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Management of Corpses in Massive

Muhammad Najib Fajar Fawaid
Rezeky Aulya
Nur Sulmi
Rizkia Amanda
Nadia Anisah Rizar

Supervisor : Dr.dr.H.Taufik Suryadi, Sp.F(K)Dipl-BE

Bagian/ SMF Forensik
FK UNSYIAH/ RSUD dr. Zainoel Abidin
Banda Aceh
Disaster is defined as a serious disruption of the
functioning of society, causing widespread human,
material, or environmental losses which exceed the
ability of the affected society to cope using only its
own resources

Management of the dead is one of the most

difficult aspects of disaster response, as natural
disasters, in particular, can cause a large
number of deaths.
Massive disaster
According to Hadjiiski, a disaster
classified as massive disaster if the
number of casualties is 10% more than
the place capasity that is available in each
regional hospital.
Disaster classification

Natural Disaster: Man-made Disaster:

Flood Bomb explosion
Earthquake Car crash
Avelanche Flight accident
Volcano eruption Ship wrecking
According to Undang Undang Republik
Indonesia No.24 tahun 2007 about
management of disaster

Pasal 4
Penanggulangan bencana bertujuan untuk:
a. Memberikan perlindungan kepada masyarakat dari ancaman bencana
b. Menyeleraskan peraturan perundang-undangan yang sudah ada
c. Menjamin terselenggaranya penanggulangan bencana secara terencana,
terpadu, terkoordinasi, dan menyeluruh
d. Menghargai budaya lokal
e. Membangun partisipasi dan kemitraan publik serta swasta
f. Mendorong semangat gotong-royong, kesetiakawanan, kedermawaan
g. Menciptakan perdamaian dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa,
dan bernegara.
Definition of Corpse
According to Duhaime’s Law Dictionary,
corpse means a dead human body. A
corpse is usually described as a human
corpse, to distinguish it from animals,
and includes any portion of a human
The management of the dead:
after a disaster involves a series of activities that begin
1. the search for bodies
2. on-site identification of the body
3. transfer of the body to the facility serving as the morgue,
4. delivery of the body to family members
5. assistance from the state for final disposal of the body.
DVI (DisasterVictim Identification)
The Scene
Post mortem
information retrieval


Data requiered in identification of
disaster’s victims.
•Last clothes
•Specific identity (birthmark, tattoo, mole, surgical
scar, etc)
•Victim’s Medical record from doctor or dentist
•Blood sample
Management of Information
Otoritas negara memikul tanggung
jawab utama atas penanganan secara
semestinya informasi mengenai
korban tewas dan korban yang hilang
dalam bencana.

Information can be given through :

-announcement board,
Distance from nearest
Number of corpses
water source

4 or less 200 meter

5-60 250 meter

60 or more 350 meter

120 or more/m2 350 meter

Management of the dead is one of the most difficult
aspects of disaster response, as natural disasters, in
particular, can cause a large number of death.
Thank You

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