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Myka Julia Nunez
• 144. “God shows no partiality” since all people have the same dignity
as creatures made in his image and likeness.

Acts 10:34 “Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, of a

truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons”
Rom 2:11 “For there is no respect of persons with God”
• 144. “God shows no partiality” since all people have the same dignity
as creatures made in his image and likeness.
• Incarnation of the Son of God God shows the equality of all people with regard to dignity:

Gal 3:28 “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave
nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in
Christ Jesus”
• No inequality arising from race or nationality, social condition or sex
should exist within the Church (Second Vatican Council, 58)

“The Church actually gathers together Christ's faithful from all

the nations of the world, from the most diverse cultures, who
are led by pastors from their own peoples, all sharing the same
faith and the same charity.”
• 145. Only the recognition of human dignity can make possible the
common and personal growth of everyone by helping the least,
however, there still exist many inequalities and forms of dependence.

Giving of Alms (street children, physically handicapped and sickly people)
• Theo 141: Why the Preferential Option for the Poor is not Optional
by Jack Jezreel
“4. Work WITH the poor as they help themselves”

• Philo 104: Philosophical Implications of Human Labor by Manuel B.

Dy, Jr.
St. Thomas regards work, as good for man because it can cultivate the
virtue of industriousness (Summa Th. I-II, q. 40), controlling his unruly
passions and overcoming idleness.
• St. Benedict’s Rule: “Laborare est orare”

Work is noble as long as one is not attached to the fruits of one’s labor
but offers it to God
• Mater et Magistra, 13

“Enormous riches accumulated in the hands of a few, while large

numbers of workingmen found themselves in conditions of ever-
increasing hardship. Wages were insufficient even to the point of
reaching starvation level, and working conditions were often of such a
nature as to be injurious alike to health, morality and religious faith.
Especially inhuman were the working conditions to which women and
children were sometimes subjected. There was also the constant spectre
of unemployment and the progressive disruption of family life.”
• 147. Woman is the complement of man, as man is the complement of
woman: man and woman complete each other mutually, not only
from a physical and psychological point of view, but also ontologically.
It is only because of the duality of “male” and “female” that the
“human” being becomes a full reality.
Gen 2:16 The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will
make a helper suitable for him.”
21 So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was
sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with
flesh. 22 Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of
the man, and he brought her to the man.
The danger of living in isolation –
study of Ants by Dr. Alessandro

• Study showed that isolated ants lived

just six days, whereas group-living
ants lived up to 66 days.
Paul II

217. The characteristic traits of marriage are: totality, by which the spouses give
themselves to each other mutually in every aspect of their person, physical and
spiritual; unity which makes them “one flesh”

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