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Process Plant Simulation

Total Number of Lectures: 42

Course Instructor: Madhusree Kundu

• Instructional Objectives
On completion of the course

1. The students will be able to develop mathematical models of processes

related to mass, heat and fluid transfer, separation and reaction using
conservation principles.

2. The students will be able to analyze the dynamics of the aforesaid

processes performing dynamic simulation using the
MATLAB/SIMULINK environment which would help them to monitor
an ongoing process and design appropriate controllers for that process
to ensure product quality and process safety.

3. The students will be able to develop data based models using plant
/experimental time series data, which might help them in successful
monitoring and control of a specific process.
Instructional Objectives

4. The students will be able to optimize process for decision making.

5. The students will be able to perform heat and mass integration

through designing effective networks in a process, which might
ensure energy efficient and ultimate zero-discharge process plants.
Course Modules

1. Process Modeling and Dynamic Simulation

2. Data based Models
3. Process Optimization
4. Heat Energy Integration and Mass Integration
Process Modeling and Dynamic Simulation

Unit 1: Introduction to mathematical modeling and dynamic simulation

Conservation principles, Definition of mathematical model and different types
of models and necessity of them, transfer function models, time-domain-
Laplace domain-Z-domain transformation, Dynamic simulation and solvers .
No of Lecture: 1
Unit 2: Development of mathematical models using conservation principles
I. Distillation column,
II. Isothermal and non- isothermal reactors
III. Evaporators
IV. Heat exchangers
No of Lecture: 5

Unit 3: Linearization and state space models

No of Lecture: 3

Unit 4: Dynamic simulation using MATLAB ODE solver and SIMULINK

All the unit 2 models and analysis of their response.
No of Lecture: 1

Total number of lectures: 10

Data based models

Unit 1: Introduction to time series data

Time series data, auto correlation, partial correlation, cross correlation, sampling
continuous signal, reconstruction Of continuous signals from their discrete time
values, conversion of continuous to discrete Time models
No of Lecture: 2
Unit 2: Time series models
AR, ARMA, ARMAX, NRMA, NRMAX, output error models for correlating time
series data
No of Lecture: 1
Unit 3: System identification tool-box in MATLAB
Use of system identification tool-box for correlating time series data
No of Lecture: 2

Unit 4: MVS models

No of Lecture: 5
Total number of lectures: 10
Process Optimization
Unit 1: 5 lectures

Multivariable optimization (Gradient based) both constrained

and unconstrained

 Lagrangian function formation for optimization problem

with inequality and equality criterion
 Cauchey’s Newton method
 Levenberg Marquadtr method

 Writing MATLAB code and implementation of them USING

MATLAB optimtool
Process Optimization
Unit 2: 5 classes

 Genetic Algorithm
 Simulated annealing Algorithm
 Differential Evolution Algorithm

Writing MATLAB code and implementation of them

USING MATLAB GUI based optimtool
Process Optimization

Unit 3: 2 classes

Implementation of optimization functions in real

problems including
wastewater treatment plant
heat exchanger design problem
Parameter estimation in thermodynamic property
correlation /prediction problem

Total 3 units and 12 classes

Heat Integration
Unit 1: Introduction to heat integration
Identifying MER target, Determination of minimum utility by temperature
interval method (TI), composite curve method
No of Lecture: 2

Unit 2: Design of heat exchanger network for maximum energy recovery

Design of heat exchanger network (HEN) using stream matching at the pinch
No of Lecture: 1

Unit3: Reducing the number of heat exchangers in a network

Breaking heat loops
No of Lecture: 1

Unit4: Positioning of Heat engine and Heat pump

No of Lecture: 1

Total number of lectures: 5

Mass Integration

Unit 1: Introduction to mass integration

Minimum usage of MSA using concentration interval method
No of Lecture: 1

Unit 2: Design of Mass exchange network (MEN) for minimum external MSA
Stream matching at the pinch , stream splitting at the pinch
No of Lecture: 2

Unit 3: Minimum number of Mass exchanger in MEN

Breaking mass loop
No of Lecture: 1

Total number of lectures: 5

Essential Reading:
 B. Roffel, B. Betlem, “Process Dynamics & Control: Modeling for
control and prediction. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2006
 Warren D. Seider, J.D Seader, D.R. Lewin, “ Product and Process
Design Principles, Synthesis, Analysis and evaluation” Wiley India,
2nd edition, 2004.
 B.V. Babu, “Process Plant Simulation”, OUP, India, 2004.

Supplementary Reading:
 Seinfeld and Lapidus, “Mathematical methods in Chemical
Engineering” Prentice-Hall-International, Inc., 1978
 B. Wayne Bequette, “Process Dynamics Modeling, Analysis, and
Simulation”, Prentice-Hall-International, Inc., 1998
 William L. Luyben, “Process modeling, simulation, and control for
chemical engineers. ” Second Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1996
 M.Kundu, P. Kundu, S. K. Damarla, A Chemometric Approach to
Monitoring: Product Quality Assessment, Process Fault Detection and
Miscellaneous Applications, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 1 st
Edition, 2017.

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