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Presentation on Nonverbal


Department of Chemical engineering

Submitted by
SCH. NO-141117033
B.tech final year
Nonverbal Communication

 . Communication without words; communication by means

of space, gestures, facial expressions, touching, vocal
variation, and silence for example (DeVito)
 Behavior and elements of speech aside from the words
themselves that transmit meaning. Non-verbal
communication includes pitch, speed, tone and volume of
voice, gestures and facial expressions, body posture,
stance, and proximity to the listener, eye movements and
contact, and dress and appearance
Importance of Nonverbal
“The most important thing in communication is
hearing what isn’t said.” – Peter F. Drucker
“It is estimated that NVC most often conveys a
larger share of social information(65% or more)
while verbal communication plays a less salient
role(35% or less). So much information is
communicated nonverbally that frequently the
verbal aspect is negligible.”
Importance of Nonverbal
 “Communication of information is essential to support the
infrastructure of society. This basic need has not changed
since the first picture signs were incised on clay tablets in
the Near Middle East some 6,000 years ago in order to
record business transactions”
 Rosemary Sassoon “Signs, Symbols and Icons” 1997
Types of Nonverbal Communication

 Body Gestures and Facial Expressions

(Jeremy Wilson)
 Touch (Sarah Kearns)
 Sound (Michael Jenkins)
 Space (Laura Chady)

 The study of the communicative dimensions of

facial and bodily movements

- Includes: body movement (body language),

gestures, facial expression, eye contact, posture,
and speaking volume
Body Gestures

 Emblems
 Illustrators
 AffectDisplays
 Regulators
 Adaptors

1) Slumped posture = low spirits

2) Erect posture = high spirits, energy and confidence

3) Lean forward = open and interested

4) Lean away = defensive or disinterested

5) Crossed arms = defensive

6) Uncrossed arms = willingness to listen

7) Hands on hips=impatient
Facial Communication

 Facial Management
 Facial Feedback
 Facial Expressions and Culture
Facial Management Techniques

 Intensifying – to exaggerate a feeling

 Deintensifying – to underplay a feeling

 Neutralizing – to hide a feeling

 Masking– to replace or substitute the

expression of one emotion or another
Body and facial
communication are
important in interpersonal

It is especially important to
pay close attention to
accepted nonverbals in
other cultures!
Physical Characteristics

 Mesomorph
 Endomorph
 Ectomorph
 Skincolor
 Body hair
 Body odor

 Warfield, A. (2001) Do you speak body language?.

Training and Development, 55(4), 60.
 Devito, J. A. (2001). The Interpersonal
Communication Book. Hunter College of the City
University of New York: Longham.
 Swenson, J. & Casmir, F.L. (1998). The impact of
culture-sameness, gender, foreign travel, and
academic background on the ability to interpret
the facial expression of emotions in others.
Communication Quarterly, 46(2), 214-217.
Thank you

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