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O What is bad news ?
O How should bad news be delivered ?
O Communication problems when dealing with
incurable and life threatening disease
O Costs to professionals of dealing with dying
patients and their families
O ABCDE mnemonic bad news

O Any news that are drastically and negatively
alters the patient·s view of her or his
How should bad news be delivered ?

O Physiciansneed to individualize their

manner of breaking bad news based
on the patient·s desires and needs.

O Denial
O Collusion
O Difficult
O Emotional reactions
O 0ay be strong coping mechanism
O Relatives may encourage
O 0ay be total (rare)
O 0ay be ambivalent
O Level may change over time
O Explore reasons for collusion
O Check cost to colluder of keeping secret
O Negotiate access to patient to check their
understanding of situation
O Promise not to give unwanted information
O Arrange to talk again and raise possibility of
seeing couple together if both are aware of

O AngerÑ ften misdirected towards health

O ÿ Ñeelings that the illness is a punishment
for past sins
O |eÑBelief that current situation is fault of


O -dentifying patients' concerns brings

professional close to patients' pain
O eelings of helplessness when faced with
insoluble problems
O eelings of failure when patient dies
O -mbalance between work and relaxation
O Risk of emotional burnout


O amiliarize yourself with relevant clinical
O Have the pt·s data on hand during the
O Be prepared to provide basic information about
prognosis and treatment options.
O Arrange for adequate time in a private,
comfortable location.
O -nstruct office or hospital staff that there should
be no interruptions.
O 0entally rehearse how you will deliver the news.
O Script specific words and phrases to use or
O Prepare emotionally.
O Determine the pt·s preferences for what and
how much they want to know.
O Have family members present, at the pt·s
O -f bad news is anticipated, ask in advance who
they would like present and how they would like
the others to be involved.
O -ntroduce yourself to everyone present and ask
for names and relationships to the pt.
O oreshadow the bad news.
O Use touch were appropriate.
O Be sensitive to cultural differences and personal
O Avoid inappropriate humor.
O Assure the pt you will be available.
O Schedule follow-up meetings and make
appropriate arrangements.
O Advise staff and colleagues of the situation.

O Ask what the pt or family already knows and
O Speak frankly but compassionate.
O Avoid medical jargon, use the words cancer or
O Allow silence and tears, avoid the urge to talk to
overcome your own discomfort.
O Proceed at the pt·s pace.
O Have the pt tell you his understanding of what
you have said.
O Use repetition and corrections.
O Be aware that the pt will not retain much of
what is said after the initial bad news, repeat key
O At the conclusion of each visit, summarize and
make follow-up plans.
O Assess and respond to emotional reactions.
O Be aware of cognitive coping strategies
(denial, blame, disbelief, acceptance).
O Be attenuated to body language.
O Be empathetic.
O Do not argue or criticize colleagues, avoid
defensiveness regarding your medical care.
O ffer realistic hope and encouragement about available
O Explore what the news means to the pt.
O -nquire about pt·s emotional and spiritual needs
O ffer referral as needed.
O Use interdisciplinary services to enhance pt care, not to
disengage from the relationship.
O -ssues of transference may arise, triggering powerful

O Despite thechallenges involved in

delivering bad news, physician can find
tremendous gratification in providing a
therapeutic presence during a pt·s time of
greatest need.
OA growing body of evidence demonstrates
that physicians attitude and
communication skills play a crucial role in
how well pts cope with bad news and that
pts and physicians will benefit if physicians
are better trained for this difficult task.

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