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Let’s get to know ASEAN

Dede Ruspandi
What is ASEAN?
• ASEAN (the abbreviation of the
Association of Southeast Asian
Nations) is a regional organization
that embodies the cooperation
between nations in Southeast Asia
since 1967.
What ASEAN is established?
• ASEAN was established on 8 August 1967 in
Bangkok (Thai capital) by Indonesia, Malaysia,
Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. The
establishment was marked by the signing of
the Bangkok Declaration and commemorated
annually as ASEAN Day.
Video History of Asean
Bangkok Declaration?
• Adam Malik (Foreign Minister of Indonesia)
• Tun Abdul Razak (Deputy Prime Minister
concurrently the Foreign Minister of
• Narciso Ramos (Philippine Foreign Minister)
• S. Rajaratnam (Singapore Foreign Minister)
• Thanat Khoman (Thai Foreign Minister)
Which Countries Become ASEAN
ASEAN has 10 member states
① Indonesia (since August 8, 1967)
② Malaysia (since August 8, 1967)
③ Singapore (since August 8, 1967)
④ Thailand (since August 8, 1967)
⑤ Philippines (since August 8, 1967)
⑥ Brunei Darussalam (since January 8, 1984)
⑦ Vietnam (since 28 July 1995)
⑧ Laos (since 23 July 1997)
⑨ Myanmar (since July 23, 1997)
⑩ Cambodia (since 30 April 1999)
Why is ASEAN established?
• Starting from the desire to create a
peaceful region, the signatories of the
Bangkok Declaration want cooperation to
achieve, inter alia, economic growth, socio-
cultural development, as well as peace and
stability in the region within the ASEAN
What is the ASEAN Motto?

“One Vision, One

Identity, One
What is the Meaning of ASEAN Flags
and Symbols?
• The ASEAN flag represents a stable, peaceful,
united, and dynamic ASEAN. The ASEAN
symbol is in the middle of the ASEAN flag,
while the colors of flags and emblems are
blue, red, white, and yellow; each
representing the basic color of each flag of
ASEAN member countries.
• The blue color symbolizes peace and stability,
red symbolizes spirit and dynamism, white
denotes sanctity, and yellow is a symbol of
• The association of rice groves symbolizes the
hope of the founding figures of ASEAN to join
the association together in friendship and social
solidarity, while the circle symbolizes the unity
What is ASEAN's Goal?
• The goal of ASEAN is to create and
improve, safeguard and overcome mass
• In addition, ASEAN creates cooperation in
trade, investment, employment, poverty
alleviation and development in the region.
• ASEAN also wants to create a
strengthening of democracy, promotion
and protection of human rights, and the
environment, and the creation of a safe
environment from drugs.
• In addition, ASEAN develops human
resources, enhances community
participation and people's welfare.
• The next, ASEAN also fosters its identity
by promoting greater awareness of
cultural diversity and regional heritage,
and continuing ASEAN's proactive role in
cooperation with the speech-partner
countries, countries and international
organizations that are partners of ASEAN
in various fields.
What are the ASEAN Principles?
• In establishing relations among member states,
ASEAN has principles as contained in the ASEAN
Charter, inter alia, respecting the independence,
sovereignty, equality, territorial integrity and
national identity of all ASEAN member countries;
collective commitment and collective
responsibility in promoting peace, security and
prosperity in the region, and rejecting aggression,
threats, use of force or other measures of any
kind that are contrary to international law
• In addition, ASEAN puts forward the
settlement of disputes peacefully, does
not interfere in the internal affairs of
ASEAN member countries, and respects
fundamental freedoms, the promotion
and protection of human rights, and the
promotion of social justice.
Pertemuan apa saja dalam ASEAN?
① Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi (KTT) ASEAN, yaitu pertemuan tingkat tinggi para
kepala negara/pemerintahan negara anggota.
② Dewan Koordinasi ASEAN (ASEAN Coordinating Council), pertemuan para
menteri luar negeri negara anggota ASEAN, sebagai koordinator dewan
komunitas ASEAN.
③ Dewan Komunitas ASEAN (ASEAN Community Councils), yaitu pertemuan
para menteri yang membidangi tiga pilar Komunitas ASEAN.
④ Pertemuan badan-badan sektoral tingkat Menteri (ASEAN Sectoral
Ministerial Bodies), yaitu pertemuan para menteri yang membidangi
masing-masing sektor kerja sama ASEAN.
⑤ Pertemuan tingkat pejabat tinggi ASEAN (ASEAN Senior Officials’ Meeting),
yaitu pertemuan para pejabat tinggi di bawah tingkat menteri negara
anggota ASEAN yang membidangi masing-masing sektor kerja sama ASEAN.
Dimanakah kantor Sekretariat ASEAN?
• Kantor Sekretariat ASEAN berada di Jakarta,
Indonesia dan beralamat lengkap di Jalan
Sisingamaraja Nomor 70A, Jakarta Selatan.
Siapa Sekretaris Jendral
ASEAN saat ini?
Sekretaris Jenderal ASEAN
saat ini adalah Dr. Surin
Pitsuwan dari Thailand,
dengan masa jabatan 5 tahun
(2008-2013). Sekretaris
Jenderal ASEAN dipilih secara
bergiliran dari setiap negara
anggota ASEAN berdasarkan
urutan abjad nama negara
dalam bahasa Inggris.
Apa Tugas Sekretaris Jendral ASEAN?
• Tugas Sekretaris Jenderal ASEAN, antara lain,
membantu pelaksanaan berbagai perjanjian
dan keputusan ASEAN dan memantau
perkembangannya serta melaporkan hasil
kerja ASEAN setiap tahun kepada para kepala
negara/pemerintahan dalam forum KTT
• Selain itu, ia menyampaikan pandangan dan
sikap ASEAN kepada pihak luar ASEAN sesuai
dengan pedoman kebijakan dan mandat yang
• Sekretaris Jenderal juga menjabat sebagai
pejabat Kepala Administrasi ASEAN.
Bagaimana Pembuatan Keputusan
• Keputusan ASEAN dibuat berdasarkan
musyawarah dan kesepakatan negara anggota
Bagaimana Penyelesaian Sengketa di
dalam ASEAN?
• Berdasarkan Piagam ASEAN, penyelesaian
sengketa masalah politik dan keamanan di
dalam ASEAN diselesaikan melalui Dewan
Tinggi dari Traktat Persahabatan dan Kerja
Sama di Asia Tenggara, sedangkan masalah di
bidang ekonomi diselesaikan melalui ASEAN
Protocol on Enhanced Dispute Settlement
Mechanism (DSM).

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