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 Point

A geometric element that has a specific

location but no size.
 Line
A set of points on a straight path. A line has
no thickness, but it has infinite length.
 Plane

A flat surface that extends infinitely.

 Space
Set of all points.
 Line Segment
A part of a line consisting of two endpoints.
 Ray
A part of a line. It has one endpoint and
extends infinitely in one direction
 Collinear Points A B C
Points that lie in a line.
 Coplanar Points
Points that lie in the D F
same plane.
 Parallel lines
Coplanar lines that do not intersect.
 Intersecting lines
Lines that cross at exactly one point.
 Perpendicular lines
Two lines that intersect at a
right angle.
 Midpoint of a Line Segment
A point that divides a line segment into two
congruent segments.

Right Acute Obtuse
 Complementary Angles
 Supplementary Angles
 Adjacent Angles
 Linear Pair
 Vertical Angles
Write always, sometimes or never to complete
each statement:
1.Two acute angles are__________supplementary.
2.Two acute angles are__________complementary.
3.Two intersecting lines_________form vertical
4.Two obtuse angles are_________complementary.
5.Two right angles are__________supplementary.
6.Two right angles are__________complementary.
7.Linear pairs __________supplementary.
8.Adjacent angles are__________supplementary.
9.Linear pairs are ____________adjacent.
10.Vertical angles are_________congruent.
 Indicate whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE.
1. A point has no width, length or height.
2. A line segment has definite length.
3. A point is defined as a dot.
4. A line has two dimensions.
5. A plane has definite length and width.
6. A plane consists of infinite number of points.
7. Point Y is the endpoint of ray XY.
8. Opposite rays lie on the same line.
9. If rays AB and AC have a common endpoint and
lie on the same line, then AB and AC are
opposite rays.
10. If ray AM and ray AT are opposite rays, then A
lies between M and T.

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