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Journal Reading

Odontogenic maxillary sinusitis: A


Guided by:
dr. Shelly Tjahyadewi, Sp.THT-KL

Anindya Koniek Oktaviarum

Maxillary sinusitis of
odontogenic origin

A well-known condition in The Schneiderian membrane is

both the dental and violated by conditions arising
otolaryngology communities from dentoalveolar unit
Maxillary sinusitis of
odontogenic origin



failure to accurately identify a lead to persistent symptomatology and

dental cause failure of medical and surgical therapies
Data bases

Cochrane Library PubMed Science Direct

resulted in 35 articles

10-12% of maxillary sinusitis (MS) cases 30-40% of chronic maxillary sinusitis

have been attributed to odontogenic cases contributes to dental cause
infections of the Promotes the development of
maxillary pos terior periapical or periodontal
teeth odontogenic infection into MS

Sinus membrane
(violated by)
pathologic lesions of
the jaws and teeth

maxillary (dental)
dental and implant
surgery complications
iatrogenic causes

maxillofacial surgery
Etiologi Odontogenic Sinusitis Maxillaris

Iatrogenia Periodontitis Odontogenic

(55,97%) (40,38%) cysts (6.66%)
Tooth engagement

molar region premolar region

(47,68%) (5.96%) Canine (0.66%)

(22.51%) P2(1.98%)


M2 (3.97%)
Clinical Features

sinonasal symptoms headaches Dental symptoms

unilateral unilateral anterior

nasal maxillary tenderness pain

postnasal drip dental


Foul odor
and taste

The panoramic
The Water’s view CT scan

Gold standard
evaluating the relationship
of the maxillary dentition to identifying MS
the sinus, pneumatization, due to its high
and pseudocysts resolution and ability
to discern bone and
soft tissue
resolution of the infection removal of an
prevent recurrence and external dental
complications root from the
sinus cavity,

classical Caldwell-
Luc The functional
endoscopic sinus
surgery (FESS)
classical Caldwell-

Mucocilliary lining is detrimental to

antral lining is completely
replaced by sinus physiology
nonfunctional mucosa

has a high rate intraoperative bleeding, infraorbital

nerve damage

facial swelling, cheek discomfort,

immediate postoperative pain, signifi cant hemorrhage and
temperature elevation

facial asymmetry, facial and teeth numbness or

paresthesia, oroantral fi stulas, gingivolabial
long term wound dehiscences, dacryocystitis, facial pain,
teeth devitalization, recurrent sinusitis, recurrent
polyposis, antral wall sclerosis) complications
The functional
endoscopic sinus
surgery (FESS)

entails middle antrostomy and removal of only irreversibly diseased tissue,

polyps, and foreign bodies through the middle antrostomy window thus preserving
sinus mucosa and function
Oroantral communication (OAC)

rela tively common Successful management depends largely on

complication of dental primary closure of the defect and adequate
surgery medical management

Defect of 5 mm or less generally close

spontaneously in compliant patients.
resorbable barrier, such as absorbable gelatin
Once a sinus communication has sponge (Gelfoam, Ferrosan Inc., Soeborg,
been diagnosed following dental Denmark) and suturing
surgery such as extraction, the size
of the defect must be assessed. Defect is greater than 5 mm, primary closure
is indicated and can generally be
accomplished with standard surgical
techniques such as buccal advancement
fl aps, palatal island fl aps, full- or split-
thickness palatal pedicle fl aps, gold foils, or
buccal fat pad pedicle fl aps
oroantral fistula

an unnatural communication between the mouth and the max illary sinus which
is covered with epithelia and can be fi lled with granulation tissue or polyposis of
the sinal mucous membrane

occurs as a result of extraction of upper lateral teeth, which do not heal by means of a
blood clot but inside which granulation tissue forms, and on the edges narrowing of its
vestibule occurs by migration of the epithelia cells of the gin gival proprie, which cover the
edges of the vestibule and partially grow into the canal

enables the passage of microfl ora from the oral cavity into the maxillary sinus the infl
ammation occurs with all possible consequences
The symptoms during the occurrence of an oro antral fi stula are similar to the
symptoms of oroan tral communication

purulent discharge may When the nostrils are closed with the fi ngers and
drip through the fi stula the patient is asked to blow through the nose, air
may hisse from the fi stula into the mouth

when the patient drinks he feels as

the test with a blunt probe will
though part of the liquid enters the nose from
confirm the existence of a fi
that side of the jaw and occasionally runs out
stular canal
of the nostril on the same side

Caldwell Luc
must be procedure endoscopic
quickly closed surgery
• Judul asli:

• Penulis:
Regimantas Simuntis, Ričardas Kubilius, Saulius Vaitkus
• Diambil dari:
SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and
Maxillofacial Journal, 16:39-43, 2014
Pembahasan Judul dan Pengarang
+ • Jumlah kata dalam judul < 12 kata
(10 kata)

Menggambarkan isi utama • Deskripsi Judul

penelitian, menarik, dan tanpa

• Tempat & waktu penelitian dalam


Kurang lengkap dalam penulisan • Daftar penulis sesuai aturan jurnal


• Korespondensi penulis
Pembahasan Abstrak
Abstrak satu paragraf

Mencakup komponen •+

Informatif •+

Tanpa singkatan selain •+

yang baku
Kurang dari 250 kata (220)
Ringkasan metode
No. Kriteria Ya (+) atau Tidak (-)

1 Jenis dan rancangan penelitian +

2 Waktu & tempat penelitian -
3 Populasi sumber -
4 Teknik sampling -
5 Kriteria inklusi -
6 Kriteria ekslusi Tidak disebutkan
7 Perkiraan dan perhitungan besar Tidak disebutkan
8 Perincian Cara penelitian -
9 Blind Tidak disebutkan
10 Uji statistik -
11 Program komputer Tidak disebutkan
12 Persetujuan subjek (IC) Tidak disebutkan
Ringkasan pembahasan, kesimpulan, daftar
No. Kriteria Ya (+) atau Tidak (-)

1 Pembahasan dan kesimpulan +

didapatkan teprisah
2 Pembahasan dan kesimpulan +
didapatkan dengan jelas
3 Pembahasan mengacu pada -
penelitan sebelumnya
4 Pembahasan sesuai landasan teori +
5 Saran penelitian -
6 Penulisan daftar pustaka sesuai +
7 Tahun daftar pustaka 1996-2012
• Apakah hasil dapat diterapkan pada sampel
Tidak ada subjek drop out.
• Apakah hasil dapat diterapkan pada populasi
Melalui random sampling, sehingga dianggap
mewakili populasi terjangkau.
• Apakah hasil dapat diterapkan pada populasi
target? Dapat.

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