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1) Definition of Power
2) Details about power structure
3) Women in power structure
National Power
I. Definition of National power
II. Elements of National power
Natural resources
Industrial Capacity
Military preparedness
Polarity of power
Women’s position in Power Structure
i. Power and powerful positions have most often been associated
with men as opposed to women
ii. Women in position of power are women who hold an occupation
that gives them great authority, influence and responsibility.
iii. There are multiple levels of power positions in the government
the local level tp national level
iv. After earning to right to vote , it often took decades for women to
turn out to the polls in number proportional to their male
v. Example of Success
 Bangladesh
 India
 Africa
 Latin America
Challenges faced by women in
National and International sector
i. Socio-cultural factor
ii. Religious factor
iii. Economic factor
iv. Gender roles- patriarchy
v. Challenges within political parties
Policies to increase women’s
a. Equalization of educational opportunities.
b. Quotas for female participation in governing
c. Legislative reform to increase women and
d. Financing gender respossive budgets
e. Increasing the presence of sex –disaggregated
f. Agency of grassroots women empowerment
The benefits of Women;s representation
The goals of equality
The power relations that prevent women from
the most personal to the highly public
• National power
• National power of a nation is dependent upon several factors which are together called components or elements or determinants of national power.
Frankel calls these capabilities or capability factors. Several other scholars prefer to use the name Determinates of national power,. However, more
and more scholars now prefer to use the name factors or elements of national power because no single factor or element is a determinat of national
• Elkements of national power: There are a number of elements of national power. Morgenthau has classified these into two parts 1. permanent 2.
temporary element
• Relatively permanent elements: 1. Geography: The most stable factor upon which the power of a nation depends is obviously geography. The foreigh
policy of a country is determined by its geography.
• 2.Natural resources: The economic life of a state is primarily conditioned by its possession or lack tereof, of natural resources.
• Food
• Raw metarials
3. Industrial capacity: Congo has uranium but it has no capacity to make it use, so this country not powerful, ssame goes for india also
4. Military preparedness- prof,. Larch says the most obvious and immediately available manifestation of national power is military power. Technology
leadership, and quantity and quality of armed forcesmattter here
Relatively temporary:
Polarity of power: Polarity in international relations in a discrimination of the discrimination of power. There are three types of sytems: Unipolarity,
biopolarity, Multipolarity and unipolarity.
Unipolar: The post cold war wolrd in considered as a unipolar world with the United states as the worlds hegemon.
Biopolar: Example of the biopolar system is the cold war when the international system was dominated by two superpowers- the Soviet Union and United
Multipolar: The international systems in nineteeeth century can be described as multipolar with power being shared among number of influential actors.

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