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Bell Ringer

1. In order for work to be done, the force must be

in the same direction as ______________.
2. How much time is needed to produce 720
Joules of work if 90 watts of power is used?
3. If a group of workers can apply a force of 1000
Newtons to move a crate 20 meters, what
amount of work will they have accomplished?
Bell Ringer
• Draw a free body diagram on your balloon car in
Energy and Work

How are energy and work related?

Energy is the ability to do work.
Work is a transfer of energy.
Energy and Work
Work and energy are closely related.
•Energy is known by the changes it causes.
•Work is done when a force moves an
object through a distance. Energy is
transferred by a force moving an object
through a distance.
•Both work and energy are typically
measured in joules (J).
Energy and Work
The law of conservation of energy states
that energy cannot be created or destroyed,
but only changed from one form into another
or transferred from one object to another.
Energy and Work
Energy has different forms.
A. The sun gives off energy in the form of heat and
Energy and Work
Energy has different forms.
A. The sun gives off energy in the form of heat and
B. Plants convert sunlight into food.
Energy and Work
Energy has different forms.
A. The sun gives off energy in the form of heat and
B. Plants convert sunlight into food.
C. People convert food energy into muscle movement.
Kinetic Energy

What factors does the kinetic energy of an object

depend on?
The energy of motion is called kinetic energy.
The kinetic energy of any moving object
depends upon its mass and speed.
Kinetic Energy
• Doubling the mass in the formula doubles the
kinetic energy.
• Doubling the speed quadruples the kinetic
Kinetic Energy
Calculating Kinetic Energy
A 0.10-kilogram bird is flying at a constant speed
of 8.0 m/s. What is the bird’s kinetic energy?
Kinetic Energy
Plan and Solve
What equation contains the given quantities and the

Substitute the known values in the formula for KE.

Kinetic Energy
1. A 70.0-kilogram man is walking at a
speed of 2.0 m/s. What is his kinetic

Kinetic Energy
1. A 70.0-kilogram man is walking at a speed of 2.0
m/s. What is his kinetic energy?


KE = (0.50)(70.0 kg)(2.0 m/s)2 = 140 J

Kinetic Energy
2. A 1400-kilogram car is moving at a speed of 25
m/s. How much kinetic energy does the car have?

Kinetic Energy
2. A 1400-kilogram car is moving at a speed of 25
m/s. How much kinetic energy does the car have?


= (0.50)(1400 kg)(25 m/s)2

= 440,000 J
Potential Energy

How is gravitational potential energy

Potential energy is energy that is stored as a
result of position or shape.
An object’s gravitational potential energy
depends on its mass, its height, and the
acceleration due to gravity.
Potential Energy
When this musician
pulls the string of her
cello to one side, the
string is stretched and
gains potential energy.
Potential Energy
The musician adds energy to the cello
string by plucking it.
•The energy stored in the stretched string
is potential energy.
•The stored energy is converted into
kinetic energy when the string is
released and it vibrates.
Potential Energy
Gravitational Potential Energy
Potential energy that depends
upon an object’s height is
called gravitational potential
This type of potential energy
increases when an object is
raised to a higher level.
Potential Energy
This diver has
gravitational potential
energy as she stands at
the end of a diving board.
She gained the potential
energy by doing work—by
climbing up the steps to
the diving board.
Potential Energy
• The unit for mass is kilograms.
• The unit for height is meters.
• Acceleration due to gravity, g, has a value
in SI units of 9.8 m/s2 on Earth.
• The unit for gravitational potential energy
is joules.
Potential Energy
Height is measured from the ground or
floor or some other reference level.
Doubling either the mass of the
object or its height doubles its
gravitational potential energy.
Potential Energy
What is the potential energy
relative to the water surface of a
diver at the top of a 10.0-meter-
high diving platform. Suppose
she has a mass of 50.0
Potential Energy
What is the potential energy relative to the water
surface of a diver at the top of a 10.0-meter-high
diving platform. Suppose she has a mass of 50.0
PE = mgh
= (50.0 kg)(9.8 m/s2)(10.0 m)
= 4900 kg•m2/s2 = 4900 J
Assessment Questions

1. How are work and energy related?

a. Energy is the rate of doing work.
b. Work is a form of energy.
c. Work is the transfer of energy.
d. Energy is created by work.
Assessment Questions

1. How are work and energy related?

a. Energy is the rate of doing work.
b. Work is a form of energy.
c. Work is the transfer of energy.
d. Energy is created by work.

Assessment Questions

2. A moving object with a mass of 10 kg has 320 J of

kinetic energy due to its motion. How fast is the object
a. 64 m/s
b. 32 m/s
c. 8 m/s
d. 10 m/s
Assessment Questions

2. A moving object with a mass of 10 kg has 320 J of

kinetic energy due to its motion. How fast is the object
a. 64 m/s
b. 32 m/s
c. 8 m/s
d. 10 m/s

Assessment Questions

3. Which of these is an example of elastic potential

a. a bow prepared to release an arrow
b. a rubber ball thrown into the air
c. a book about to fall from a table
d. a truck pulling a trailer
Assessment Questions

3. Which of these is an example of elastic potential

a. a bow prepared to release an arrow
b. a rubber ball thrown into the air
c. a book about to fall from a table
d. a truck pulling a trailer

Assessment Questions

4. A small airplane and a helicopter have identical

masses. If the airplane’s altitude compared to the
ground is three times that of the helicopter, how much
more gravitational potential energy does the airplane
have than the helicopter?
a. 0.333 times as much
b. 3 times as much
c. 6 times as much
d. 9 times as much
Assessment Questions

4. A small airplane and a helicopter have identical

masses. If the airplane’s altitude compared to the
ground is three times that of the helicopter, how much
more gravitational potential energy does the airplane
have than the helicopter?
a. 0.333 times as much
b. 3 times as much
c. 6 times as much
d. 9 times as much

Exit Ticket (one paper per group)
1. Find the kinetic energy of a 0.1-kilogram toy truck
moving at a speed of 1.1 meters per second.
2. What is the kinetic energy of a 48-kilogram dog
running across a lawn with a speed of 3 m/s?
3. A book on a shelf 2.0 meters above the floor has a
mass of 1.5 kilograms. What is the gravitational
potential energy of the book?
4. Find the mass of a ball on a roof 30 meters high, if
the ball’s gravitational potential energy is 58.8 joules.
Bell Ringer
1. In order for work to be done, the force must be
in the same direction as ______________.
2. How much time is needed to produce 720
Joules of work if 90 watts of power is used?
3. If a group of workers can apply a force of 1000
Newtons to move a crate 20 meters, what
amount of work will they have accomplished?
Balloon Car Lab
• Come up with a design for your balloon car including a material list.
• Provided by teacher: 1 balloon, 2 straws, 2 rubber band, 1 ft of tape, 1 wooden
• Rules:
• The car must be powered by balloon
• You can build the car out of anything
• It must have at least three wheels. The wheels can NOT be wheels from a toy car.
They must be made out of something that was not originally meant to be used as
• The car may not leave the ground.
• The car must be capable of traveling at least 5 meters.
• a. Best Looking Car
• b. Fastest Car (in 5 meters)
• c. Farthest Distance Traveled
At least 3 trials

SPEED (m/s)
(distance ÷ time)
0 0 0
Analysis Questions
1. Did your car work the first time? If not, what did you do to modify it? Explain how that
2. If you could make more improvements on your car, what would you do?
3. Describe how the balloon supplied energy to your car.
4. Was it difficult to calculate the average speed of your car? Why or why not?
5. What factors/things influenced the speed of your car?
6. Give TWO tips or pieces of advice to someone who had to construct a balloon-powered
7. What did you learn from building and testing your balloon car?
8. What forces acting on your car affected the design? Explain and draw a free body
diagram of the car in motion.
9. Was work being done? How can you tell?
10. What was the fastest average speed calculated from your car?

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