. For Hospitals need to improve information about
the complications that accompany pregnancy ,
especially in the form of Leflet PEB and
annotations directly to the patient at the time of
the ANC and provide information about SC
3. In addition to providing medical treatment ,
nurses also play a role in the provision of
information / knowledge about the disease , the
causes , prevention and management .

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