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Asymmetric cryptography

• Asymmetric or public key cryptography was invented in 1976.
• By the mathematicians Whit Diffie and Martin Hellman.
• Base of modern cryptography.
• Asymmetric cryptography is the cryptographic method that uses a pair of keys
for sending messages.
• The two keys belong to the same person who sent the message.
• A key is public and can be given to any person, the other key is private
and the owner must keep it so that nobody has access to it.
• In addition, cryptographic methods guarantee that that key pair can only
be generated once.
• It can be assumed that it is not possible for two people to have casually
obtained the same pair of codes.
• Asymmetric cryptography uses two complementary keys called private
key and public key.
• What is encoded with a private key needs its corresponding public key to
be decoded.
• Asymmetric cryptography is based on the use of very large prime
• The process will be safer the larger the size of the prime numbers used.
• Asymmetric cryptography in Bitcoin

• The encryption system with public key is a fundamental part of the Bitcoin
protocol for sending and receiving the bitcoin currency among the system's
• For example, a public Bitcoin key could be this
31uEbMgunupShBVTewXjtqbBv5MndwfXhb since all public Bitcoin
addresses always start with 1 or 3.

• Example of a private key

5Kb8kLf9zgWQnogidDA76MzPL6TsZZY36hWXMssSzNydYXYB9KF. Bitcoin
private keys always start with 5.
Messages are encrypted with a Asymmetric encryption uses two
unique shared key. different keys, or a pair of keys.
Are the algorithms that use a single They are the algorithms that use a
key to encrypt and decrypt the key to encrypt the content and
content another key to decipher it.
To work with symmetric With asymmetric encryption, a
encryption, both people must public encryption key is available to
know the secret word or password. anyone who wants to send you a
message. The second key is one
that only you know.

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