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Ya Allah lanjutkanlah usia

Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia

Adil berdaulat menaungi nusa

memimpin rakyat kekal bahagia

hidup sentosa negara dan sultan

Ilahi selamatkan Brunei Darussalam

Alma Mater Song
Our School our inspiration
Our guide and our love
Moulding us with care we treasure
Your legacy with pride

Like an ocean pouring wisdom

Different countries gathering as one
Seri Mulia Sarjana International School

Through values, patriotism

Excellence in education
Loyal to his Majesty and country
With grateful heart we thank you

Our home of the wise

In your motto we shall abide
Through your guidance, patience, love and care
Excellence beyond compare
Seri Mulia Sarjana International School

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