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Mature egg- when the egg cell is fully developed

Ovulation- ready to be fertilized and moves from the ovary.

Menstruation- if the egg does not get fertilized, the lining
of the uterus is shed and flows through the cervix and
Normally, a female releases only one mature egg a month.
 Generally, the female starts to menstruate at
the age of 10-12 years old.

 Itusually continues and ends at the ages of

45-50 years. (Menopause)-the ceasing of menstruation
Days in the cycle Event in the Menstrual Cycle
1-5 • Menstruation
Discharge of unfertilized egg, uterine lining and blood
6-13 • Rebuilding and thickening of the uterine lining
14 • Ovulation
Release of ovum from the ovary
15-25 • Continued thickening of the uterine lining by increasing blood supply and
26-28 • Uterine lining begins to break down
Video 1
Video 2
Pregnancy- The rapid growth and development of a
baby between the zygote stage and birth.
- only one sperm, out of millions of sperm,
can penetrate and fertilize the egg.
 Fertilization-
occurs when the nucleus of the
sperm fuses with the nucleus of the egg cell.

 Zygote- the fused cell of fertilized egg.

Embryo- a ball like form by a zygote
Implantation- it happens about seven days
fertilization, the embryo embeds in the
tissue of the uterine
Placenta- a large disc in the surface of the
embryo and the uterus lining bind firmly.
Fetus- a developing embryo that becomes a clearly
human. It happens by eight weeks after fertilization.
Umbilical cord-
The umbilical cord connects
a baby in the womb to its
It runs from an opening in
the baby’s stomach to the
placenta in the womb.
The average cord is about
50cm (20 inches) long.
Two blood vessels of umbilical cord
 UMBILICAL ARTERY- which carries carbon
dioxide and other wastes from the fetus
to the placenta

 UMBILICAL VEINS- which carries blood

containing Oxygen and food from the
placenta to the fetus

 Oxygen, soluble food, water and salts
passes from mother’s blood to the fetal
 CO2, and nitrogenous waste pass from
fetal blood to mother’s blood
Amnion- a membrane that surrounds the fetus

 The amnion is filled with

amniotic fluid. The amniotic
fluid protects the embryo and
later the fetus by cushioning it
from physical damage
Gestation period- the time for the full
development of a fetus after forty weeks.

Gestation is the period of time between

conception and birth. During this time,
the baby grows and develops inside the
mother's womb.
The three main of birth stages:
1. The expansion of a cervix so that
the baby’s head can pass into the
2. The strong contractions of the
uterus which push the baby out
of the mother’s body
3. Furthercontractions of the uterus
to expel the umbilical cord and
placenta from the mother’s baby

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