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]elcome to EBSCO~ Basic Searching on EBSCO  tutorial. In this tutorial, we will look at conducting
a search from the Basic Search screen of EBSCO .
]e¶ll begin by conducting a Basic Search on  
. Enter your search terms and click 
Or you can view available limiters and expanders by clicking on 
Ônder the 
  , it is easy to limit or expand your search results. You can choose from one of the
available Search Modes and depending upon the databases you have chosen, you may see the ability
to limit a search by Full Text articles, Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals, or a particular publication
that you enter in the field provided. After applying limiters and expanders, click 
A Result List is displayed and defaults to showing All Results. It is easy to limit your results using the
limiters under      on the left. The Result List can also be filtered to view results by
source type, such as Academic Journals, Magazines, or Newspapers, by clicking the checkboxes next
to the desired source type and clicking .
You can print, email, save, cite or export a single result from the Detailed Record when you click on an
article title link. To print, email, save, cite or export multiple results, add them to the folder, then click
the appropriate icon inside the folder. Folder contents can be permanently saved by clicking on the
 link, and then setting up a personalized My EBSCO  folder account at no charge.
At any time, click the ½ link to view the complete online Help system.
|  V•    

]elcome to the EBSCO  Result List tutorial. In this tutorial, we will look at the features of the
EBSCO  result list, including refining your results with limiters and subject clusters.
     to Full Text or Scholarly (Peer-Reviewed) Journals or use the date slider bar to
change the date range of your results. Click   to refresh the result list. To view the entire
list of available limiters, click the    link.
Depending on the database(s) being searched, you may see the ability to limit a search by a
particular publication name, or to those results published within a date range you determine. Once
you have selected your limiter(s), click 
]hen conducting a search, the Result List defaults to showing All Results. To view results of a specific
source type, select the checkboxes for the desired source types and click . Available
source types may include Academic Journals, Magazines, or Books/Monographs. Note that when
selecting source types (or subject clusters), the rest of the screen will be grayed out until you have
made your selections and clicked .
Ôse clusters to further narrow your results by clicking the checkboxes for the desired terms on the left, then
click . Depending on the database(s) searched, results can be clustered by Subjects, Thesaurus
Terms, Authors, Company Names, or Publications. Note that you can select terms and update the result list
for one cluster at a time.
]hen refining your search results using limiters, source types, and clusters, each item is added to the
   found at the top of the left-hand column. Clicking on a hyperlinked subject term within the
Bread Box executes a search for that term only. Clicking on the icon removes the term from the

   and refreshes your search results.

Preview an article¶s a
 by holding your mouse over the magnifying glass icon next to an
article title. This displays some of the article abstract and includes full text icons, when full text is available.
Click the J   link to add articles to the session folder. The session folder is available for
saving items during a single research session. Or you can sign into your personal My EBSCO  folder
by clicking the  link found at the top of the screen to permanently store your results.
If there are images related to the articles in your result list, you are able to preview them by simply holding
your mouse over the thumbnail image. Doing so displays the image on the screen.
Your search history from the current session is available by clicking the 
½   link below the
 field. For more information, see the   
½    tutorial on the EBSCO
Support Site.





You can sort the Result List by a, 

, J , or 
 using the drop-down list at the top. If
you are sorting your results by relevance, each article is given a relevancy ranking indicator bar next to the
J   link.
The î  drop-down menu allows you to set your Result Format, turn Image QuickView on or
off, set the number of results per page, and select your preferred Page Layout.
To place a link to the search in your personal folder, click J    . From the resulting menu,
choose J 
   . From this menu, you can also add all displayed results to the folder,
create an J , copy a persistent link (Permalink) to your search, or click  ! ! to add the
article to your browser favorites or share it via services such as Facebook, Twitter, or Del.icio.us.
The columns on either side of the result list can be collapsed or expanded during your session. To expand
or collapse a column, click on the arrow found at the top of the column.
At any time, click the ½ link to view the complete online Help system.



¦]elcome to EBSCO~ Conducting an Advanced Guided Style search on EBSCO  tutorial. In this
tutorial, we will look at conducting an Advanced Search on EBSCO , using the Guided Style Find
fields as well as applying limiters and expanders.
¦Guided Style searching allows you to simultaneously search for different terms in varying article citation
fields. Begin by entering a search term in the first  field, and then select which field(s) to search
from the drop-down list, such as "#
|  .
¦Guide your search using a second term and choose the J| field to have EBSCO  look within
the full text of all articles for your term.  $You can conduct command line searches using the
appropriate field tags, e.g.,  for Journal Name, in front of the search term in the  field.
¦In the Search Options area, the Advanced Search Screen offers additional search limiters for
increased result refinement. For example, you can limit results to Full Text articles within a specified
date range. Click 
 to view the Result List.
¦A Result List is displayed and defaults to showing All Results. It is easy to limit your results using the
limiters under      on the left. The Result List can also be filtered to view results by source
type, such as Academic Journals, Magazines, or Newspapers, by clicking the checkboxes next to the
desired source type and clicking . You can view your search terms, any applied limiters or
expanders, and selected subject terms in the    above the limiters.
¦ You can print, email, save, cite or export a single result from the Detailed Record when you click on a
title link. To print, email, save, cite or export multiple results, add them to the folder, then click the
appropriate icon inside the folder. Folder contents can be saved by clicking on the link, and
then setting up a personalized (My EBSCO ) folder account at no charge.
¦Click the ½ link to view the complete online Help system.
  V•  J 


]elcome to EBSCO~ Reading an Article on EBSCO  tutorial. In this tutorial, we will look at
the features of the EBSCO  Detailed Record of a Result List item.
A Result List is displayed and defaults to showing All Results. The Result List can be filtered to view
results by specific document type, such as Academic Journals, Magazines, or Books/Monographs,
using the checkboxes in the left column. Click on an article title to view the a
From the column on the left, you can access all available versions of the item you are viewing. This may
include ½| or îa|. You can also execute a SmartText Search for your search terms to
find similar results.
Ôsing the tools in the right column, you can î , , , V, or   your article, as well as
add it to your folder. You can also V   on the article and save it to your personal folder.
Click î ! to access a persistent link to the article, or click  ! ! to add the article to your
browser favorites or share it via services such as Facebook, Twitter, or Del.icio.us.
If enabled by your administrator for HTML Full Text, you may see the option to   to your article using
the Text-To-Speech feature, as well as the option to |   the article into one of several available
Click the îa| link to view the Full Text in the PDF Viewer Tool.
You can return to the result list, refine your search, or download the PDF by clicking the links at the top of
the Viewer. Ôsing the    ! column, you can access other articles from the same issue of
your source or V J   .
Ôsing the icons on the right, you can J 
   as well as  or   the
Click the ½ link to view the complete online Help system.
 V•  0  


]elcome to EBSCO¶s Visual Search tutorial, where you will learn about the key Visual Search screen
features, from conducting searches using the Visual Search interface, Columns and Blocks result list
styles, sorting options for results, and the ability to save articles to a personal folder.
VaV|^J JV½$ Visual Search allows you to search for articles and view the results in two
different styles: Columns and Blocks. Begin searching for articles by entering a search term in the 
field and click 
. Depending on how your library administrator has set the default screen, results
will be displayed in either Columns or in Blocks.
0 %^ | V  |  $ ]hen results are displayed in columns, they appear
shaded in two colors. Results shaded in blue indicate  relevant to your search. Clicking on a
subject will narrow your results even further. Results shaded in green indicate 
  relevant to your
search. If full text is available, it will be indicated in the result listing as either PDF or HTML full text. You
can scroll through the results by holding the pointer over the column and slowly moving it up or down.
  0JV  &J Ja' $ Note the small, white relevancy indicator squares in the article
results. These indicate an article¶s relevancy to your search and correspond to the 
found in the upper right hand corner of the result list. Articles most relevant to your search will appear
with three squares, while articles that are less relevant will have one or two squares.
You can preview an article by clicking on the result list item. Article information will appear in the
  window on the right side of the screen. To view the full citation or access the full text of an
article, click on the   link at the bottom of the summary window.
]hen you select ³More,´ the full citation is displayed. To return to the result list, click on the   found
on the left side of the screen.
Ôsing the results sorting options, you are able to ^   by subject or publication,  
by date or relevance,    "a, or change the a   between Columns and
Blocks styles.
Articles can be collected and saved to a folder for viewing at a later time by clicking and dragging a result
list item over to the V 
 window. Your collected articles will appear as green boxes in the
window. ]hen you are finished collecting articles, click on the J   link in the V 

window. To save your articles beyond this session, be sure to  to your personalized My EBSCO 
0 %^ | V'  |  $ From the a   sorting option, select 
! .
Results will be displayed in the Blocks style in alternating blue and green colored rows. The first block
on the left will indicate the subject, with the related results following.
Blocks style also contains two additional features ± the
   and the   . The

   allow users to navigate around the results, including changing the size of the blocks to
show more or fewer results. The    in the lower right of the screen also allows users to
navigate around the results list by dragging the red square around the map.
½ î$Click on the ½ link to view the complete online Help system.

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