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dr.Siska a new medical staff in hospital

early Lebong.at the first dr.Siska his arrival
in the region should be able to adapt to his
new around society, as well as work
places. First day of operation, dr.Siska
handle a lot of very unfortunate patient. But
with their families did not feel satisfied with
the results of consultations by dr.Siska, this
led to the lack of trust of patients to
services in hospital Lebong.
Difficult Terms
 Medic:
Adjectives related to the world of medicine
 Consultation:
Brainstorm to get advice or suggestions in the
best possible
 Adaptation:
Way of how organisms cope with
environmental stresses around to survive
 Adaptation
 Society servicng
 Communication way

The problem
“Dissatisfaction with the results of a
patient consulting a doctor”
Analysis of the problem

Doctor Patient

Way of Communication

Purpose of Communication

Benefits of Communication
“A patient satisfaction is influenced by
the effectiveness of communication
between doctors and patients”
 Communication is a translation of a
word that means of transportation
Communicate means to tell or relate.
 Etymologically, communication  (Latin)
communication with basic word
 In terminology, communication is
defined as notices something (message)
from one party to another party by using
a medium.
The Elements of Communication
1. Sender : People who send messages to
2. Encoding : A deployment process in coded
3. Message : Delivered a series of symbols
4. Media : A tool to convey the message
5. Receiver : The person receiving the message
6. Decoding : A symbol translation process by
the receiver of the message
7. Response : Reaction from the recipient of the
message that communicated to
8. Feedback : Receiving the response submitted
to the sender of the message
Various Kinds of Communication
A. According Communications Delivery Method

B. According to the continuance of Communication

C. According to the communication behavior

D. According to Purpose Communication Communication

E. According to Scope Communications

F. According to the Flow of Information Communication

G. According to Communications Networks

H. The Role of Individual Communication

I. Communication Communicating According Amount

(Sources: nonequeen.wordpress.com)
Sign of The Success
of Physicians Serving Patients
1. Seen from the faces of patients who
feel comfortable while talking to your doctor
2. There was no expression of fear in the face of the patient
to the doctor.
3. Patients will be promoting their doctor with other people
to seek treatment there.
4. Patients will come again to always consult their
health or make the doctor as his family doctor.
5. Patients did not hesitate to ask a lot of things with their
6. Patients would like to thank a lot at the end of
the consultation.
(Source: book doctors are also human, by: iqbal Mochtar)
Media of Communication
 Radio, TV, attention board, telephone,
and internet. Media selection can be
influenced by who delivered the
message content, the number of
message recipients, and the situation
The Lack Factor of Effectiveness of
Communication Between Doctors and Patients

1. It has friendly nature (pride) among physicians and

2. Doctors use words that are too high thus
making the patient confused
3. Physicians or patients who are
too many silent and respond as necessary
4. Cultural and language differences between doctors and
5. Doctors Using words that are too rude to his patients.
6. Nothing good response from
doctors to patients who complain
The Lack Factor of Effectiveness of
Communication Between Doctors and Patients
7. Limited time so that hasty
8. Physicians who have high self-important attitude
9. Lack of the ability of physicians to respect patient
10. Lack of empathy
11. Lack of respect for the opinion of the doctor to
take medical decisions pasien dala
12. Doctors didn’t give patients the opportunity to give their
opinions and complaints
13. Not establish interpersonal skilled physicians between
doctors and patients
14. Not speak at medium speed, quiet, and reliable

(source: pdf. guides medical ethics and a book doctor is also human)
A good way to communicate
1. Speak clearly.
2. Hear what was said the other person and give good
response. Look the other person.
3. Maintain eye contact at levels that are equally between
each other continued to look to avoid the stares. Try to
catch the clues about how the flexibility for the other
4. As you can strive to understand what he meant the other
person, if there is something you do not understand, ask.
5 Give good feedback if requested. Ask for feedback as well.
6 Give examples to support what you mean.
A good way to communicate
7 Give your opinion if asked.
8 Take turns talking.
9 Adjust the level and language of the other person. For
example, you certainly will talk differently to a child than
to an adult (use of words and simple sentences, instead
of baby talk).
10 Listen to demand the other person (this does not always
come in the form of questions or statements directly).
11 Use your intuition. Sometimes words are not necessary
and you can communicate with the feelings, expressions,
12 Be sensitive to body language and verbal cues-yours and
the other person. Arose sensitive and interested. Observe
the signs that the other person loses interest, want to
change the topic or the need to end the conversation.
Relationship between adaptation and
communication is, the communication is in
need in the prosces adaptation
Important of Communication
1. Foster intellectual and social
2. Establishing the identity or the identity of
3. Understand the reality around us
4. Affect mental health in building good
(Supratikya. 2000. Interpersonal Communication Psychological Review.
Canisius. P. 9-10.)
Adaptation and Physician
 Adaptation of a doctor to know and
understand the circumstances of some
patients must be followed by a customized
treatment. Through a process of adaptation
that is good then the communication will be
established well too.

(Ismawati, Revelation. Patient satisfaction Judging from the

Communications Doctor.)
Communication Tips
 Recognizing why communication skills are important
 The meaning of communication skills and shape
 Looking at where they could practice communication
 Reduce the feeling shy and embarrassed
 Never tired of learning or practicing
 Continue to work diligently practicing a
opponent practice
 Communication part of self

(Supratikya. 2000. Interpersonal Communication Psychological Review.

Canisius. P. 12.)

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