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In Search of Ultimate Success

and Happiness
The Holistic Person
Empowerment System®
(The HoPES ®)
What Success Really Is ?
Success ?
1. Terpenuhinya 7 Dimensi kebutuhan

2. Terberdayakannya 7 Dimensi manusia

3. Perbaikan Menyeluruh & terus

menerus 7 Dimensi Manusia
S-EFT as A Tool for
Peak Performace
• There are many tools & technology for achieving
peak performance :
1. Neuro Linguistic Programing (NLP)
2. Timeline Therapy
3. Hypnotherapy & Self Hypnosis
4. Biofeedback
5. Psychocybernetics
6. Positive Thinking
7. Positive Affirmation
7. Brain Washing (Mass Marathon Training)
8. Silva Mind Method
9. Emotional Intelligence
10. Positive Imagery (Visualization)
11. The 7 habits (8th Habit)
12. Achievement Motivation Training (AMT)
13. Neuro Associative Conditioning (NAC)
14. ESQ
15. etc
How S-EFT Different ?
• Semua teknik ada kekurangan &
kelebihan masing-masing
• Pilihlah yg sesuai dengan keunikan diri
• S-EFT tidak untuk menggantikan teknik
favorite anda, tapi untuk “melengkapi”
S-EFT for
Peak Performance
• Emotional Cleansing
• Spiritual Clearing
• Holistic Empowerment
S-EFT for Success
1. Clearing 7 Blocks
2. Empowering 7 Dimensions
3. Attracting Abundance
The Set-Up Couple:

– Set-Up for Negative Thought, Feeling,

Belief & Conditions

– Set-Up for Positive Thought, Feeling,

Belief & Conditions
S-EFT for Happiness
1. Personal Peace Procedure

2. “LoGOS Vision” Relaxation

3. Living Life of LoGOS

In Search of Happiness

The Meaning of Life

Apakah ?
• Pertanyaan yg paling Mendasar dalam
Filsafat, Psychology & Agama
• Pertanyaan yg menentukan
Kebahagiaan Hidup Kita (Dunia -
The Big 5 Questions
5 Most important & enduring questions
about the meaning of human existence
1. Who Am I ?
2. Why Am I Here ?
3. Where Am I Going ?
4. What is The Meaning of Suffering &
Death ?
5. How Can I Find Significance &
Happiness ?
The Driving Force
Kapan Kita Mempertanyakan Makna Hidup Kita

• Saat Mengalami Penderitaan

– Bangkrut, Sakit Keras, Kehilangan orang
yg dicintai, Musibah besar, Hubungan yg
• Saat Kita Mencari Kebahagiaan &
– Merasa memiliki segalanya tapi tidak
bahagia, Terjebak dalam rutinitas yg
membosankan & tidak bermakna
Live Happily, Die peacefully
• The worse fear is not death, but the
regrets when the time comes for us to
die, that we never really live
• So we need to start searching our
meaning of life.. Then we will live
happily and die peacefully
• Discover your life call, Live your life with
passion, and fulfill all your potentials
Life is LoGOS

Loving God, Blessing Other

Self Improvement
LoGOS Quatum Questions
The 3 Most Valuable Questions
• Mengapa aku bersyukur hari ini ?
(Loving God)
• Apa Manfaatku Hari ini ? (Blessing
• Bagaimana Aku lebih baik hari ini ? (self

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