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A Presentationon

Under the Guidance of,

Dr.P.B.Pankajavalli,.Ph.D., Presentation by,
Assistant Professor, M.Vishnu Monishan,
Department of Computer Science, M.Phil Research Scholar
Bharathiar University.
1 What is IoT

2 Components of IoT
Art of IoT.
3 Applications of IoT.

4 Pros and Cons of IoT

5 Challenges & Solutions of IoT

6 Conclusionof IoT. 2
IoT ?

Internet of Things
 The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects or
"things" embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network
connectivity, which enables these objects to collect and exchange data.

 In simple words, Internet of Things (IoT) is an ecosystem of connected

physical objects that are accessible through the internet.

 IoT is nothing but, the
connectivity of any object at
any time and any where for
interchanging an information.

Working Principle
 Communication and cooperation
 Identification
 Sensing
 Actuation
 Embedded information processing
 Localization
 User interfaces

Components of IoT

1) Sensors

2) Connectivity

3) People & Processes

IoT Application in Health Care

IoT Application in Health Care

IoT Application in Health Care

IoT Application in Health Care

Pros and Cons of IoT
 Pros :-
 Your daily tasks are Automated.
 Less Investment and saves time.
 Enhances personal satisfaction.
 Could get rid of physical work and consequently lesser human work.

 Security
 Privacy
 Lesser Employment of Menial Staff
Challenges by IoT
At present IoT is faced with many challenges, like -

 Scalability

 Security

 Technical requirements

 Technological standardization

 Software complexity
Solutions to the challenges
 Overcoming compatibility issues is a significant IoT hurdle, but emerging
companies are starting to enable increased interoperability through open-source

 Governments and industry bodies need to set standards and regulations for the
various industries to ensure that data is not misused.

 IoT needs strong authentication methods, encrypted data and a platform that
can track irregularities on a network.

 One certainty is that Internet of Things change our lifestyles, It is for
common good, The need is the input and support of technologists and ordinary
people to make it good for individuals and the society.

 However, the risks and disadvantages associated with IoT can be


 By the year 2020, there will be a lot more connected devices than people on earth.

• https://www.i-scoop.eu/internet-of-things-guide/internet-things-healthcare/
• https://www.forbes.com/sites/jacobmorgan/2014/05/13/simple-explanation-internet-things-that-anyone-can-understand/#6e2dc7d01d09
• https://file.scirp.org/pdf/JCC_2015052516013923.pdf
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_of_things
• file:///C:/Users/Munish/Downloads/WSN-672-2017-126-148-2%20(1).pdf
• http://www.iotjournal.com/articles/view?12225/5
• Dhanya.GS et.al “Digital Drainage System Using IOT”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Information Security (IJIRIS), Issue
05, Volume 04 (May 2017
• NaraleYash et al,” Underground Drainage Monitoring System Using IoT”, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and
Innovations in Technology, (Volume 4, Issue 1),2018
• Prof S. A. Shaikh1, Suvarna A. Sonawane2, ”Monitoring Smart City Application Using Raspberry PI based on IoT”International Journal of
Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol 5 Issue VIL, July 2017.
• Prof Muragesh SK1, Santhosha Rao2, “Automated Internet of Things For Underground Drainage and Manhole MonitoringSystems For
Metropolitan Cities.” International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 4, June2015.
• Lazarescu, M.T., "Design of a WSN Platform for Long-Term Environmental Monitoring for IoT Applications," Emerging andSelected
Topics in Circuits And Systems, IEEE Journal on, vol.3, no.1, pp.45, 54, March 2013.

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