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Mutiara Dewi Listiyanawati

Gastrointestinal System
• Is Main system to Digest and absorb nutrition
from food.
• Consist of:
– Mouth
– Stomach
– Smal Intestine
– Large Intestine
– Rectum
Intestinal Vili
• The Surface area in Small Intestine is larger
than it appear
• Because it fold into the lumen, and an
additional of vili
• Giving total absorbtive surface up to 300 m2
• Epitel cell of villie is always rapidly turning
Digestion and absorption of
• Carbohydrates are compounds of carbon,
hydrogen and oxygen
• In the ratio Cn:H2n:On
• The basic unit of the carbohydrates is the
sugar molecule or monosaccharide
Classification Of Carbohydrates
monosaccharides oligosaccharides polysaccharides

dextrins starch
extrinsic sugars intrinsic
in free solution sugars

Non Milk lactose trisaccharides non-starch

Extrinsic in milk tetrasaccharides polysaccharides
• normally consist of between three and seven
carbon atoms (and the corresponding number
of hydrogen and oxygen atoms)
• A few larger monosaccharides also occur,
although they are not important in nutrition
and metabolism
• The classes of monosaccharides are named by
the number of carbon atoms in the ring
• using the Greek names for the numbers, with
the ending ‘-ose’ to show that they are sugars.
The names of all sugars end in ‘-ose’.
– Four-carbon monosaccharides are tetroses.
– Five-carbon monosaccharides are pentoses
– Six-carbon monosaccharides are hexoses
– Seven-carbon monosaccharides are heptoses
• The nutritionally important hexoses are
glucose, galactose and fructose.


• There are two important pentose sugars,
ribose and deoxyribose

• Disaccharides are formed by condensation
between two monosaccharides to form a
glycoside bond.
• The reverse reaction, cleavage of the glycoside
bond to release the individual
monosaccharides, is a hydrolysis
• Consist of three or four monosaccharide units
linked by glycoside bond
• Nutritionally, they are not particularly
important, and indeed they are generally not
Reducing and non-reducing sugars
• The term ‘reducing sugars’ reflects a chemical
reaction of the sugars – the ability to reduce a
suitable acceptor such as copper ions
• Chemically, the aldehyde group of glucose is a
reducing agent
Polysaccharides: starches and glycogen
• Starch is a polymer of glucose
• The simplest type of starch is amylose a
straight chain of glucose molecules, with
glycoside links between carbon-1 of one
glucose unit and carbon-4 of the next
• Amylopectin is branch formed by linkage
between carbon-1 of one glucose unit and
carbon-6 of the next
Non-starch polysaccharides (dietary
• Non-starch polysaccharides are not digested
by human enzymes, although all can be
fermented to some extent by intestinal
bacteria, and the products of bacterial
fermentation may be absorbed and
metabolized as metabolic fuels
• Common Non-starch polysaccharides are :
cellulose, hemicelluloses, inulin, pectin, gum
Arabic, alginates, agar and carrageen
GI = Glycaemic Index
• The glycaemic index is the extent and speed
with which a carbohydrate is hydrolysed and
the resultant monosaccharides absorbed
• And can be measured with the increase in
blood glucose after a test dose of the
carbohydrate compared with that after an
equivalent amount of glucose.
Proses metabolisme karbohidrat :

1. Glikolisis
2. Glikogenesis
3. Glikogenolisis
4. Glukoneogenesis
Kenapa metabolisme KH penting?
• Glukosa adalah sumber energi utama
• Kadar Glukosa darah harus seimbang antara
• bila berlebih atau berkurang dari kadar normal
 gangguan kesehatan
• Berlebih  hiperglikemia Glukosa sangat
reaktif  merusak
• Kekurangan  hipoglikemia low batt
 Terjadi di dalam sitosol
 Glikolisis : oksidasi glukosa energi ( ATP )

Aerob Anaerob
( asam piruvat ) ( asam laktat )
 Pada keadaan aerob :
Hasil akhirnya asam piruvat Masuk ke dalam
mitokondria Asetil KoA

Siklus Krebs ATP + CO2+ H2O

• Sintesis glikogen dari glukosa
• Terjadi di dalam hati dan otot
• Reaksi 1 : Mg++
Glukosa + ATP Glukosa 6-p + ADP
Glukokinase / Heksokinase
• Reaksi 2 :
Glukosa 6-p Glukosa 1-p
• Reaksi 3 :
Glukosa 1-p + UTP UDPG + Pirofosfat
UDPG Pirofosforilase
• Proses pemecahan glikogen
• Dalam otot :
* tujuannya untuk mendapat energi bagi otot
* hasil akhirnya : piruvat / laktat sebab gluko-
sa 6-p yg dihasilkan dr glikogenolisis masuk ke jalur
glikolisis di otot
• Dalam hati :
* tujuannya : untuk mempertahankan kadar glukosa
darah di antara dua waktu makan
* Glukosa 6-p akan diubah menjadi glukosa
Glukosa 6-p + H2O Glukosa + Pi
Glukosa 6-fosfatase
• Pembentukan glukosa dari bahan bukan karbohidrat
• Pada mmalia terutama terjadi di : hati dan ginjal
• Substrat :
1. Asam laktat dr. otot, eritrosit
2. Gliserol dr. hidrolisis Triasilgliserol dlm. jar.
lemak ( adiposa )
3. Asam amino glukogenik
4. Asam propionat pd ruminansia

• Glukoneogenesis penting sekali untuk penyediaan glukosa

bila karbohidrat tidak cukup dlm diet
To Be Continued....

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