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Dr. N.G.P.



Stacks, Queues, and Linked Lists

Prepared by,
Preethi S
Assistant Professor ECE

15.08.2017 Dr. N.G.P. INSTITUTE OF 1

Stacks, Queues, and Linked Lists
Stacks (Last in/First out List)
Operations: Push, Pop, Test Empty, Test Full, Peek,
Queue(First in/First out List)
Operations: Insert, Remove, Test Empty, Test Full,
Peek, Size
Linked List(A list of elements connected by
Insert, Delete, Find, Traverse, Size
Advantages: can grow, delete/insert with assignments
15.08.2017 Dr. N.G.P. INSTITUTE OF 2
Complexities Insert O(1)
Remove O(1)
Stack: Peek O(1)
Push O(1) isEmpty O(1)
Pop O(1) isFull O(1)
Peek O(1)
isEmpty O(1) List
isFull O(1) Insert O(1)
Remove O(1)
Search O(N)

15.08.2017 Dr. N.G.P. INSTITUTE OF 3

Stack Implementation
With an array
Need stack array and top members.
Push: (top<MAX) ? stack[++top] = data : <error>;
Pop: (top>0) ? return stack[--top]:<error>;
With a linked list
Push: insert at front of list.
Pop: remove from front of list.
What are the complexities?

15.08.2017 Dr. N.G.P. INSTITUTE OF 4

Stack: Array Implementation
int top, arraySize; Data *array[];
void Stack(int s)
{ array = malloc(sizeof(Data)*s; arraySize = s; top = -1; }
int push(Data *s)
{ if (isFull()) return false; array[++top] =s; return true; }
Data *pop() { if (isEmpty()) return null; return array[top--]; }

int isEmpty() { return (top < 0); }

int isFull() { return top+1 == arraySize; }
Data *peek() { if (isEmpty()) return null; return array[top];}

Note: In C, non-zero = true, zero = false

15.08.2017 Dr. N.G.P. INSTITUTE OF 5
Stack: Linked List
Data *top;
Stack() { top = NULL; }
void push(Data* d) { d->link=top; top=d; }
Data *Pop()
{ if (isEmpty()) return null;
Data *value = top; top = value->link; return value; }
int isEmpty() {return (top == NULL);}
Data *peek() { return top; }

15.08.2017 Dr. N.G.P. INSTITUTE OF 6

Queue Implementation
With an array
Circular Queue
Need queue array, size, head, and tail pointers.
Insert: (size<MAX) ? queue[++tail%MAX] = data : <error>;
Remove: (size > 0) ? return queue[++head%MAX] : <error>;

With a linked list

Insert: Insert to back of queue
Remove: Remove from front of queue.

What are the complexities?

15.08.2017 Dr. N.G.P. INSTITUTE OF 7
Queue: Array Implementation
int head, tail, entries;
int size;
Data *array[];
public Queue(int s)
{ array = malloc(sizeof(Data)*s); size = s; head =0; tail = -1; entries = 0;}
public boolean insert(Data s)
{ if (isFull()) return 0; if (tail==size) tail = -1;
array[++tail] = s; entries++; return 1; }
public Data *remove()
{ if (isEmpty()) return NULL; Data *temp = array[head];
head = (head+1)%size; entries--; return temp; }
int isEmpty() { return entries == 0; }
Data *peek() { if (isEmpty() return 0;
return array[head]; }
15.08.2017 Dr. N.G.P. INSTITUTE OF 8
Queue: Linked List Implementation
Data *head, *tail;
Queue(int s) { head =null; tail = null; }
int Insert(Data *s)
{ if (isEmpty()) { head = tail = s }
else { last->link = value; tail= s; }
return true; }
Data *Remove()
{ Data *value = head;
if (isEmpty()) return NULL;
head = head->link; if (head == NULL) : tail = NULL; return value;
int isEmpty() { return (head == null; }
Data peek() { return head; }

15.08.2017 Dr. N.G.P. INSTITUTE OF 9

Linked List Implementation
See Text Example
With dynamic memory
The data structure uses object links.
Insert/Delete: Search; assignments to change pointers
With an array (Use indices instead of data links)
Need to list array, size, and pointer to initial entry.
Initialization: Create free entry chain.
Insert: retrieve from free list if any and do normal insertion.
Delete: Do normal insertion logic and then add to free list.
The data structure uses primitive links rather than object
15.08.2017 Dr. N.G.P. INSTITUTE OF 10
Ordered Linked List Insertion
Item first;
void insert(Item *d )
Item *previous = null; Item *current = first;
while (current!=NULL && d->key > current->key)
{ previous=current; current=current->next); }
if (previous == NULL) first = d; else previous->next = d;
d->next = current;

Note: Duplicates OK in this implementation

15.08.2017 Dr. N.G.P. INSTITUTE OF 11
Linked List Removal
Item remove(Item *d)
{ Item *current = first; *previous = NULL;
{ if (current == null) return NULL;
if (!equals(current->key, d->key))
{ previous = current; current = current->next; }
} while (current!=null && !equals(current->key, d->key))

if (previous == NULL) first = first->next;

else previous->next = current->next;
return current;

15.08.2017 Dr. N.G.P. INSTITUTE OF 12

Doubly Linked List
See Text Example
Two links. One to next record and one to
More assignments to maintain links.
Dont need the previous temporary pointer.
More memory per record.
More secure. Used for operating systems.

15.08.2017 Dr. N.G.P. INSTITUTE OF 13

Doubly Linked Insertion
void insert( Item *d )
{ Item *current = first, *previous = NULL;
while (current!=NULL&&compareTo(d->key, current->key)<0)
{ previous = current; current=current->next); }

if (current == NULL)
{ if (previous == NULL) first = current;
else previous->next = d; }
{ if (current->previous==NULL)
{ first=d; d->next=current; current->previous=d;}
else { d->previous = current->previous; d->next = current;
current->previous->next = d; current->previous = d;

15.08.2017 Dr. N.G.P. INSTITUTE OF 14

Doubly Linked Removal
int remove(Item *d)
{ Item *current = first;
{ if (current == NULL) return NULL;
if (current->key != d->key) {current = current->next; }
} while (!equals(current->key, d->key));
if (current->previous == NULL) first = current->next;
else current->previous->next = current->next;
if (current->next != NULL) current->next->previous = current->previous;
return true;

15.08.2017 Dr. N.G.P. INSTITUTE OF 15

Stack Examples
Matching pairs of delimiters
Evaluating infix expressions
Two stacks
First convert to postfix and then evaluate
Expression examples

15.08.2017 Dr. N.G.P. INSTITUTE OF 16


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