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‡ Explain the fashion cycle
‡ Discuss the role of fashion leaders
‡ Identify theories of fashion
‡ Discuss difference between
fashion trends and fads

‡ Period of time or life span during which
fashion exists
‡ Style - particular look, shape or type of
apparel item
‡ Fashion ± style that is popular during a
given period of time

‡ Introduction
‡ Rise
‡ Peak
‡ Decline
‡ Obsolescence
O ï
‡ Designs and styles previewed at major
design centers
‡ Limited acceptance by consumers
‡ Fashion leaders
‡ Higher prices
‡ Small quantities produced
‡ Manufacturers adopt designs and
styles to produce with less
expensive fabrics or less detail
‡ More affordable and more
‡ Acceptance by more people
‡ Adaptations and changes
‡ Mass production
‡ Fashion most popular and
‡ Variety of fashion versions
‡ Variety of price levels
‡ Length at this stage
determines if fashion
becomes a classic
i ï
‡ Decreasing demand for the fashion
‡ Fashion has ³oversaturated´ or flooded
the market
‡ Consumers won¶t pay high price for the
‡ Retail markdowns occur
‡ Consumers no longer
‡ Low price
‡ Retailers not restocking
‡ Manufacturers not producing
‡ Rate of movement varies with each fashion
‡ Based on consumer acceptance
‡ Ongoing motion of fashions moving through the
fashion cycle
‡ Classics ± fashion that remain in the rise stage
± Jeans
± ³little black dress´
± Tailored suit
‡ Fads ± fashions popular for short periods of time
± Produced and sold at lower prices
± Easy to copy
± Moves quickly through fashion cycle
± Sudden appearance and disappearance

‡ Consumer acceptance and desire
‡ Economic acceptance - affordability
‡ Social acceptance
‡ Adaptations
± Fibers , fabrics, textures
± Color
‡ Marketing - Advertising techniques
‡ Fashion Leaders

Fashion Trend ‡ Trickle-Down
‡ Direction of Theory
the movement ‡ Trickle-Up Theory
‡ Depends on ‡ Trickle-Across
where the Theory
fashion began
c  ic 

‡ Movement of fashion
starts at the top Fashion trendsetters
socioeconomic status of
‡ Fashion then accepted
³down´ to the general
‡ Oldest and most
Fashion adopters
accepted theory
c   c 

‡ Fashion movement
Fashion adopters
starts with lower
socioeconomic levels
‡ Acceptance by
consumers with higher
± Athletic apparel style
± Jeans Fashion Trendsetters
± Hair style
± Punk style
c  ! 

‡ Fashion acceptance begins among

several socioeconomic groups
‡ All price levels at same time
‡ Quality and lines vary
‡ Most prevalent in 21st century -

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