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Concept of Organization in
Nursing education and
Nursing service
- Dr Mariam Mathew
Principal St. James CoNg, St James Medical Academy, Chalakudy

* *
* Focus points for today's discussion:
* 1. Definition
2. Conceptualization
3. Scope
4. Elements
5. Principles
6. Process of organization -Departmentation
7. Roles and responsibilities - Authority and
8. Types of organization

* 1. Definition of organization:
* Organism

The result of the process of organizing

The process of people working with each other

Effective execution.


Manager accomplish goal

A management function

Based on major principles

A system of cooperative activity.



Two senses –
As a process
As a framework of relationship

* • Core of managerial success – Druker says, “it is the purpose of an
* organization to make a common man to do uncommon things.
• Attainment of objectives
• Organization - a vehicle to release and channel the intellectual and
physical energies of man for achievement of desired goals and results.
• Increases managerial efficacy.
• Growth and Change.
• Adoption of new technology.
• Stimulates creativity.
• Makes good use of human resources.
• Synergism.
• Harmony of interest and personalities.
• Facilitates communication and implementation of plans.
• Achieves both effectiveness and efficiency.
• Meets multiple needs
• Creates values.

* - In the whole world there is no substitute for a
* good organization. A sound form of good
organization is the answer to every business
problem. Kenneth C Towe , “A poor
organization could run a good product into the
ground and that a good organization with a
poor product can run a good product to the
- Andrew Carnegie, “ Take away all our money
our great works our minds and cock ovens but
leave our organization and in a few years I
shall have reestablished my self.”

* 4. Elements: The Components
* Group of persons

Common goal

Division of labor.

Resources organization.

Hierarchy of authority.

Network of relationships

Roles and positions.

Coordination of efforts - Organization is different from Mob, Bernard, “ it’s a system of consciously coordinated
activity. Coordination multiplies individual contributions.

Socio Cultural System

Dependence on environment.

Evaluative leadership

Functional concept

* 5.Principles of organization:
* Specialization
Functional definition
Span of control
Scalar principle
Unity of command
Authority and responsibility.
Absolute responsibility
Unity of direction
Leadership facilitation
Human element
6.Organization process- Departmentation:
• Establishing objectives
• Identifying and classifying the activities
• Grouping into departments or units.
• Collecting human and material resources.
• Assigning work, responsibility and authority
• Designing a hierarchy of relationship.
• Span of control and decentralization.
• Setting up a coordination mechanism
• Monitoring to assess the effectiveness

* 7. Roles and responsibilities - Authority and
-Formal organization is characterized by consciously planned and deliberately
created formal structure
• Meaning of Authority – It is a formal or official power of a manager to obtain
compliance of subordinates by using directions, communications, policies and
• Authority is the life blood of an organization, delegating breaths life into an
• Authority is vested in organizational roles and not around individual
personalities to perform them.
• Authority includes
a) Right to make decisions on the problem situation and issues which are related
to activities assigned to the employees.
b) Right to use resources for performing assigned activities.
c) Right to give orders and instructions to subordinates regarding the work being
performed by them and to seek compliance to given orders.

* Cont..
* Types of Authority:
* I. Positional authority – Based on organization position.
II. Functional authority- Based on expertise and knowledge.
III. Personal authority – Based on persons characteristics, magnetism and charisma.

Span of Authority – Number of people who report to an authority is important.

Delegation – Process of assigning various degrees of decision making authority to

Centralization and decentralization of authority:

• Everything that goes to increase importance of subordinates is decentralization
• Everything that goes to reduce importance of subordinates is centralization.

Need for Decentralization:

a) Growth and development
b) To cope with uncertainty
c) Diversification of activities at the organization.
d) Physical dispersion of administration.

* Centralization (No Delegation)
Advantages Disadvantages

• Unified directions • Decreases efficiency of top

• Simplified organization structure • Underutilization and misuse of
• Powerful top management authority
• Imbalance in organizational structure.
• Economical in operation
• Less effective role of middle and lower
• Integration of Operation level managers
• Effective leadership • Closer supervision and control
• Lack of co ordination
• Inadequacies in organization
• Bureaucratism

* Decentralization (Delegate Authority)
Advantages Disadvantages
* • Top level work load is decreased • Less Top-Management Control
• Prompt decission making • Increases cost
• Efficiency is increased • Lack of coordination
• Training and development of • Less Efficiency
managers • Rivalry among managers
• Growth and diversification • Communication gap
• More effective communication • Lack of adaptability
• Improvement in morale and • Lack of uniformity
motivation • Lack of consistency
• Balanced organization system • Lack of balance between centralization and
• Effective control
• Improved performance

8. Types of Organization:



* Basis Formal organization Informal organization

* Formation Well planned created deliberately Unplanned, originates naturally

Arises on account of delegation of

Emergence Arises due to social relation between people

Official position in terms of authority and

Emphasis People and their relationships is emphasized

Power Positional power Personal power

Focus Authority and responsibility Power and politics

Purpose Created to achieve specific objectives No predetermined goals meet social needs

Official and well defined hierarchy of Unofficial relationship based on situation and
relation emotions

Flows rigid and structure of task authority

Flexibility Loosely structured highly flexible in nature
and responsibility

Source of leader
Delegated by manager Given by group member

Stability More stable Unstable , subject to sentiments of people

* Basis Formal organization Informal organization

Communication Formal channel of communication No fixed pattern of communication

Guideline Rule laws policies to guide employees It has social norms to guide behaviors

Leadership Manager prone Informal leaders

Use rewards and penalties to control

Control Source of control is social sanction

Nature For technological purpose Reflects human aspect of social satisfaction

Size Grow to immense size Tends to remain small

Very essential to meet wants and

Necessity Not essential for working of enterprise
needs of society



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